That day didn't start how we expected it, our car got towed by the police, because we didn't see the sign that there was going to be a Marathon on that weekend in Berlin.
Had to be that day, the 60th Birthday of Mazin's (@growandbow) mother... and us being more than one hour away from her...
That day, that birthday, a reason why we actually had to cancel the so expected and wanted @hivefest event in Mexico.
I genuinely do not want to focus on the unexpected, annoying things that happened. But the transformation of it.
It is very common (more among villagers) to make a fire at every gathering, and I love to take those opportunities to do my small rituals, to close cycles, and give back to nature, using the fire.
That day, was the Equinox, the time to say goodbye to the experiences we lived in summer to connect with the new energy of autumn.
Therefore, Mazin's sister and I decided to make our own improvised ritual to close to the past and open the new period.
This time, she brought 4 glasses with spices connected to the elements. One can purchase it from the website of Practical Magic, or create their own mixes.
I would like to share what we did with them, and how we connected it to our own ritual.
We decided to organize them like this: 1.Earth 2.Wind 3.Water 4.Fire
All for a specific reason, then we lit up coal to place the herbs on it.
My idea was to write in a paper an intention related to the element and burn it in the big fire together with a little bit of the herbs.
It didn't go quite like this, because we decided to "talk the intentions" and every time we would say something belonging to another element, we would throw some herbs in the fire.
I will explain the details further:
Earth power (erdenkraft):
Was the first one, to be grounded.
With energetical work, it is always important to focus on how we live our lives and experiences.
We connected with GRATITUDE.
Therefore with these herbs, we connected and talked about the things we were grateful at that moment.
The mix of herbs for this one:
Sandarac resin, cedarwood, monk's pepper, patchouli herb and ground tonka beans.
Air vortex (luftwirbel):
For this one, we shared the INTENTIONS that we want to send to the universe, in order to create projections of them and make them true.
What we want to create in our reality.
The mix of herbs for this one:
Dammar resin, angelica seeds, elderflower, elecampane root, camomile flowers, and aniseed.
Waterfall (wasserfall):
Here the focus was more on our personal development.
We focused on the characteristics in our personality that we want to INTEGRATE.
The mix of herbs for this one:
Sage leaves, lavender, mistletoe, mallow flowers and camphor resin.
Fire dance (feuertanz):
LET GO on that what no longer serves us. That, what we don't want to carry in our bags for the next season.
The mix of herbs for this one:
Red sandalwood, Damiana herb, orange blossom, ginger root, cloves and dragon's blood resin.
Note: The work with plants is intuitive, you don't have to use what I am sharing here, but plants that are close to you, from your garden or area, those ones that you connect with, personally.
That way of finishing the day was so nourishing for both of us.
Next to us, there were our friends and Mazin playing the guitar, it helped us to focus on the great picture and to transform what we see as bad as an opportunity to grow.
Giving it its time and attention, to end up transmuting the energy.
To end the post, I would like to share that my mother reminded me that, 23/09/2023 is when my brother 🙏 would have turned 50 if he had been here. Quite of an emotional day altogether.
Thank you for reading.
Tell me, did you make your own version of welcoming the autumn (or spring depending on where you are in the world) I would love to read you.