Hii good day everyone!!
My blog for today's vidyow is defferent of my tutorial programming🤭🤭🤭🤭
My exam that i said in previous blog is not been checked but now finally my exam is checked but I'm not perfect on my exam cause I didn't hear the second situation that we've take is not same 3 in the output I type 3 but my code is correct one mistake only the output that I inputted hahaha that funny and sad ehhe but that is my mistake.😁😁
I don't know what is my final grade in programming cause I messaged my teacher cause he said message me on messenger cause in gclass he said maybe I could not see your screenshot because am my last Activity i though I'm done in passing activities in the last because did at night and I'm so very sleepy at that time and very busy at whole day practice physical activity that I said too in my previous blog and Its not been uploaded hehe so it's my fault hehe but my teacher give a chance but I use if statement but the instructions is do while and ididnt did the do while hehe so I got only 30/50 well not bad I've passed it hehe here is my activity and final exam grade or score.
Soon i will all put in one code all of my activity that I talked and I'm also practicing in MySQL how create database and in visual studio to connect them well it's so hard but I need to practice because this year i gonna defense and thesis so I need to practice and focus in MySQL and visual studio coding.
I will not post here a tutorial about programming hehe
Maybe if I have a time to post a tutorial so that so can learn to what ive learned in my school and my own learning .
This is my grades in other of my subject.
Owe suddenly I just visit my gclass at 12something this day and as I said earlier my grade on programming not been released or gave but now I saw it my grade is 1.90 ehhe is good for me cause not failed 1 grade in my school is high then 3is not high is a passed but not high is enough to passed something like that .
1.00 plat is very nice
That's it for todays video
See yahh on my next blog 😘😘😘😘😘