We are going on a 4x4 tour again - Visiting my family for the weekend after months.

in #hive-1688693 months ago

Hey friends, how are you?

Well I'm here again after a long time, honestly my previous weekends were only based on work and work, so I didn't have much time to go out with my friends or do any other activity, I will admit that I love but sometimes I hate my job, these 12h days are horrible.
In other news, after ehmmm I don't know 5 months without visiting my family in the countryside I was able to go again (and it's a long story where I got this time), and I realized that I needed to go urgently, because here I get distracted a lot, I can go for a walk, distract myself for a while, sleep more than usual, go see the animals everything.

Without a doubt the best weekend in a long time was this one.


We leave very early in the morning, because the road is long and is 3 hours of travel in total, because the road is not in very good condition and are climbs, loose terrain where there are rocks, but the total distance is about 70km. Although it is not very far, the road prevents us from arriving quickly, however the scenery is beautiful, as always semi-arid climate trees, lots of dust and sun on part of the road.
This time we stopped on the road to look for the breakfast that was in the trunk, and for a moment we thought we had left it, but everything in order and we continue to the deepest part of the mountains, in the last photo you will see, the farthest mountain is the one we will go to.







We arrived at 8am or a little later, but as always they were waiting for us anxiously, although I lie to you a little, in reality my visit was a surprise, they were not waiting for me, since every weekend my mom and dad are the ones who go. It was a total surprise to see me here, especially for my grandmother, my aunts and cousins, and also that I have new cousins in the family that I did not know.
I think that in previous occasions I had shown that the houses here are very traditional, they are from rural areas of course, made of mud or materials like that, so if you see this aspect in photos, we are not careless, it has simply been like this since before I was born.






Saturday afternoon at sunset, we went to look for “Datos” which is the fruit of the cactus, but I don't know what its scientific name is. We are supposed to be in the season where the cactus bloom and have these fruits, the truth has a very good taste, and is similar to the pitahaya or dragon fruit as many will know.
We walked along the same paths that my mom did when she was 10 years old maybe, and while we were collecting the cactus the goats approached us to see if they could eat the fruits, besides that we wanted to go to the water well to see how strong the drought was, since usually this well always retains water, when it dries it is a sign that the rainy season is still far away.

The taste of one of these fruits is sweet, although when chewing it can feel a little fibrous, this fruit is not very well known in the city, but here everyone eats them.

The dogs that my grandmother has are usually hunters and when we went out they went after us thinking we were going to hunt or something like that, the truth is that they did not separate from us all the way and when we got to the well I threw rocks to see the depth and both dogs ran like crazy and literally jumped in and swam.













On Sunday we just went to see the goats in the pen and see the new generation of offspring, plus my little cousin has a little piglet and she wanted to show me that when you pet its belly, the piglet literally lies down and falls asleep. They also showed me that I have small goats, because I bought two mothers last year and finally this season they managed to have offspring.








And not least we made goat soup, honestly it was a craving I had, I let my aunt know that I wanted to eat goat soup and well she agreed to prepare some for me, the old fashioned way, cooking with firewood, many embers and in an open fire.




By the way, before I forget, I did not mention that I took a Siamese cat a year ago, I thought that because of the breed it would not adapt to this place and they tell me that the cat literally has a much greater hunting instinct than others, besides that it is super projector with my cousin and when she goes to school the cat stays crying until she returns, and I also thought it would be bad for the other pets they have like parrots and chickens, I thought it would eat them when it grew up. But the cat is super polite and the parrots are safe and sound haha.




So well, this was my weekend in a nutshell, because I went to other places (no big deal, we just went to another small town to get wifi in a house that has a satellite dish), slept a lot most of Saturday, went to my cousin's place of work where they make charcoal and many other things.
In previous visits we went to baseball games, but it seems that baseball season is no longer very common at this time of year.

I hope my next trip here will finally be on my enduro bike that I plan to buy, so see you next time.


Fun adventure!

Yeah, fun and Entertaining