Weekends are days to be enjoyed after a successful and rough week.Whenever I plan to stay home to enjoy the weekend there is always one or two things that adds up . yet I try my possible best to have an ideal weekend.
I really appreciate @glankp for this wonderful topic options,they are all tempting but one can only write about just one.
My content today will base on one of the topic options that brought about my most enjoyable weekend activity .
This is really a nice topic ,so from my many enjoyable activities.There was a time myself and fellow friends went to celebrate a traditional wedding with one of our friend .The wedding was on a Saturday and we friends of the husband put on white agbada while our friend getting married put on a purple agbada.
The wedding started early Saturday morning,we started with introducing guest at the event including men of God,then after a while they usher in the groom,we all friends danced along with him rejoicing to the stage.On getting to the stage we where asked to drop some cash being the groom's friend,we did and they keep asking for more like they want to drain the source.
Well , after that, they called the bride in and she danced in with her maids.
It was a very wonderful and life experiencing event.After that the DJ played song and we all danced and ate to the bream .
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