A weekend at my University.....

in #hive-1688692 years ago

I am a uni student and I have been at home for 3 months, eating, sleeping, repeating chores, errands and the cycle continues, on Monday the strike was extended to an extra 3 months 😩.



These pictures were taken in my room by me, the person next to me is my roommate Ruth, I miss her and the rest of my roommates, we've created lots of memories together.

I remembered a weekend we all spent together, it was a Saturday we were in our mid semesters and we were so broke (in my country not having enough money at a period of time is referred to as being broke), we were so hungry and all we wanted was to eat, we don't eat or even cook together prior to this, we just respected our space. We started asking each other what we had in our wardrobe that we could use to prepare a meal, and we ended up preparing Spaghetti with Tomato sauce, it tasted so nice... Within the next few minutes we made the meal and forgot we were even hungry 😂.
This cooking created a bond amongst us, we learnt that we could eat together and still respect each others boundaries.



We started going out together during weekends, BOLE is a meal prepared by roasting yam, plantain, potatoes, fish garnished with a pepper sauce, We had a big field where some chefs came to show off their skills in preparing Bole, some activities are held in my school during weekends because those are the only times, we could be free from studies, Myself and Ruth attended this festival we had so much fun together. I lost clips from that day but the memories remains.

Schooling in general is not just about the knowledge we're there to get from our books, I believe there's more to learn like; Adjusting and compromising, Spirit of team work, Respect and Self-respect, and the value of sharing.

The Federal Government and ASUU (The union in charge of university bodies) are to hold a meeting today, I really hope the issue is resolved and we're permitted to resume schools, so I can see my roommates again because I really miss them.

Thanks for reading my blog 😊
See you next time.


There's more to school than just reading, younger exposed to a lot of new things and learn more.
We keep hoping everyday that the strike be called of I pray it doesn't take too long.

I pray so too 🥺

Schooling in general is not just about the knowledge we're there to get from our books, I believe there's more to learn like; Adjusting and compromising, Spirit of team work, Respect and Self-respect, and the value of sharing.

You are so right! I remember my Uni days, I learnt more about life than I did learning for my degree hehe and roommates were a great thing to!

I heard the strikes got extended again, that really sucks, I am sorry for you.
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend:)

Thank you and enjoy your weekend too 😊

I will and thank you

Aww I wish I could go back to school as well, I miss my friends so much :(
I thought they would call off the strike, only for them to extend it chai.

You mentioned bole festival, one thing that came to my mind was Portharcourt.
Do you school there?

I hope it will be called off soon 🥺
I live in Port Harcourt but I school at UNN.

Close! I school at uniport actually lol I thought I found a school mate.
Thank God for this platform for keeping us busy this period

Seriously though, what would I have been doing 😂
We're still quite close cause I'm currently at PH.

Hehe maybe someday we might jam

Lol... it's a small world.
Nice meeting you 🤗

Likewise friend 💗

hmmm so the Bole festival is at PortHarcourt, darn I don't remember that from when I was there, my memory must be going doolally haha
@maureena when I was working there in the oil industry I gave three talks to some of the students, so friendly people there@_

Bole festival is an occasional event, I think it happens once every year. Right? @maureena
So maybe you missed it haha. When we’re you in Portharcourt?

Yea I probably missed it, oh I was there a few years ago on and off.

Such a small world. 😂

There world is just a global village:)

Yeah, it's an annual event and always worth your time.

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?