We could be friends, but when it comes to work, standard operating procedures should be applied - WE153

in #hive-168869last year

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As many say, Money is the cause of all evil, and many get tempted. Years of working not only once I knew a certain workmate getting involved in such. There are many reasons, but I could say only 1% is due to being torn between life and death. Mostly, it was because of lifestyle! Spending more than what they earned.

I mentioned in my previous blogs that I'd worked in the Audit department for three years before transferring to Finance. Thus, my job was still safeguarding company assets, Risk Management and Control.

To ensure that we work not in bias, the company changes our branch assignment yearly as someone in Audit.
That was when I was still assigned to the branch. While conducting a Spot audit in one of the store outlets, I found some discrepancies.

I don't know how it happened, but the Officer in charge tampered the total amount of the electric bill before sending it to the main office for approval.

They had been doing this for years, and when I summed up the total amount after coordination with the lessor? It was already huge! Not only that but payments of the direct dealers weren't paid in their account as even the issued Trust receipt agreement was fabricated. What disappointed me, my former teammate was involved. He knows what's happening, yet; he didn't dare to report it as he benefited from it.

I remembered the OIC threatened me at some point and sarcastically addressed me as MADAM in the explanation letter she sent. They even blocked me on their social media accounts as if I cared. That was my second branch assignment, and four of my co-workers were terminated within two months of staying. Why? I submitted a written report in our main office, and after a due process done by the Legal and Human resources, that was the resolution.

However, I couldn't understand why they got mad at me. They called me plastic as I acted friendly yet didn't think twice about reporting them. Cause why not? That is my job, and even if not, I would still inform the in charge. Also, I am the type of person who separates friendships at work. Yes, we could be friends outside our working place, but when it comes to work? Work is work; standard operating procedures should be applied.


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Letting a workmate continue doing what is not supposed to especially stealing, will result in a significant risk in the future. It may be started in a small amount but eventually will accumulate a material until it reaches millions. Then what? This will be a loss to the company assets that will lead to a negative impact. It varies in the line of business, but if the stealing involves client money, this could tarnish the company's reputation. Sales and the owner's trust in all employees will be affected. Those who are working diligently with all honesty will be the ones to suffer.

Hello Hivians, this is my entry in @galenkp Weekend-Engagement - 153.

Confront, report or ignore
You witness someone at your workplace stealing Money from the company you both work for. What do you do? Confront them, report them to the boss, or remain silent? Explain your choice and the ramifications that could come from it. Write 300+ words using images you photographed personally where possible.

If you want to join, check it here.

Lead image was edited using Canva
Image source: WWW.pexels.com

Footer credit to Sensiblecast


I agree with you ate. Be professional at work and separate the friendship with your co-workers. Especially, if something like this happened that put the company at risk.

Yes, though mahirap siya Gawin at iba di nila naintindihan..but me? Would still stick to what is right

Like they always say, we go to work to earn money, not to make friends. It's a bonus if we find friends among colleagues but still, work is work. It should not be personal.

Exactly, sometimes having a close friend at work will only create conflict as the delivery of output becomes biased. 🤣

And aside from this, I hate those co-workers with high positions at work that still act superior even not in the working place.🤣

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😄 This is something I learned quite late in life that co-workers friendship is quite a risky relationship. For the most part, they're not your friend and we're all in this to make money. They probably have friends outside of work and so do we. Also, taking confide in co-workers and anything beyond "work" is just not something I'd do. But like you, work is work.

Same, aside from this the reason why I don't make friends at work was, they will eventually leave.
Everyone is seeking a better opportunity and looking for greener pastures. You will just feel sad if you will be left behind or you will be the one leaving 🤣😜.
So much better to maintain a professional relationship or yes could be friends but not that close*

And it's hard to trust at work sometimes, you'll never know who is back stabbing and there is what we call credit grabbing 🤣

I can relate to this Te Lhes as someone who do the auditing and compliance stuff every nook should be well accounted. Hirap kaya mag reconcile ng libro and sino ba ang puputukan if ever na mali-mali yung nangyayari.

Haha sabon wala banlaw 🤣.

Bravo! I commend you for doing that. Too many people want to just ignore such activities or hide in the shadows even if they know it is wrong. Why? Mostly because many are afraid to speak up and be bullied by those who do wrong. This is why corruption is rampant.

And also, when people do the wrong things and you expose them, they will always, always gang up on you and spew hateful words and spread it to their co-conspirators/teammates so you will be blocked and treat you like you are the most evil person in the world for pointing out something they did wrong. How ironic right? Such is life but nevermind them. In the end, we are all responsible for our own souls anyway. 😉

Exactly and they will make you feel you don't belong in the group 🤣.
As if you are making up stories and just accusing them 🤣