Some accidents are memorable forever

in #hive-1688692 years ago

Do you believe, Accident is always a matter of luck ?


I believe most of the people in this universe has faced some sort of accident. But there are few who probably did not. So if one never faced an accident, do we call him lucky ? or it's purely based on One's action ? This Weekend-Engagement posting topic is all about accidents with quite a lot of different prompts - possibly many of us would find one to write about. My post is about my first vehicle accident that is memorable forever. And it was not a matter of luck, it happened because of someone else's mistake.

It was in 1991 at my native place, and we had a Bajaj Chetak scooter then - the flagship scooter that ruled the Indian market for more than three decades. I was going to market to bring some groceries. On our way, we have a point, where two roads meet and then it goes to the city. The roads are curvy means, as you approach towards the intersection point, you see who is coming from the other side. I have created this image to visualize the scene.

The Road.jpg

One need to be really careful while going on this road - even today, there is no traffic there, so it's all your own carefulness and judgement. So here is me driving on the left hand side on that small road before the intersection point. I never do rash driving - always prefer smooth ride even today, obeying all the rules. As I approach towards the intersection point, I see another man coming straight towards me. He was on his left, but as he came closer, he seemed to come my way and my intuition was telling me that, he is going to hit me. I waited till the very last, because he could also save at the last moment, considering both our speed was very low. But just before 4-5 feet, it became judgemental - this man has determined to hit me. The break used to be at the space near the leg, but its damn easy to get out of the scooter if you stop bothering about the break. So just before he hit me, I just ran away leaving the scooter, applying the break one last time. As far as I remember, I probably ran around 100 ft in fear and then stopped and looked back. That man had hit my scooter and lying down. I looked at myself and realized I was all good. Some crowds gathered there, so I slowly walked back towards the accident point. My body was severing and I was not able to speak anything. People lifted him from the ground, his face was full of blood - he lost a tooth and broke one leg, so people lifted him and made him sit at one place. He was not able to speak and indicated to leave him for some time. I was not saying anything but watching. My scooter had severe dents, but I was thinking God for not having any injury. After around 15-20 mins someone asked - what happened ? You two seemed to be on very less speed, how this happened ? By that I was almost normal so I said - I just saw him coming towards me, so seeing no other option, I just left the scooter and ran away :)


And then that man took a pause and answered - I was thinking why the break was not working, even though I was repeatedly applying. I did not know anything after that. But now I realize why it did not work. He had kept a small tool near the leg space and that went under the break. He did not realize that and then rest all was not in anyone's control.

That accident was my first accident and it was so scary for a moment but then I could not stop laughing thinking how I ran away. I remember this forever and thank you @galenkp for bringing another niche topic that prompted me to write about this memorable accident. And thank God, that was my last accident, we worship the vehicle every year believing that the Goddess protect us from any accident. People can forget insurance, but they won't forget to do this vehicle Puja - such is our belief. Images are my own, from 2015, the time when I bought my current scooty - my son wanted to ride it first.



copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.


If I was in that situation, I'll probably jump out of the scooter as well. I dread accidents because I've been involved with the when I was younger. I'm just lucky I have no physical scar to show my experience. I'm glad the accident didn't cause any serious injury to you and the person involved.

As long as it does not hurt us , any material damage is ok.

Lucky you had the option to run away. No wonder you do the puja for driving... In India you must take your life into your own hands every time you get in car. The traffic is famous there!!

Yes, traffic in metro cities are horrible.

Accidents actually depend a lot on luck. I once saw a man hit by a bus but nothing happened to him. However you are lucky and relieved that nothing happened to you.

Ya, those are luck - in this case I was lucky even though someone was careless.

Thank God you jumped off the bike because it would have been a different story o
If you had not.

And the Moment of silence you got after the incidence was due to shock
Thank God you overcame

Ya, I got lucky.

I can imagine when you described the other driver coming towards you with no hint of ever stopping. That's a scary moment! It's such a relief you're okay.

I once rode a rickshaw in India and screamed whenever we get so close to a fast bus or another vehicle, literally just inches away.

Well, if you rode a rickshaw that was being driven by a smart driver, then it must have been a lot of fun. I had one incidence that is memorable - he drove the auto like a BMW :)

He was a skilled driver for sure 😄 Lots of adrenaline rush and it seemed he knew what he was doing. Wow, would love to experience BMW style auto-rickshaw 😊

The person who is on road and specially driving a car or bike is always in danger anything can be happen at anytime so be careful.

You don't know what is going to happen with you when you are on the road, such is life. It is very difficult to keep ourself safe.

True, usually I do not hit the road, unless absolutely needed, but its all destiny.

Honestly, I thank divine that atleast you ran leaving the scooter. @sanjeevm And now you said you do worship the vehicle, well, its worth it. And pls you could buy protective gadgets like helmet for safety!

Oh yes, helmet are must now - back in those days, it was not, but now it pinches our pocket heavily, if we do not wear one.

Very well...better safe than sorry..😄

Jumping out of the scooter is the best option. Fortunately, the accident passed off peacefully. For me, I remember my childhood days, 14 years ago when I was running and didn't turn to the side of the road, a taxi pressed brakes in right time before it hit me.
Thank you for sharing what is beautiful and sad in your life, I really appreciate that 👍 good weekend

That's luck for sure.

Traffic law is very important despite its simplicity, but there are many people who don't take it seriously

I think most of accidents are sometimes fated. You know that after it happens, you're thinking if I did that seconds before it happen.Then perhaps it be avoided !

True, sometimes the intuition saves, but sometimes, you just run into it - destiny's call.

That's one of the causes of accidents, something blocking the brake so it is always reminded to clear out anything that would fall or roll down where the brake is.

I am glad your adrenaline worked and you ran fast :) It is quite funny to think about it now, but it saved you from any bodily harm or injury.

We hope for everyone's safety. Traffic accidents generally have become enormous, especially with motorcycles. Why they don't put strict laws and penalties for exceeding speed limit or made vehicles and motorcycles with maximum speed of 45 km/h. I prefer electric bikes although their speed is medium but it seems safer

I think, most of the time, its the fault of those careless people for which good people gets affected in an accident. There are laws, but then you literally can't police everyone.

People's lives are priceless

Little do those careless people care.

THE WEEKEND community thanks you for supporting the #weekend-engagement concept week ninety five [WE95] a concept by @galenkp. We hope you have a great weekend and will come back again soon.

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I have driven in some cities in India and it is crazy🤣
I am glad you are okay and able to share that story!

Ya, for me, its a bit better since I stay in one of the planned city where traffic is manageable and I work from home permanently so not stepping out much.

aha now that sounds much better and safer!

What a pro gamer move...haha.

I don't think anyone who drives in India ever had some form of accident.

Luckily only your scooter was dented and you are not hurt at all. It was a wise decision to just leave your scooter and ran away.