I have been fighting my way back to more regular posting and #WeekendExperiences with our friend @galenkp is one I love. #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) are also great weekend-loving communities where we get to celebrate a couple days off.
Here are a few wintery weekend shots over the last while.
First things first! The Prompt!
"What do you enjoy? Explain. Use your own photos. As much as I would like to get into what I would do if I shit my pants in public, I am surprisingly low on related photos. So, I enjoy weekends. My weeks are generally packed with work, family stuff and some volunteering. Never a dull moment and I wouldn't have it any other way while building a business.
When the weekends arrive, all bets are off. Sometimes sleeping in. Others getting up early to do what I put off all week. Events, getting outside, having naps, traveling to visit people, staying up late! The weekend is my oyster no matter what season it is. So, here are a few of my most recent
Winter Outdoors!
It is fairly easy to hibernate in the middle of deep dark winter up here in Canada. Safe, warm, with all my stuff, friends on the headset, family and a keg of IPA in the fridge behind me. You know who would rather be out on the trails chasing rabbits and wrasslin other dogs? This guy. I like to take him out an hour a day no matter what the weather is like but sometimes my afternoons and evening schedule prevents it. So, I can catch up on the weekend, breathe a little fresh air and get some steps in.
The good news is there are plenty of city and volunteer-run events during the winter months in this small town. Here is my friend Lisa spinning some tunes for an outdoors silent disco on an island in town.
How about a little shopping trip to nerdgasm over the latest available video cards? I am long overdue for an upgrade and have a guys gaming weekend coming up...
This one is part of what they call Lights On which goes for about a month.
A neat collection of interactive art and music exhibits! This one is called Stargate.
The Trumpet flowers were neat and added to the tune when the kids played with the buttons.
Then there were weekend shrooms!
As if we needed more reasons to get outside, this past weekend was Winterfest! Run by a committee of volunteers and funded by grants & sponsorships, the park is transformed into a fair of sorts.
I don't want to spoil it all as I have a whole Winterfest post ready for this week. For now, know you are in for a weekend tale family fun that includes a lumberjack show!
There were a few of the reasons I enjoy weekends so much. No matter the season, choose to enjoy it otherwise you will have equal season but less enjoyment.