I Love Molly

in #hive-1707982 years ago



Reo picked the glass up from where it sat on the table, inspecting it closely before lifting the object to his lips. As he chewed thoughtfully he took notice of several things at once and he could not help but feel slightly surprised at how much he liked what was in his mouth. A few seconds later he looked over at Shiro’s empty chair and found her absent. “Shiro! Where are you?!” Reo asked loudly while looking for the person he had been talking to. He couldn’t see anybody anywhere, so he assumed they had left. Not wanting to be alone, he grabbed his coat and left the lounge area.
The cold air outside the dorm was refreshing as Reo walked briskly along the corridors. He passed numerous other rooms with various occupants but did not stop until he reached one which bore a sign indicating that it was occupied. He hesitated before knocking lightly on the door and hearing a quiet, ‘Come in.’ After waiting a few moments for an answer, Reo entered the room, shutting the door behind himself.
"You are late boo", a voice said to him as he entered the room, he looked up to see Shiro puffing a cloud of smoke through her nose.
"I'm late? you left me in the lounge alone, you didn't even tell me you were leaving!". Reo said dismissing her argument.
But Shiro only laughed out loud at his comment before puffing a cloud of smoke again. "I told you to take just one tablet of that molly. Now you're just full-on stupid". Shiro said before letting out a laugh followed by repeated coughing.
Reo immediately recalled Shiro giving a box of Molly and telling him to take just one tablet. But because he hates being told what to do, he quietly snuck into the lounge's bathroom where he took three more tablets of Molly and instantly lost his grip on reality. it wasn't until the effects began to subside that he noticed Shiro's absence.
After a quick pause and quiet stares at each other, Reo and Shiro quickly burst into uncontrollable laughter. Though they were under the influence of the molly they took, their sense of humor was still intact.
"Come over here babe...have a sit... I've got something better than Molly. And it will definitely take you to heaven." Shiro said smiling goofily at Reo.
Reo chuckled at her silliness before coming closer to sit beside her. "Here, that'll make you feel like a star," Shiro said handing a red pill to Reo.
Reo smiled warmly at Shiro. "I love you, now let's make this dream come true." So together they both took a red pill and instantly felt euphoric. After taking the pill, both of them lay back in bed, giggling to themselves until they fell asleep.

When Reo woke up, his body felt sore and stiff. It had also gotten cold since he slept on the ground. He tried moving his arms but they felt heavy. When he moved his legs he could feel the same thing until he open his eyes. The first thing he saw when his eyes focused was Shiro's face, her hair, although long but was tousled and sticking every which way. She also had drool running down her chin, Reo didn't want to wake her up. However, he decided to wake her up so that they would get to class on time. So he tapped her lightly on her shoulder waiting for her to show her beautiful blue eyes. But she didn't respond. He tapped her again but this time more violently, she still didn't respond. He panicked, ran out, and got a bucket of water. He poured all of it on her still body, but still no response, he soon started screaming, "Wake UP!" but she continued sleeping.
"Shit...shit...shit..." Reo cursed out loud. He was panicking and crying, "SHIT SHIRO WAKE THE HELL UP!". At that moment he heard the sound of someone approaching the dormitory door. He then tried shaking her but nothing. Panic started seeping into his brain. He looked frantically around trying to figure out a solution. Then suddenly, the door to the dorm opened revealing a very sleepy Allura.
She squealed when she saw the two. "Oh my god!! Are you guys okay?" She rushed towards Reo.
Reo ignored Allura and continued yelling at Shiro, "WAKE UP!!! PLEASE!!" Then he began hitting Shiro repeatedly in the face, trying to get her to wake up.
Allura watched as Reo continued punching Shiro. But Shiro didn't respond. Allura quickly picked up a phone and dialed the emergency number and in no time the ambulance arrived and took Shiro's still unconscious body straight to the hospital.
But on arriving at the hospital, Shiro was confirmed dead.

Reo let out a scream that rocked the entire hospital. He cried, pounded on walls, and yelled until he passed out on the floor.

Reo woke up with a pounding headache and a dry throat. There were tubes and wires attached to different parts of his body. He slowly moved his head to look at what was around him. He was in a hospital bed, but the rest of the room was empty. He sighed heavily, closed his eyes, and rested his back against the pillow. Why did everything have to happen to me today? He thought to himself.
Just then Allura walked in with a smile on her face. " I'm glad you're okay", she said.
"Forget about me, is Shiro okay?". Reo asked.
"Reo, don't you remember? Shiro died, a week ago.."
" What do you mean Shiro died..a week ago?"
" The doctor said she died from an overdose of the drug Fentanyl .... You almost died too, but you passed out in the hospital and they were able to re​sus​ci​tate you.."
"I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel better, you'll soon be able to go home."
Reo gave an empty smile in return and nodded his head. Allura left and returned with an elderly doctor. The doctor checked his vitals and spoke to him.
" Your lungs have stabilized and are functioning properly now, although we still need to monitor you regularly". The doctor finished. "It's best if you're discharged today".
Reo nodded before standing up off of the bed, wincing and clutching his stomach. "How bad does it hurt?" Allura asked
"Nothing major right now, and I wouldn't worry you too much about it" Reo answered
With a little help, Reo managed to dress and leave the hospital.

Reo arrived at his dorm with Allura holding him up, he looked around the room which was still messed up from the events that happened days ago. The ashtray which contained the molly and cigarette remains was thrown across the room near the window. He could still smell the smoke lingering in the room and a part of him wanted to throw up. He sat himself down on the sofa which was in the center of the room.
Allura sat next to him and began petting his arm soothingly. "It's gonna be okay"
Reo turned his face to look at her before nodding in reply. "Yeah.."
"Are you hungry? I brought some lunch from the cafeteria".
"No thanks. I think I'll take some tea instead. I'm not feeling very hungry right now."
"Ok, I'll bring some tea here in a bit". With a nod, she stood up and exited the room to the cafeteria.
As she left, Reo leaned his back against the seat and sighed deeply.
After a few minutes of just staring at the wall in front of him and thinking, Reo felt the familiar sensation of the red pill. His craving got loud but he was tired, really tired. He needed the pill, but he knew he shouldn't. He should work hard to recover, and he should start working on a game to get back into shape after what happened to Shiro. But the intense emotion he felt once he remembered that Shiro is dead weakened him and forced him to swallow another Molly pill which he found under his pillow.
As if summoned by the thought of the medicine, Reo saw the door open again and a familiar purple-haired girl walks in, carrying two drinks. She placed them down on a coffee table nearby the couch. After placing down the drinks she turned around and noticed Reo staring at her.
"Reo! are you alright?". She said as Reo stared at her in confusion.
"Who are you ?", Reo asked.
"Oh my God! A can't believe you. it's only been two hours since you've been discharged and you are already getting high! ... Don't you understand that this shiit is dangerous? Shiro is dead Reo!, SHE'S DEAD REO AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID DRUG ADDICTION!!" She yelled. It was at this moment that Reo's vision came into clarity. The girl he had mistaken for a stranger was Allura, who had returned with two cups of tea.
"I...I...mmm ... sorry", Reo muttered, " I can't help it. I can't handle the emotions. Please don't say anything else, because then I might cry or vomit....or worse.."
A single tear slid down Allura's cheek and landed on the carpet below her feet. "You know I love you, Reo," she said in a soft voice. "And I know how important your relationship with her is to you. But don't you see? If she was still alive she wouldn't even be in this position".
"I just can't," Reo stated, looking away from Allura's eyes.
" Fine! KILL YOURSELF!!! I'm going now", Allura said turning around and leaving the apartment.
As she exited the apartment the door slammed shut behind her.
Reo didn't move or speak for the rest of the day and night except for going out to eat food, watch movies, and play games.

After a couple of days of wallowing in pain and sorrow, Reo decided to take Allura's advice. He called Allura and informed her about his decision to change and so Allura signed him up for a therapy session. And after that, the both of them would spend the rest of the day reading the bible and reflecting on its word. Allura even managed to drag Reo to church. And after nine months of rehabilitation, Reo had completely changed from a drunkard and drug junkie to a repented sinner, a saved soul, and a child of God. But most importantly, he had fallen in love. Allura and Reo had spent so much time together during his therapy, that his feelings for her erupted and intensified. He couldn't go a day without her, he couldn't sleep peacefully without hearing her voice, and even when he succeeded to sleep he still saw her in his dreams. Allura also became his pillar of strength and support to keep him sane. Every time he experiences a panic attack, he would ask Allura for comfort. She'd hold him tight and try to make him feel safe and protected.

One Friday night during Allura's birthday Reo decided to officially be with Allura. He spent the whole morning of that Friday picking out the perfect ring and perfect flowers, he starched and ironed his clothes again and again before he combed his hair and shaved his face.
He decided that day, he would finally propose to Allura.

He arrived at Allura's dorm where Allura's birthday party was held, the party was filled with members from the church, and even the pastor of the church was present. The speakers played gospel music that forced everyone to the dance floor. Everybody danced, even Reo. After the dancing started Reo went to check on Allura, but she wasn't there anymore. He checked every hallway, every room, but no sign of her. Panic rose inside him when suddenly, he heard the happy birthday song. He returned to the group to see Allura in front of the cake making a wish before blowing out the candle. And just like magic, The pastor stepped out and bent a knee in front of Allura, before uttering the words that broke Reo. " Will you marry me?" to Allura. There was nothing Reo could do, he stood frozen there unable to do anything, unable to comprehend what was happening. But then he realized something. He wasn't alone, and neither was she. He smiled slightly as he watched the pastor put an engagement ring on Allura's finger.
Reo couldn't help but let a tear escape his eye as he witnessed the scene. He wished he had a pocket filled with Molly at that moment. Maybe, just maybe, he would escape the pain of heartbreak.
Before long Reo found himself outside walking towards his dorm. when Allura found out Reo had gone she went after him. She found him sitting on the steps of his dorm building, sobbing uncontrollably. Reo quickly wiped away his tears and tried to calm himself down. Allura knelt beside him and placed her hands on his shoulders. " Hey...Hey...It's ok Reo." She whispered. "What is it?".
"It...She...She's gone Allura. You don't understand..."
"...No I don't, please tell me". Allura continued.
Reo brought out a black ring case, he then opened it revealing the ring inside. "He beat me to her.", he said making a pause for a moment and waiting for her to reply.
"You ...I love you Allura.. I can't leave without you".
Allura kept silent for a moment before she smiled and kissed the top of his head. She pulled him into a tight embrace and stroked his hair for a while. Then she spoke. "You're amazing Reo...you always are. But I can't marry you, Reo, I'm sorry", she stated.

She paused for a moment and there was nothing but the sound of air.

Reo returned to his room that night with a pack of Molly and some bottles of alcohol. And from then onwards he locked his heart and his pain in a bottle of liquor and found happiness under the influence of Molly, his first love.


Hello @bornben,
I don't want to look at that picture. Maybe someone else does. Not me.

@agmoore sorry about that...I was only trying to capture the exact behavior of an addict in photograph.... I'll try next time to be more flexible when choosing my image...

Get rid of it please. We are just people here. We read stories because we want to help writers. But we're just people and we don't want to look at something that I personally find disgusting.

I see that it is gone now. Thank you. Yes, in the future please be more discerning and be aware that we are just people.

I understand... Thank you and seasons greetings from this part of planet earth🎄🎅💕


Drug addiction is never a good thing.
It's sad seeing Reo go through all that work to get clean and finally relapse once again. Hopefully he sees how important and different his life can be without the drugs before it's too late.

Great story

Hi @bornben , I have muted this post in the community. Reply to my comment once you have changed the image, and I will unmute it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Oh .. @yaziris sorry about the picture... I felt it kinda describe drug addict... Now I see how unsettling it is ...

Poor sad Reo. I thought in the end he was going to come through it. We're addicted to our happy endings I suppose, though experience shows us what a rare occurrence they are.

Yh, happy endings are always almost inevitable but when it evades to us it's as hurtful as any other thing..🎄 seasons greetings @deirdyweirdy

First we want to thank you for changing the image and doing it graciously. You might guess the story is not one we enjoyed reading. You might guess that from our reaction to the image. It seems that readers (we are included) can take a heavy dose of realism, but they usually need something to go away with. Not necessarily a happy ending, but a reason to read.

You hold up a reflecting glass to a certain reality. But after that, what? Is there a lesson, a moral, a reason to read this, other than to experience the dreadful mindset of a person hopelessly addicted to drugs?

It's obvious that Reo was not going to stay sober, even if he managed to marry the woman he loves. Drugs will always be a refuge for him when times get hard. In the future please do write for us. Write stories that show us reality, as this one does, if you want. But try to give us something to come away with. Rather than just holding a mirror up to the reality, maybe the story can take us somewhere.

You have a knack for writing. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Thanks, @theinkwell ... I'll do better..for me, every criticism matters...Thanks again at inkwell.💯💕🎄🎅

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