I Can See Clearly...What's the Matter with You?

in #hive-1707983 years ago

Not everyone can absorb the light of the sun in its fullness. The colors it sends to the earth are only seen on a limited spectrum for most. Some animals explore the depths of many wavelengths while we wallow in our short span of light. Sammy, on the other hand, is worse off than most of us. The light of the sun is too much for Sammy, unless it is dimmed through its reflection off of the moon, or even better, as dark as the new moon. Even then, it is only in black and white that Sammy sees, true color blindness.


Sammy's parents were really concerned when she was a child. She would weep and wail all the day long unless they could get her to sleep. At night, she was wide awake, noticing everything that would happen. Even before she could speak, the peculiarity of her preference of night over day was apparent. After many doctor's visits, Sammy's parents were told to keep her awake at night and asleep during the day. As a child, this made life pretty miserable. Her dad Jack took a graveyard shift so that he could find peaceful sleep while Sammy slept and Sammy's mom Bethany decided to change her schedule, too. It was rather odd, but eventually, Sammy's parents got used to their new lives as "night owls."

Bethany found Sammy couldn't see any colors before she was school aged. When the rest of the children would easily point out a red crayon or a blue raspberry sucker, Sammy would see tints and shades of whites, grays, and blacks. Shortly thereafter, Sammy was old enough to enter school, and new discovery was made. When the moon was at its fullest, Sammy was able to see clearly and without pain. When the moon was at its darkest, she could also see the best and was extremely reliable as a guide when the lights were out. Jack and Bethany discovered this when the electricity went out one night and they found Sammy contentedly drawing when the lights came back on. You'd think artificial light would hurt Sammy's eyes, but they didn't, fortunately for her parents. When they saw that her drawing was as perfect as it was when the lights were on, they had an Aha! moment. They turned off the lights a few times to test out their theory and found that Sammy was unique one more way than previously thought.

Sammy didn't go to school like the rest of the kids in the community, but she had lots of friends. She'd always go out to play when the streetlights came on and the other kids would say, "Can't I stay out just a little longer? Sammy's parents let her play!" She was the envy of all the kids in the neighborhood and would often get opportunities for sleepovers. This was Sammy's favorite! Most children try to stay up all night and Sammy could always beat them at this game. As long as Sammy had a friend over, she didn't have to do any schoolwork. Otherwise, her mom had a full regiment of homeschooling materials. Those were the days!

Life moved on for Sammy. Days turned to months and months turned to years. Sammy was an adult before she got her driver's license. It was a unique situation! She went to the DMV on the day of the solar eclipse and purposely picked her time to begin just as the sun was starting to be blocked. By the time her driver's test was over, the sun was starting to peek out and she was able to be guided away from the DMV by her parents with a blindfold on. The person at the DMV was kinda surprised, thought it was odd, and turned in the paperwork, nonetheless. From then on, Sammy found great excitement in driving at night with her lights off. It would freak her boyfriends out, but it was exciting for her as they would go nuts! HAHA!

Anyway, there was a day that a group of people got stuck in a cave. They had gone out to explore, having fun with their group with snacks and flashlights. Unfortunately, they hadn't paid attention to where they were going. When the call came for volunteers, this was the perfect job for Sammy. Jack and Bethany called her up and took her to the cave. While everyone else had to rely on their flashlights, Sammy was an expert in the dark. She was at her best! Using search and rescue techniques, she pulled a rope through the cave in various directions, seeking the lost people. Unfortunately for them, they had run out of food and their batteries were all dead. Fortunately for them, Sammy could see everything! She could see footprints in the darkest areas. It was a matter of minutes before Sammy found the group. She tied each of the group with a rope so they all would be chained together. As she took them out of the cave, a ripping roar of a cheer erupted.

Sammy found her calling in life. She became known as the best cave explorer and ended up saving hundreds of folks just like this group. She also found remains of cave dwellers from millennia ago, helping scientists discover missing links and the equivalent of a Rosetta Stone for understanding lost languages throughout the world. She didn't think she was that extraordinary. In her mind, she just saw as if by the light of the moon.

You can blame @samsmith1971 for me writing this...he called me out here: https://www.proofofbrain.blog/hive-170798/@theinkwell/the-ink-well-prompt-49-see-this-post-for-prompt-and-rules#@samsmith1971/re-theinkwell-2022118t135539753z

The Prompt for this fictional writing was "By the Light of the Moon" Feel free to write your prompt and tag me so I can see what you came up with...


Nice one, I really enjoyed this, it's really sweet that she found her calling, what we would think of as a disability turned into a great ability

It seems like we all have something that seems like a disability until we learn others can't do what we do :)

What an imaginative story, @bobthebuilder2. You thought through multiple real-life scenarios in which the ability to see in the dark has both challenges and benefits, and played them out in your well-told story.

Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well, and thank you for reading and commenting on the work of other writers in The Ink Well community.

You bet...I wrote it all "off the cuff" and was sweating when I saw I was around 500 words...I wondered...how am I going to end this?! I've written about 100 pages of a nonfiction book to start it...and I probably have another 600 pages to go...haha...I sometimes have a hard time finishing, I guess. Thanks for reading and for challenging me! You'll have to ping me at the next challenge. I try to always go to the posts that tag me.

Wow. This goes to show that nothing no matter how bad it is, is a curse. This is one beautiful story and it motivates to turn weaknesses to strengths.

Thank you! You know, when I went through some hard times because I nearly went bankrupt, I couldn't think of anything good about it; however, a few years later, I look back, now debt free, and think that I went through all that so my kids could see that debt can make life really hard. If I had never gone through it, they'd think money came easily and borrowing money was just fine. Now, I'm betting they'll stay away from it and be better off for it. It was a curse, but a blessing in disguise.

Very nice story.

It's great that she found her purpose and her parents stood with her.

Heck yeah! Besides, working the night shift is fun when the whole family is on your schedule! :)

The ability to see in the dark? Wow. Sammy was lucky, gifted. But, she must also know that it is also a responsibility for him, @bobthebuilder2

Kinda cool, huh?! I didn't want to write a sappy love story lol

It is not every time I get to read a story in which the character is very relatable. Because we as humans all have diverse gifts and problems, it's good to be able to turn the problems around and use them to our benefit.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

You bet! It can be daunting sometimes to always think that everyone else has a gift and that "I" don't. We all have something to contribute, no matter whether it is great or small. Thanks for reading!

That was a great story. I !LUV how the story resolved Sammy's unique situation in life. It's true for all people, we just have to accept ourselves and find a niche we can be the best at in doing; Sammy's was being the best cave explorer around. 😃

@juanvegetarian(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Thank you! I !LUV some love! lol...I know I wouldn't want that "gift" all the time, but it would come in handy to be able to turn it on or off...

Hi, I'm the person behind LUV, if you're talking about the replies and such, it's possible to mute them. I can't recall exactly,but it's only a couple of clicks in peakd I believe. :)

I just read your replies. No, I love seeing the LUV in the comments. What I was referring to was the ability to turn on or off the ability to see in the dark like Sammy in my story 😂


Oh! Got it! :)

Posted via D.Buzz

@bobthebuilder2(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Enjoyed reading your story, man. Maybe the LUV devs can take note of this suggestion.

Hi, I'm the person behind LUV. I'm a bit confused as to what the suggestion is...turn on/off LUV replies? If so, the @luvshares account can be muted though the LUV will still go through if someone sends it your way.

Yes, I think @bobthebuilder2 is talking about muting. Or at least this is also how I understood his suggestion.

lol...no guys... I'm saying the gift I could turn on/off would be the ability to see in the dark lol...no, I love the LUV notifications!

What a nice way to highlight that not because one is different doesn't mean he/she is an outcast. I love how you made Sam come out strong in the story :)

We need strong women to follow! 😉

Definitely, and we can be too 😉

This is intriguing and interesting. Being A big fan of the night life, I'd really love to have this mysterious gift of Sammy. It was fun reading this.

It would be nice to have it as a gift that I could turn on when I wanted and off when I didn't :)


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Not everyone would be gifted with such ability to see even in the dark just like Sammy and she became great through that. @Samsmith1971 challenged you and this is awesome. I think you need some bonus for this 😅😅😅

Views and comments are bonus enough for me! Thank you!

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This is delightful, @bobthebuilder2. I love stories about quirky people and situations. To me, this story has a message about diversity. I'm not sure if it was intended! But I love it when someone with "special" characteristics has a community around them to support them living the fullest possible life.

BTW, the "Sam" in samsmith1971 is short for Samantha. :-)

Perfect! I wasn't sure is @samsmith1971 was a guy or gal, so I decided to name my character after the instigator and my gut said go with a gal! lol

haha you would be right❣️ I'm a girl through and through💗Now I am intrigued hehe

Yay! You actually did it ❣️ I accept the blame 😂😂😂

What a brilliant story @bobthebuilder2. I was chuckling the whole way through !LOLZ You could have been writing about me and my love for the quiet hours of the night/early morning, but I don't possess any superpowers like dear Sammy does hehe... not that I'm sharing anyway 😉

Sammy found great excitement in driving at night with her lights off. It would freak her boyfriends out, but it was exciting for her as they would go nuts! HAHA!

Those 2 lines right there. !ROTFL. I almost fell off my chair! 🤣

This is delightful, humorous storytelling that gives appreciation to special gifts and seeks to empower the protagonist to put her gift to good use and to discover her life's purpose. Please keep coming back to the Inkwell and Dreemport each week... made up!


Why did everyone enjoy the volcano?
It was just so lava-able.

Credit: belhaven14
@bobthebuilder2, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
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@samsmith1971(1/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Thank you! I feel welcome. Now when I read your words, I hear a female voice... tag me again and I'll find it easier... not trying to give you work, I just have 2 jobs and a family of 7, so I don't get much time to seek these things out... oh, and I just got enough pizza to finally shout !PIZZA

haha, no worries... I hear you...family time is important. I have one job and a family of 4 and it's cray cray some days. Now that you've used Dreemport, please feel free to pop any or all of your posts into the Port, Monday to Friday. We'd love to see them in there! I'll tag you when the next challenge comes out... and I'll hopefully see you in WOTW when it is back too 🙂

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and... Sam is a "she" hahahaha

I'm glad she called you into the mix!! :)