A moment with death

in #hive-1707985 months ago

The sound of of multiple fireworks could be heard. The sky was lit with sparking flashes of light dispersed across the dark sky giving radiance to the ground below.


"Woohoo!!" James danced to the electronic music which reveberated across the open field, almost tripping into the ignited flames at the centre of field — it was a college bon fire night.

"Hey buddy, take it easy" Jones gripped James who was inebriated and seconds away from turning into dark coals.

"Le... Leave me aloone" James struggled to break free from the grip of his college mate and best friend.

"Nah, not gonna let you do that mate" Jones said, dragging him to a corner where he laid him down like a lifeless log of wood.

"You know he's an alcoholic and you brought him over here" a voice uttered.

Jones stuttered, turning backwards "oh! my God it's you." He placed his hands on his chest "You scared me there for a moment." He said to Mary.

"You've always been a scared cat." She replied.

"Cats are skillful, not scared" he grunted as he struggled to reposition his bag containing some drinks, and few clothes.

"Let's go for a ride" Mary subtly proposed.

"A ride? to where?"

"Remember that creepy house with the sign "keep out?"

"Hell no! there's no way we're going back there, Jones said while waving his hands in disagreement.

"Ouch, my head hurts!" James said holding his head as he regained consiousness.

"The drunkard is awake." Jones playfully said.

"The scared little cat is talking." James retorted.

There was a sudden outburst of laughter. Both boys turned in response to the voice - it was Mary's.

"You sound like an hyena" Jones jokingly lashed out at Mary. She always got on his nerves and was fond of picking sides with James.

"Alright so I heard you guys little chit chat while I passed out. I think it's a great idea."

They both stared at Jones while smiling, waiting for a response.

"Alright, alright. You guys win" he gave in, raising his both hands in submission.

They all drove downtown in an old truck, to a lonely road surrounded on both Sides by thick vegetations. On arrival, James stared at the tall creepy building.

"There's a sign at the door" Jones pointed towards the entrance door.

"Keep out" Mary read it out. "last I remember, it was at a sign board situated right where we're standing. well, it's just a sign." She added, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, but it wasn't there when we visited few weeks ago."

"The cat's starting to get nervous" James cut in.

"Not funny" Jones replied. He opened the door, walked in, while the rest followed him behind.

The creaking floorboards suddenly broke, absorbing Jones who landed on his back in a small dark enclosure. He coughed as dust seemed to cloud the whole atmosphere.

"Guysss? Maryyy? James?" He waited for a response but was answered by echoes of silence conveying the harsh grazing sounds of a raven.

"Come on guys, jokes apart." There was stil no response.

He heard a rattle behind him. He swiftly turned around and saw an obscure image that blended with the darkness. It took the form of a human. He swiped his face down with his hands, squinted his eyes as he slowly approached the image with a little help from a ray of light which shone through the broken floorboards into the enclosure.

He suddenly heard a loud thud behind him. He turned around, away from the image, and gasped "who's there?" All he could hear was nothing but silence.

"Ja... James is tha... That you?" His voice shook. His mind flashed back to the image that previously caught his attention. He turned towards it but it had vanished.

"Jesus Christ!! You must be f*cking kidding me." He whispered in fear. He frantically searched his pockets brought out his cellohone and turned on the flashlight. He shone it right in front of him, towards the image but saw nothing but a door. He rotated the light in a circular motion and all he saw were multiple doors. On the body of each, was a sign "keep out." His heart skipped in fear while regret flooded his mind.

With the aid of a ladder he managed to escape the enclosure through the same opening h fell into.

He reached for his cellohone and dialled 911...

"Hello, um please my friends are missing and it seems like there's... there's someone or some... Something around here."

The receiver on the other end of the call responded...

"Slow down mister... What's your..." "He - Hello... I can't hear you." The network had tripped off.

"Shit" he added as he tried to put a call through to Mary. his trembling hands made it difficult to input her number on the screen.

"Come on" he said as he kept trying to input the digits until there was a sudden strange noise outside the entrance door — it was the sound of a chainsaw.

He silently stepped backwards, away from the door in front of him but the floorboards creaked with each step taken.

The door silently opened. Every part of Jones body freezed as he saw a masked figure standing in front of the door. It wore an all-black ensemble, a pair of hand gloves and a mask similar to the one in the popular movie series "Scream". He had a chainsaw which he hung right above his shoulder.

Jones fearfully chuckled "James you guys gotta stop this. It's not funny."

There was an absolute silence as the masked figure gazed directly into Jones soul. He lifted the saw off his shoulders, revved the engine and ran towards Jones.

"Oh! no no no" Jones screamed as he rapidly paced backwards before tripping over an object behind him. He fell to the floor, scrambling backwards.

The masked figure plunged the chainsaw at Jones who rolled over to the side, narrowly missing his target as the chainsaw got stuck in the wooden floor. Jones seized that opportunity and fled upstairs, hiding in a wardrobe. It wasn't long until Footsteps slowly approached towards the wardrobe. Jones peeped through an opening within it — it was the masked figure. The footsteps stopped in front of the wardrobe then voiced out... "Pussycat."

He recognised the voice, it was that of James.

He pushed the wardrobe open, pinned James to the ground and attempted throwing a punch at his face before Mary intervened out of nowhere.

"It's a prank, you're gonna kill him, jeez!"

Jones was so infuriated that he glared at the both of them, breathing heavily without uttering a word.

They eventually drove off...

Jones sat at the back seat James at the passenger's while Mary drove.

"Hey, dude... I'm really sorry for what happened back there."

"Why would you try using a chainsaw on me in the name of a prank!!" Jones angrily broke the silence.

"Chainsaw? What the hell man!" he exclaimed. I wouldn't go to that extreme."

"You didn't?" Jones was surprised by his response. "So you guys weren't at the dark enclosure underneath main floor?"

"Nah, as soon as you fell into it, we seized that opportunity to hide and plan our tactics. What happened back there Jones? I heard some noises."

"Nothing," he replied. They wouldn't believe him anyways. His ordeal was like that of a perfect fictional novel everyone read in the library.

"You know, it was all Mary's Idea. I suggested we check-up on you cause of the weird noises we heard but she said it was just you being a pussy as usual... We had to..." James went on and on but all he said were inaudible to Jones ears.

Jones flashed back as he began to put pieces together —the strange thud he heard at the dark basement, the weird image that took the shape of a human, and the masked figure with the chainsaw. perhaps the "keep out" sign wasn't just there for no reason.

Whoever or whatever was in there definitely wanted him dead, and he knew this.

They kept driving down the silent road, underneath the stormy clouds and the incessant cries of ravens while Jones silently stared into empty space, reminiscing, amidst the inaudible explanations of James.


Some of the best mystery/horror stories are those where the author gives a logical explanation, but a doubt remains in the reader's mind about what has truly happened. You do offer a resolution here. James and Mary promise they did not wield a chainsaw. Jones accepts that. Yet, we know these characters are mischievous and like to play jokes, sometimes jokes in poor taste. Could they possibly be lying? This uncertainty is a tantalizing prospect and leaves us interested as the story ends.

You do a good job of building suspense in this piece, @chuksmeezy. It is fast-moving and mostly believable.

Thank you for sharing the story with us.

Thank you @theinkwell

Wow! This is more like a horror movie but who could have wanted Jones dead, is one of his friends or the super natural power.

I guess the reason behind his ordeal is all part of the mystery

Your story looks scary but interesting to read

Both funny and scary loving it

I would have bashed them both in the head for playing such a prank on me!

It was a nice read.

Lolz ... Was an expensive one though

Too expensive!