The 3 Most Important Skills To Have In Apocalyptic World

in #hive-1688695 months ago

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Apocalypse simply means destruction, disastrous, or ruin, and it is often related to the end of the world.

I have seen in movies and read in books about the apocalypse, so I feel familiar with the occurrences that may come with it.

In real life, there are several wars, draughts, and natural disasters that give rise to apocalyptic feelings. These moments are often filled with fear, uncertainty, and a sense of devastation. But I wouldn't fail to point out my observation that people always survive it. In the midst of this chaos, there are people who die and people who survive to tell the story to the next generation. This can be better explained with the common term "survival of the fittest.".

However, an apocalyptic world is something I would never want to experience, not even in my next life.The stories my grandma told me about the Biafra War in my country could be considered apocalyptic, and it isn't a nice story. She lost her husband, her second brother, and her friends in the war. Many people died out of malnutrition, and what kept her and her family alive, according to her, were the spices in her garden and the preserved salt in a bicycle tube. But this is not what this post is about, so let's move on to answer this question from @galenkp

In an apocalyptic world in which society as we know it has completely broken down (no power, running water, government, law, fuel, etcetera), what would you say the three most important skills or things to have would be, and why?


In an apocalyptic world like this, there is a struggle for survival. And it's unfortunate that the people who always survive it are the skilled ones, so I would say that the most outstanding skill to have would be the skill of adaptation.

The ability to adapt to the new environment and accept things the way they are instead of wishing for death would give an open mind for proper thinking on how to cope with the situation at hand.

These adaptability skills include the ability to make good use of the available natural resources in the absence of man-made ones. These range from the ability to start a fire with stones, making shelter with wood, hunting games, and first aiding with herbs.
The ability to read signs from nature (which were only used by our ancestors), would also be important here. And above all, an optimistic and positive mindset.


In an apocalyptic world, there would be a scarcity of resources. Therefore, the second skill I'd consider would be the skill of resourcefulness.
This involves the ability to make the most of what is available while at the same time finding creative solutions to arising problems. This would help in cases of a scarcity of good drinking water.
DIY skills, recycling skills, and living on minimalism are included here.

From the apocalyptic movies that I've watched, the people who survive most are the people who appreciate the benefits of teamwork. In relation to this, I would say that a strong sense of community would become an important skill necessary for survival.


When people come together to form a team, there's a feeling of comfort, emotional stability, support, and physical strength. Different people with different experiences will have different skills and ideas, which could make apocalyptic life less difficult.
Building a strong sense of community requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to work together. This, as we all know, is a skill that most people don't have.

Thank you very much for reading.

Please feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comments section.

Until We Read Again


Good skills to have indeed, how do you think you'd cope in such a world?

Honestly, I don't know how else I'd cope than to rely on these skills:)

How about you? How would you cope?

I'd thrive, I have a lot of relevant skills. I hope it happens.

Of course, I know you to be very smart and skilled unlike some of us. But please, don't hope for it, you may not be able to protect your loved ones.
Thinking about it alone is scary😂

It seems like the next Airbender. Hehehe