exist without the support of the other. We live in a world of contrast and opposites and therefore, the two outcomes must co-exist in order to give the best and most necessary change possible.'
I choose Option 3:
Explain what you believe our world and society may be like in 250 years from today. How has humanity progressed or regressed, what's the financial situation, how has the environment coped or changed with the passing of 250 years and what technologies have we gained or lost. Is humanity better off now or then? Explain your answer. You can write a fiction if you like, or give us your personal views.
Ah yes, if my calculator calculated this correctly, 250 years from now should land us in exactly the year 2272. That's a quite a long time from now if you ask me but needless to say, I am sure it is enough time for our technology to become even more advanced and bizarre than it already is.
Yes, I think we can both agree that come 250 years from now, the most drastic change we could possibly see on earth would most likely be the advancement in our technology. If you a take trip down memory lane(say back to the 1960s) and compare it to the present day, I'm sure you would realize that we are actually living the future of some age old's past dream.
Let me explain what I mean here:
Take my mother for example, a classic example of someone belonging to the Gen X age group(1965-1976). As a young child she would often dream and imagine a world, a very futuristic world, were there were no limitations when it came to communications; and she would often imagine a world were the standards of living were made super easy. Like for example, she would imagine some sort of gimmick that resembled that of a remote controlled smart house or some type of hocus pocus phenomena were you can store all your precious photos and important information without having to use a wooden safe box, a phenomena that we of course today all know today as iCloud or Google drive.
Now obviously to any modern person this just sounds like a load of bullshit because those type of things are readily available in our time but however, to someone from the 1970s it sounds like AN OUTSTANDING DISPLAY OF THE MIRACLES OF THE FUTURE.
Ah yes, so in retrospect, we are actually somehow living in the future. Crazy to think huh? but very true. Truth is, no matter how far you think the world has come in terms of development, it still always finds some crazy absurd way to prove you wrong with it's nevermind ending evolution.
You see, change is an everyday thing and there will always that one person or persons whom will keep on striving to create a new innovation for the betterment or destruction of the world.
Just ask the kid who came up with the world's first selfie toaster, he'll tell you :)
Okay, so enough about technology for now, we'll come back to that later. Right now let's talk about how, come 250 years from now, society on earth will have evolved like never before:
Look, I don't know if it's just me but boy is the modern society just so goddamn sensitive today!
I mean just the other day, I was commenting on this video I watched on YouTube and all I said was:
Haha! Johnny really behaves very differently from lamar.
That was literally all I said until, from nowhere, this fucker came and started blabbing on irrational things:
Tf? How could you? That's so racist! Is it because Johnny is white? Huh? Huh???
Yep, and I'm not even exaggerating here, that was the person's comment.
Ahh... it seems as though society today, in comparison to how it once was 50 years ago, is just way to bloody sensitive!
I mean you can't even bring up a normal, plain, and completely non-derogatory topic or statement that includes race, gender, sexual orientation and or status without being severely backlashed by society in some bizarre way. It's crazy to me honestly and so with this one would be inclined to assume that come 250 years from now, the mere utter of just a person's name would be considered a horrible thing:
Hey Jack! Wanna go to the park?
Ah! How dare you call me by my name?
I'll kill you!
I know you're confused but don't you worry, I'll explain the picture later.
Another way society could change in the year 2272, and I might be overstretching this a little bit, is in the way we will dress:
Okay so imagine a world were every body is Naked.
Now hold on... hold on! Before you start getting all judgy, here me out first: With the advancement in recent fashion trends such as bikinis, lingeries, crop tops, and crazy torn jeans; I think it will be safe to infer that come 250 years from now, clothes wouldn't even matter anymore! Heck, fashion would've evolved to newer heights whereby common fabrics and accessories would no longer be in the range anymore! They'll be seen as nothing. Literally.
Being butt naked would officially be the new cool thing!! :) :) :)
Just my thought though. But boy, that would be quite the future now wouldn't it?
If you look closely, you will see Elon Musk in the picture.
Now before I get into explaining just what in the hell those skull face pictures are, let's first take a tiny moment to reflect upon an important effect of technological advancements in the year 2272:
You see with the possible global integration of the metaverse, Web 3.0, and any other internet innovation that could come in 2272, I am positive that it will open up more space for trolls, middle aged weirdos, and just pure internet jerks to vent out their ultimate power - Cyber Bullying.
I mean think about it; if a person can easily bully another online via common platforms such as social media, then imagine what will happen if said person is exposed to WAY more advanced an unlimited technology? Heck! You could literally give someone in India a wet willy all from the comfort of your computer screen if you'd like:)
Lol, just a thought.
Now over to the climax of this here discussion: Where exactly would we all be come 250 years from now? Earth?... I don't think so
Okay so as promised, let me explain to you what these pictures are all about: So, these pictures are actually all from a collection of NFT Arts I created called Space Skulls: The final frontier. They explain the consequences of our negative human actions on earth which could lead to an early demise of the planet and a possible evacuation to another planet.
Okay so if you've ever heard the name Tesla, then you've probably heard the name Space X, and if you have heard the name Space X, then you've probably heard of Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk and his theoretical belief that there could perhaps, be an evolution of human life outside of earth(Mars).
Frankly, I think it's a lot of dog shit but then again when I think more deeply about it... I realize that maybe it might not be too much of an absurd idea.
I mean can you imagine what will happen if the presidents of both USA, Russia, and China wake up one morning and decide to start launching missiles on the planet?
Yes... launch those missiles on China and Africa. That's an order! Ah, God bless America.
Hehehe... I will make world go Kaboom!
My goodness, it will be a disaster!! That type of crisis could even start World War III and I'm sure you know how much that could pose a threat to human livelihood on earth. But however, if there were to be some means to travel out of space(which we do) and an inhabitable planet to live on(which we will) then, there's a high chance that we might be able to save human life.
Either that or we could hook up with sexy martians.
And you know, even if the world leaders don't end up destroying the planets, we'll probably just do it ourselves thanks to good old fashioned pollution and climate change :)
So in conclusion, do I think humanity be better off now or then? Well, the answer is Yes and No: Yes, because advancements in technology and it's know-how will most definitely help out in solving crucial problems in the medical, social, and environmental sectors of life. And No, because there will always be those people whom will abuse such technology and it's privileges.
If you're reading this then remember, there's a 99.9% chance you'd be dead by 2272 too :-)
Thanks for reading and keep exploring!