Sublime and Beautiful Weekend Experiences

in #hive-1688694 months ago


I think it is going to be tough to live up to the promise of the post title but I will give it a shot! #WeekendExperiences (founded by @galenkp) #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) all deserve the best adventure I can offer!

This was a busy one so buckle up!


Last Weekend


Last weekend I didn't realize it but it was the end of an era! Spring started to feel like early summer and Birdhouse Tree was standing tall with almost a full head of hair.


This weekend, it is looking a little different. Maybe missing a feature. Perhaps I need to come up with a new name for Birdhouse Tree?

More Outside


Outside is the place to be every weekend but this weekend was pretty special. Canadian winters sure makes one fond of warm spring days. Nice clear skies sporting a big warm sun has all the green reaching up. As for Runny Mcgee, he doesn't seem to care whether it is the dead of winter or a mild and breezy perfect day. The mosquitos have only barely started to show up and it will probably be no time before bug spray is mandatory.

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The tulips only last a couple weeks but these are good weeks. These ones in my yard start off a bright yellow and eventually develop nice red highlights.


Late this weekend, even the Peonies have popped. From pink, ant-covered ping pong balls to full pollinator luxury suite in a couple days. These will be only be around a couple weeks as well and I am so glad the lady that owned the house 20 years ago planted them for me. They flourish green and bush very early and are the biggest and best blooms of the spring season. There's your #beautifulsunday!




Perhaps the perfect segue from garden to beer would be my hops! I acquired a few rhizomes of these Rakau variety from a local hop farm. Last year I planted them in a deck planter to see if they would make it and they did, though modestly. This year, I carved out a spot in our wild flower bed and it is off to a great start. With any luck, I will have a whole harvest of them to try in a SMaSH IPA (Single malt single hop) we will brew later in the season when the hops are grown, harvested and cured.


Speaking of brewing, our brewer is back from his Japan trip and we got to brewing right away. Here, we have the cleaning specialist over and are moving the boiled wort over to the fermenters for a little yeast and brewing. This brew, we opted for another cream ale and a session IPA that is not shy on hops. Very excited to see how they turn out and have fresh draft on the taps at the Town Crier Marketing office where an afternoon beer is often the perfect marketing juice.


What's better to make a weekend sublime than a visit to a local brewery? I will save the story of our golf trip and stop for a pint on the way home for a Zekely or a #beersaturday. Works though!


As if there was a weekend theme, I pulled a Beer Bread kit by Millie's Gourmet from the pantry. Millie had me at beer but adding cheddar and chives sealed the deal. So easy to make and wonderfully crumbly like a fresh corn bread. You can order right from that site and I will be doing so again soon as I want to try the Garlic Parmesan and Cheddar Jalapeno!


I will leave you with a shot from the corner of the park that sums up my sublime and beautiful weekend adventure.

Cheers to all the beer-loving weekend warriors on Hive




How was your weekend?


Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! The photos are stunning. The nature experiences look so refreshing.
Thanks for sharing these beautiful moments!

Rem! It seems like ages! How have you been? I suppose i will have to check out your blog for that answer.

Awesome to hear from you and I am glad you enjoyed my weekend too.

Hey there! It really has been ages! I've been doing well. Definitely check out my blog for updates.
I am so glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend too!

The photos are really lovely. There is no doubt that you had an amazing weekend
I’m glad!

Great rounded mix over the weekend, flower blooms are superb!

Cheese and chives beer bread sounds and excellent idea as well. Garden is looking great, pup is out having fun, good to hear the bugs haven't arrived yet!


I have been saving all the blooms for a garden hive post but can't help but sprinkle them through posts for some fun.

Hope you are enjoying the season too Joan!

Vote today in South Africa, hope for change to start happening this side of the pond.

Winter with cooler weather is always something I look forward to, at the moment perfect days with winter flowers showing their faces too!

Sunday is always special day I also spend this day going to the village and I also make a post like this all these flowers and plants are looking very beautiful visiting similar places. Some time passes peacefully.

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