Checkmate| Inkwell prompt-Boo

in #hive-1707982 years ago


Once Mr. Mila stepped into the classroom, the atmosphere quickly changed. His cold and harsh personality seemed to have corrupted the weather.
He stood in front and center of the classroom holding his wooden cane and wearing an angry smile. The class became calm, and silence echoed through the walls of the classroom, no one dared to speak for the fear of being mercilessly flogged.
"Good morning class", Mr. Mila began, " I hope you know what day it is?"
"Yes, sir!!", The entire class replied, except for me. I didn't understand why he made that statement or why the class agreed with him.
What is today?, I asked myself, feeling very uncomfortable with my lack of knowledge. I turned to Jerry, my friend, and seat partner.
"Bro, what's happening?", I asked in a soft voice.

"It's today bro!!", He replied in a whisper.

"What is today?", I asked unsure of my fate.

"Bro, today is the maths test, don't you remember?", He said.

"OMG!! I forgot!"
Jerry was right, Mr. Mila had given us a couple of maths equations to solve in preparation for today's test. And I was busy all weekend at the market, trying to make some money that I forgot about the test.

"Now, tear out a sheet of paper... I will dictate each question once. Don't ask me to repeat!", Mr.Milan began.
My heart began to race as Mr. Milan called out the questions.

Two minutes into the test, I still was unable to answer any questions. I looked to my left and saw Jerry and the rest of the class smartly writing, and for the first time in my life, I felt fear.

"One minute more!" Mr. Milan echoed, and I had still not done anything. Of the two questions Mr. Milan had given us, I was still unable to solve one. My only option at this point was to cheat.
Fortunately for me, the Principal came in to distract Mr.Milan, and quickly, I seized the opportunity.
"Ptttsss....ptttttsss", I called silently, trying to gain Jerry's attention.
"Ptttsss...ptttsss", I continued to whisper until finally, I got Jerry's attention.
"What?!", He asked.

"Bro, what's the answer to the first question?!" A desperate me asked. Jerry looked at me before chuckling a little bit.

"It's very simple...all you have to do is ..." He said before a hand landed on my shoulder..for a brief moment, I saw myself give up the ghost and I felt my blood turn cold.

"Young man, you are finished!!", Mr. Milan said. That day, I saw hell on earth as I was brutally punished. Cutting the school's grass for a whole week was punishment enough for me to never cheat again.


Thanks for sharing your story in The Ink Well, @bornben. Out of curiosity, how is the story related to the prompt?

I tried creating a setting...which is one of my weak points... I guess I flunked it again...I will keep working on it..thanks for reading.