Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone - Learn New Things

in #hive-168869last year


For the most part of my life, I used to me the kind of guy that usually likes to stay in doors, minding my business and doing the only things that I liked to do as an indoors kind of person. I would spend most of my day watching movies and playing video games, and trust me it was fun doing all these things but I guess I wasn’t living much of a normal person would by going out and trying new things. I used to be afraid to come out of my shell and try out new things, most of my friends used to tell me that I am missing out on a lot and I just didn’t care because in my mind I was having the best fun I could by watching movies and playing video games.

Things started to change when I went to second year of university, a very good friend of mine on campus did his best to convince me so that I could go out with them for once. He talked to me about going to the pool side to have some fun and while at it, he could also teach me how to swim. Now, I’ve always been afraid of the water and I have never had it in mind to try swimming one day. When I talked to him about my fear of water, he laughed very hard but then assured me that everything was going to be fine.

So on the day that we were supposed to go out, I came up with a silly excuse that I wasn’t feeling well and immediately my friend knew that I was lying about it. He forced me to get myself ready and we set on our way to the poolside. When we got there, I could see how other people were having so much fun in the water and I was actually excited about that. Even though I was still afraid of the water, I took some courage and decided enter the water as well.

At first when I got inside the water, I didn’t know how to do I was just moving around inside the water and very afraid to dip my head inside the water. Then my friend came over to me insisting that he would teach me how to swim on that they, I could see kids doing it so I had a bit more confidence that I could do it also. I must admit that after a few minutes, I learned a few tricks and lessons about swimming and was able to dive into the water and swim for some short distance.

On that day I can boldly admit that it was one of the best moments of my life, I hadn’t been able to have so much fun while learning how to swim and apparently I was very good at swimming and learned pretty quickly also. Since then, I have always enjoyed being outside with friends more of my time and it’s always good to have some fun out with my friends. Especially when we are school, things could get pretty crazy and hectic and that’s when we take a break and just go out to have some fun at the poolside. This usually takes the stress away and keeps us focused on the rest of the semester.

I made a bold decision to move out of my shell and try new things which have helped me in recent days to relax my body whenever I am stressed. Going out to swim is one of the ways that I’ve learned that pushing your boundaries is a very important part of living and you get to learn new things every time. This year, I decided to go out more often and try new stuff as part of my way of pushing the boundaries.


Just like you, I like staying indoors but there's a little twist because all the friends like staying indoors too😅

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and because of that, made a resolution to go out more often.

It’s a good experience to always try new things, going out with friends was something new to me and I have had so much fun with them. I encourage you to try outdoor activities too, and I’m sure you’re going to love it.

I'd try outdoor activities. The first I may try should be a sport...or so.

Thanks for suggesting

So on the day that we were supposed to go out, I came up with a silly excuse that I wasn’t feeling well and immediately my friend knew that I was lying about it.

Introvert, I know right? Never wants to go anywhere 🤣🤣. But I'm sure you felt great afterwards since you got to relax in the end.

Great day for you.

Yeah I actually enjoyed and had fun, so it was a very good experience. Since then, I have been going out more and trying new stuff.

Thank you for stopping by

It’s good you were able to put all that fear behind you and learn something new.