Back to school - Inkwell prompt.

in #hive-1707982 years ago

Royal prep is a school known for its academic excellence and its strict teachers. And although they have been successful in all their previous WAEC exams, Tunde wasn't sure he was ready to attend a new school.
The idea of switching Tunde's school didn't come from Tunde's father but from his mother who expressed her fear that her son may not be able to pass his WAEC exams due to the poor teachings and the lack of educational facilities in his current school.


A few months later, Tunde's mother had her way and with the support of her husband, Tunde began his Journey as a student at Royal Prep High school.
The first few days were hell as Tunde struggled to keep up with the extremely strict and rigorous timetable of his new school. Very early in the morning at about 4:00 am Tunde's mother would wake up to begin her activities which included making sure that Tunde was awake and preparing for school as well as preparing the family's breakfast.
By 5:30 am breakfast would be served and eaten and then, the next phase, getting Tunde to school would begin.
The drive to Tunde's school took about four hours, but on a day when the road was heavily congested with vehicles, the time frame increased.

On a certain Monday morning, after Tunde's mother's morning activities, Tunde join his father as usual for the drive to school but that day was different.
Tunde's father had a work appointment that required him to be an hour early so as to prepare properly. So his father had to stop at a local bus stop where he saw that Tunde boarded the local transit to school before heading straight to work. And as fate would have it that day, the traffic was heavier than usual, causing Tunde to arrive extremely late to school.

"Young man, what do you think you are doing?", A voice interrupted Tunde as he walked in through the school's gate.
He turned around to see the school's head teacher as he emerged from his office which was just a stone's throw away from the school's gate. Normally Tunde wouldn't have panicked but for the fact that his father wasn't present to handle the situation, he began to babble.

"Speak clearly my friend before I descend on you like fire!!", The head teacher said waving his cane around so that the swoosh, swish, whip sounds of the cane could be heard very clearly.

"Sir, I'm heading to class.."

"Oh!! So you are fully aware that your mates are in class learning, and you chose to show up to school by this ungodly hour?!... don't you worry, I will teach you a lesson you'll never forget!!".

"Sir, please...", Before, Tunde could complete his defense, the head teacher's cane came crashing down on him, over and over again. The sting of the cane was so sharp that he felt his soul peel, he cried, screamed, and tried to run but was unable to escape the wrath of his head teacher.
For the rest of the day, Tunde was quietly sobbing and caressing the marks made on his skin by his head teacher's cane until his father arrived to take him home.

On seeing the wounds inflicted on his child by the head teacher, Tunde's father went to war with the school using his words and his can-do attitude as his weapons. Tunde's father caused so much commotion that the school's owner Mister David was forced out of his office, they tried to tame the angry beast but to no avail. And after a gruesome battle, Tunde's father emerged victorious. The school offered an apology and later that week the head teacher was sacked for inflicting injuries on a student.

After the incident, Tunde's parents decided that it would be best for Tunde to move into the school's hostel while he continues his study. And just like that Tunde became a Hostel student. Although Tunde didn't like the idea of staying away from his parents, he accepted the idea as he was able to spend more time with his best friend Tegwor.
Soon enough the WAEC exams began and Tunde passed excellently.


Lovely read. I don't know if Tunde's Father did the right thing though.

He didn't...but I'm glad I am happy I finally overcame my writer's block...thanks for reading..

Tunde's arrival at this school has brought an important sign of progress. Gone is the bad habit of teachers assaulting students. Thank you very much for publishing this writing for Theink well and for supporting fellow writers, @bornben

Such corporal punishment is highly discouraged now. Reward is far better than punishment in changing a child's bad behaviour. Nice story.