The most special time for myself. Me time is a very important schedule I don’t want to get distracted on. It’s the time where I enjoy my own company. My phone is on mute, DND ( Do Not Disturb). A time where I can relax my mind , refresh and reconnect to myself and feelings. There are a lot of activities I choose to do at this very moment.
Take myself out
In my “me time”, I try to take me out. This isn’t regular but once a while due to my financial level. Mostly within the end of the month, when my salary has been paid. I use at least 10% of my salary to enjoy myself. It could be going to a restaurant to enjoy delicious meals or going to the spa or a recreational place. Pampering myself is something I yearn to do all my life. I’m hoping that when things change and I can afford holiday trips for myself, I would roam around the world just by myself. I work so hard and I deserve a baby girl treatment.
During “me time”, I like to sketch anything. I look around my environment and sketch whatever my mood puts me to. I mostly like sketching with a pen, because I’ve a pen in my handbag wherever I go.
Movie and music
People call me a movie freak. I can boldly say I have watched 80% of Netflix movies. Right now I have slowed down a bit with movies because of work. I return home at 7pm and take my supper, before I on my laptop to watch a movie, I’d already be yawning. I sleep after watch just one episode since I would have to wake up early the next day for work.
Before I used to work, I could watch three different movie series simultaneously. Instead of completing one movie series and moving to another. Yeah that’s how much I get attached to my movie. Most especially sitcoms are my favorites. I like to laugh, makes me forget my worries. I enjoy watching my movies while taking snacks. I feel it’s illegal to be watching and not chewing😂.
As for music, I mostly listen to them during work with my AirPods on. Sometimes while I’m doing an activity, like drawing, working out, cooking, ironing, washing or cleaning my room. In this moment, I enjoy cool songs from musicians like Khalid, Dean lewis, Jonah kagen, Givēon among others. Hence I have a music playlist prepared for these activities. I recently added listening to podcasts too. I enjoy the motivational and comedy podcasts.
I choose to reach out to a book or a Quran. These two have really helped shaped my life. They have broaden my knowledge and perspective on life. It has revealed a hidden talent for absorbing positive knowledge and emotions. Most of my books have been borrowed, I wonder when I would get them back, I might not even get them back.
All in all, people around me know I don’t joke with my me time. I’ve fought a lot of silent battles with just me by myself. I’ve worked so hard to come this far. I want to thank me for believing in me. Thank me for holding up with me. I promise to always consider my happiness and peace of mind first. I promise to work on myself to be my best self always.