The Wind's Whisper

in #hive-17079811 months ago


The wind whipped through the open window, rustling the thin curtains and sending a chill down Hannah's spine. She shivered and wrapped her cardigan tighter around her body, but made no move to close the window. The cool breeze felt refreshing after being cooped up inside all morning cleaning.

Hannah gazed out at the swaying trees and rolling hills surrounding her small farmhouse. The wind tousled the grass and bushes, blurring them into a sea of green. She closed her eyes and listened to the wind's gentle whisper. It seemed to be calling her name, beckoning her to join its wild dance.

As a child, Hannah had loved nothing more than running through the fields behind her house, the wind streaming through her hair. She used to pretend it was alive - her friend and confidant. On days when her parents fought or school bullies tormented her, the wind was always there to dry her tears and soothe her worries.

But now at 35, the burdens of adulthood had weighed down Hannah's spirit. She kept the windows shut tight against the wind's playful touch and scolded herself for childish fancies. There were chores to be done, bills to pay. No time for make-believe. The wind belonged in the past, along with her carefree youth.

Still, on days like today when the wind sang its sweet melody, Hannah felt stirrings of her former self. A whisper of defiance against the monotonous grind of adult responsibility. A hint of whimsy begging to be rediscovered.

As the wind's song reached a crescendo, something inside Hannah snapped. Before she knew what she was doing, her feet carried her out the front door, across the creaky porch, down the front steps, and into the field. Hannah broke into a run, breathing in the fresh air, her skin alive with the wind's caress.

She laughed aloud, feeling years of tension begin to loosen their grip. Hannah cartwheeled and skipped through the grass like she was 10 years old again. Her hair flew wild, dress billowing around her knees. She raised her face to the sky, arms outstretched.

The wind curled around Hannah's body in an affectionate embrace. It whispered in her ear, “Welcome back, dear friend.”

Hannah smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude. She had forgotten how good it felt to be free. The wind had awakened that part of herself that had been hibernating for too long. She was ready now to start living again.


Adulthood comes with a lot of responsibilities. You exhaust your time in doing other things and find it difficult to do those little things that brings to joy to one's heart during the youthful days.

Greetings, @cedujem!
Your story has been selected to be part of The Ink Well's 128rd Magazine. Thank you for your presence in the community.

Thank you for choosing my story and appreciate.

What a beautiful moment in which Hannah reunites with her friend the wind.

Human beings in general are like this, we forget so many things that made us happy since time and becoming adults greatly influence us.

It has been an excellent reading.

The simple pleasures of feelings, embrace remind us that wonder can exist at any age if we open our hearts to it. Thanks for heart touching comment and reading.

It's a good thing Hannah was able to break the adulthood responsibilities holding her, embrace the wind again is definitely a sign of new life.

Being able to embrace the wind again and feel that sense of freedom definitely seems symbolic of new life and new beginnings. It's inspiring to see someone reclaim that youthful spirit.

The sounds of the wind, its refreshing, gentle and playful blows reach through your writing to the readers. Hannah has done well to accept your invitation and return to her encounter with the wind. Thank you for this lovely story, @cedujem

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the imagery and atmosphere I tried to create with the wind. Your feedback always brings new life to my pen, thanks again.

I thought she was left behind or she ran away. Just to realize that she was one with the wind. Yeah as we grown we tend to forget those little things as kids that brought us peace and joy. Glad Hannah found that back. From #dreemport

It's true, It's so easy to lose touch with the simple joys of childhood as we grow older and life gets more complicated. Thanks for stopping by and read.

Your story is a game of feelings that rest in the wind. It was a beautiful reading that invited us to into Hannah's mind and feel her thoughts. Beautiful story.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and that it transported you into Hannah's perspective. Thanks for touching comment and reading.

I love how brief, yet well described your story scenes are...truly, adulthood comes with heavy responsibility, but I'm glad hannah dusted all that off atleast for once, to feel like her younger self again!

I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the story. Thanks for stopping by and reading.

You are welcome

Yay! 🤗
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This is remarkable

A lot of people are like Hannah who has forgotten what good life feels like because of circumstances they encounter

Good job

You're absolutely right. Far too many people have lost touch with the simple pleasures of life, because of the hardships they face. Whether it's financial stress, health issues, loneliness or other challenges, their struggles tend to eclipse the light. But with empathy and kindness, we have the power to remind them of the good still left in the world.

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