Cursed Tongue

in #hive-1707982 years ago



Dorcas ran with all the strength she could muster, she kept on running till she finally got to her best friend's house. She banged and banged until Angela rushed out. This was happening as early as 7:00 Am in the morning.

Dorcas - Good morning my friend! I have the latest gist in town for you.

Angela - Isn't it too early to visit Dorcas?.

Dorcas - Not when it's too important, and involves my best friend.

Angela - I know you are just here to gossip as usual, but just spill the beans. It's early and I have a lot of chores to do before my husband wakes up.

Dorcas - it's really painful that my friend thinks i'm a gossip, but it doesn't matter because I have to say what I heard. While plaiting a customer's hair last night in my shop I heard her discussing with her friend, and they were talking about your husband. Your husband has impregnated someone else!.

Angela - Jesus!, Do you mean what you just said Dorcas?, I hope this is not one of those stupid gossips you spread around this village.

Dorcas - I assure you this is legit news, from a good source. Your marriage is about to fail Oh my friend, if you don't get a hold of your husband now.

Angela - You don't have to tell me what to do, I know how to deal with my husband. Just go, I will get back to you later.

Dorcas left that morning happy to have delivered her message. Angela, her best friend, had no idea that everything Dorcas said were all lies. Everyone in the village knew Dorcas for her sharp tongue and sensitive ears. She said everything she heard, even the truth and mostly the lies. Dorcas was a divorced beautiful woman, who Made hair for a living. She got thrown out of her husband's house because of her problem with gossiping, and since then the habit grew so bad her name was heard in all the marketplaces as the chief gossip of the village.

One night, when Dorcas was on her way home, she encountered a robbery. A young man was being mobbed. She screamed at the top of her voice calling people around to help. The robbers were just about to hurt the young man but the noise she created made them scared so they all took off. When they were gone, Dorcas took the wounded stranger to her house and took care of him till morning. She never knew he was an angel sent to help her.

Dorcas's mother was barren for more than ten years, she was so desperate for the fruit of the womb so she went to the village oracle who made her perform different fetish rituals after which she was put to bed. She had no idea that the rituals she performed had an ultimate price. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter, whose mouth was cursed.

The Angel directed Dorcas to the village stream, where she used the water to wash her mouth. Immediately she did, it was as if something left her body and from that moment she was set free.

The End..


Thank you for publishing this story in The Ink Well, @camerafanatic
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