[WE96]🍴Sweet food. My recipe for tiramisu, my favorite cake./[WE96] 🍴Comida dulce. Mi receta de tiramisú, mi torta favorita

in #hive-1688693 years ago

Sweet food. My recipe for tiramisu, my favorite cake

Hello everyone, as always our friend @galenkp with his fascinating ideas for the weekends. I love this weekend's one, I really believe that we all have prepared a dessert at some time or simply something has happened to us in the kitchen (I have had accidents on two occasions, one funny and the other not so funny). It has been difficult for me to decide which topic to develop, I would like to participate in two, but I know I have to decide on one.
So I will select the second one. I am passionate about cooking, and much more about baking. I love making cakes and I love inventing, trying new flavors and ingredients.

I particularly like cold cakes, I think all of them, but my favorite is Tiramisu. This cake is made in layers and filled with a cream cheese filling. I like it because I think it tastes so fine and creamy that the palate feels an explosion of unique flavors when the cream cheese and the sponge cake are mixed with the touch of coffee. I think the taste is very pleasant for me. This cake can be prepared with sponge cake or with soletillas.


There are many ways to prepare tiramisu, sometimes from very quick recipes without oven, to more complex ones where it is made from sponge cake. The recipe I like to prepare is a little more elaborate, because I like to make and bake the sponge cake. And the cream cheese is usually made with whipping cream and Philadelphia type cheese. Although the original recipe uses mascarpone cheese. I usually use cream cheese because it is the one available in the stores in my country. (Philadelphia cheese usually has a lower fat content).

Now I share with you my recipe for my favorite cake: Tiramisu.

For the cake
10 eggs
250 grains of flour
250 grains of sugar
Vanilla to taste

For the cream cheese
500 grams Philadelphia type cream cheese
2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
Vanilla to taste
200 grams of whipped cream (chantilly)

For the pastry syrup
½ liter of water
10 tablespoons of coffee
Approximately 300 grams of sugar
Coffee liqueur (optional)

Cocoa to decorate
Special couverture chocolate, this is optional, with it I made the figures to decorate by melting in a bain-marie and then I made the figures with a piping bag and placed them on waxed paper, let them cool and then unmold them.


Preparation of the cake
Separate the egg whites from the yolks and add the vanilla to the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff with an electric mixer, then add the sugar little by little, and then add the yolks without beating too much. Finally you must incorporate the flour with a manual paddle, you must do it with enveloping movements.

In a tray type plate (they must be delegated), you must spread some butter or a greasy medium and then place waxed or waxed paper that is done so that it does not roll. Add in this paper the prepared mixture and bake for a few minutes (approximately 12 minutes), do not let it toast, the cake should be soft. Let it cool and cut the sponge cake sheets (approximately 4) and then flatten them a little with a rolling pin.

Separately, prepare the cheese cream.

Whip the cream until it doubles or triples in volume.
Separately, mix the cream cheese with the sugar and vanilla and finally add the whipped cream. And our cream cheese is ready. Set aside.

To prepare the pastry syrup with which we must moisten the cake, boil the water with the sugar and the coffee. When it boils it is strained and then it is mounted again to low fire leaving it to boil a few minutes until it thickens a little, it is retired of the fire it is let cool and ready the pastry syrup is already prepared. If you wish, you can add a little coffee liqueur. But this is optional.

To make the tiramisu we start with the sponge cake sheets, I mentioned that we must cut at least 4 and flatten them a little with a rolling pin. Then in a tray where we are going to assemble the final cake, we place the first layer of sponge cake, we moisten it with pastry syrup, then we add cream cheese until the first layer is covered. Then again place another layer of sponge cake, moisten with the syrup and then cover with the cream cheese. Repeat this until the sponge cake layers are finished.
Finally, cover with cocoa powder, this one I decorated with some figures made of chocolate frosting.

After adding the cocoa powder, this particular cake I placed the butterfly-like figures I made with the cocoa frosting, added a little cream cheese frosting and put some strawberries to decorate it and make it look more attractive.

This is my mother's favorite cake.


And enjoy our tiramisu.

The photos are my property taken with my Samsung phone.

I hope you can make it, you will really enjoy a delicious dessert.

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**Comida dulce. Mi receta de tiramisú, mi torta favorita **

Hola a todos, como siempre nuestro amigo @galenkp con sus ideas fascinantes para los fines de semana. El de este fin me encanta, realmente creo que todos en alguna ocasión hemos preparado algún postre o sencillamente nos ha ocurrido algo en la cocina (a mí en dos ocasiones me han ocurrido accidentes uno gracioso otro no tanto). Se me ha hecho difícil decidir que tópico desarrollar, quisiera participar en dos, pero sé que debo decidirme por uno.

Entonces seleccionaré el segundo. Me apasiona la cocina, y mucho más la repostería. Amo hacer tortas y amo inventar, probar nuevos sabores e ingredientes.

A mi particularmente me gustan las tortas frías, creo que todas, pero mi favorita es el Tiramisú. Esta torta es elaborada en capas y rellena con una crema de queso. A mí me gusta porque primero su sabor me parece tan fino y cremoso que en el paladar se siente una explosión de sabores únicos cuando se mezclan la crema de quesos y el bizcocho con el toque de café. Creo que para mí es muy agradable el sabor. Esta torta se puede preparar con bizcocho o con soletillas.

Existen muchas maneras de preparar tiramisú, en ocasiones desde recetas muy rápidas sin horno, hasta unas más complejas donde se elabora desde el bizcocho. La receta que me gusta preparar es un poco más elaborada, porque a mí me gusta hacer y hornear el bizcocho. Y la crema de quesos suelo hacerla con nata para montar y queso tipo Philadelphia. Aunque la receta original lleva queso mascarpone. Suelo utilizar queso crema porque es el que se consigue en las tiendas de mi país. (Por lo general el tipo Philadelphia suele tener menor contenido de grasa).

Ahora les comparto mi receta de mi torta favorita: Tiramisú

Para el bizcocho
10 huevos
250 granos de harina
250 granos de azúcar
Vainilla al gusto

Para la crema de queso
500 gramos de queso crema tipo Philadelphia
2 cucharadas de azúcar glas
Vainilla al gusto
200 gramos de crema sobre montada (chantilly)

Para el Jarabe pastelero
½ litros de agua
10 cucharadas de café
300 gramos de azúcar aproximadamente
Licor de café (opcional)

Cacao para decorar
Chocolate cobertura especial, éste es opcional, con él hice las figuras para decorar derritiendo en baño de maría y luego hice las figuras con manga y las coloque en papel encerado, se dejan enfriar y luego se desmolda.

Preparación del bizcocho
Separar las claras de las yemas a éstas últimas agregar la vainilla. Batir las claras a punto de nieve con una batidora eléctrica, luego agregarle poco a poco el azúcar, y seguidamente incorporar las yemas sin batir demasiado. Por ultimo debe incorporar con una paleta manual la harina, debe hacerlo con movimientos envolventes.

En una bandeja tipo plancha (deben de ser delegada), debe untar algo de mantequilla o un medio graso y luego colocar papel encerado o parafinado eso se hace para que no se ruede. Agregar en este papel la mezcla preparada y hornear por unos minutos (aproximadamente 12 minutoa), no se debe dejar tostar, el bizcocho debe quedar suave. Dejar enfriar y cortar las planchas o láminas de bizcocho (aproximadamente 4) y luego aplastarlas un poco con un rodillo.

Aparte se debe preparar la crema de quesos.

Montar la nata, hasta lograr que doble o triplique su volumen.
Aparte debe mezclar el queso crema con la nevazúcar y la vainilla y de último se le agrega la nata montada. Y ya está lista nuestra crema de queso. Reservar.

Para elaborar el jarabe pastelero con el cual debemos humedecer el bizcocho, se coloca a hervir el agua con el azúcar y el café. Cuando hierva se cuela y luego se vuelve a montar a fuego bajo dejando que hierva unos minutos hasta que espese un poco, se retira del fuego se deja enfriar y listo ya está preparado el jarabe pastelero. Si desea puede agregarle un poco de licor de café. Pero esto es opcional.

Para elaborar el tiramisú comenzamos con las láminas de bizcocho, les mencioné que debemos cortar por lo menos 4 y aplastarlas un poco con rodillo. Luego en una bandeja conde vayamos a montar la torta final, allí colocamos la primera capa de bizcocho, la humedecemos con jarabe pastelero, luego le agregamos crema de queso hasta cubrir la primera capa. Luego nuevamente colocar otra capa de bizcocho humedecer con el jarabe y seguidamente cubrir con la crema de queso. Repetir esto hasta terminar las capas de bizcocho.
Por último se debe cubrí con cacao en polvo, ésta yo la adorné con unas figuras hechas de chocolate cobertura.

Después de agregar el cacao en polvo, ésta torta en particular coloqué las figuras parecidas a una mariposa que hice con la cobertura de cacao, le agregué un poco de crema de queso y le coloqué unas fresas para decorar y se viera mas atractiva

Esta es la torta favorita de mi madre.

Y a disfrutar nuestro tiramisú.


Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung.

Espero puedan elaborarla, de verdad van a disfrutar de un rico postre.


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THE WEEKEND community thanks you for supporting the #weekend-engagement concept week ninety six [WE96] a concept by @galenkp. Have a great weekend.

The image belongs to @galenkp

Hello @nels23

What fantastic looking Tiramisu! I would pay top dollar for a slice of that! You make beautiful food art and I'm sure it's delicious too. Now I'm going to go raid my fridge for something sweet because you got my mouth watering.

Thanks for a lovely post!

Hi, Thanks @andrastia for reading my post, I'm glad you liked it. Really the tiramisu is out of this world. very pleased that my post was to your liking, if you were around I would have already offered you a piece. Thank you very much

Oh Gosh mouth watering right now...I would LOVE a piece of that tiramisu, it looks delectable. I will have to try make it some time, I've never made tiramisu before so you've challenged me 😁

I hope you send me a photo of the final result, I'm sure it will be very good. happy evening.

I'll do a post on it for sure! It's going to be amazing Thanks for the inspiration ❤️

Tiramisu is one of my favorite cakes. This is one we rarely find in bakeries these days.
Yours looks perfect! Congratulations for your skills. My mouth watered just following the recipe 🙃

Thank you for visiting my post, I agree with you it is really exquisite, and yes it is true, it is very difficult to find it in bakeries. If you have the opportunity and you like cooking, I invite you to make my recipe.

WOW excelente, eso se ve súper delicioso, muy buena receta y el dulce es espectacular. Es tal cual como lo dices, un dulce fino y con una mezcla de sabores, muy exquisito. Gracias por tu increíble publicación

Hola, gracias por leer mi post, me alegra que te haya gustado.