in #hive-1707983 years ago

HE WAS CHEATING ON HER!!! Kemi didn’t know whether to celebrate being right or scream at Dayo and whoever the busty voluptuous home wrecker was as she watched her join him in the car.

Two years of her life, for two years she had been faithful to this man. Technically they had been together for two and a half but she had kept her options open for the first six months of the relationship before deciding that it was serious enough to fully commit.

As Dayo and the lady drove past her she recognized the face behind the Gucci frames, Lara!!! Dayo and Lara had lived together and even wanted to get married at some point. She had met her once before in his apartment before they got serious and she had let him know there and then that she wasn’t comfortable with him having any form of relationship with an ex he almost married.
As she drove behind them she thought of all the times he seemed suspicious, wondered if those late nights at work were spent in Lara’s arms. Wondered why he needed another woman when she gave him all of her and more. Men will disgrace you she thought to herself barely remembering to stop at a traffic light that had turned red a split second before her mind re focused on the road.
She thought of all the business trips he often had to go out of town for, how much of it was a lie? Today he had told her he had some errands to run at his mother’s but she knew it was a lie because she spoke to his mom more than he did and she knew the woman was out of town.

She saw a message pop up in her phone just as she caught up with Dayo’s car, it was from her best friend, Anne was an ardent “Men are scum” philosopher, she had been cheated on several times and so she strongly believed that no matter how loyal and faithful a man might seem, if you looked close enough you’d find some dirt.
Anne called her less than two minutes later “Girl you’re not texting me back!!! Where are you? What is going on?? Did he go to his moms?!!” She threw the questions all at once without giving Kemi a chance to respond to any of them.
“ You were right Sis, he’s in the car with Lara!!! Yes his ex!!! I’m following them right now!!! What did I do to deserve this!!!” Kemi sobbed, her voice shaking from the hurt she felt deep inside.
“Calm down sis!!! He’s not worth your tears babe. Calm down jor” Anne snapped at her, even though she secretly celebrated being right about Dayo. Any man that perfect on the surface must be hiding something under all that charm, she had tried to warn Kemi but better late than never.
“Where are they right now? What are they doing”
“He picked her up and now they’re driving somewhere, I’m just following them “ Kemi blubbered.
Anne went on her usual tirade about the uselessness of men and how they only brought pain and misfortune wherever they went and how she had always know Dayo was a snake, Kemi couldn’t believe this was actually happening, she had been hurt before but she chose Dayo because she genuinely believed he loved her. He was always so attentive and dutiful and loving and he gave her unrestricted access to him so that she would never doubt him, Lara had always insisted that a man that perfect must be covering his misdeeds somehow and finally she had caught him slipping.


As Dayo turned into the Mall his phone rang, it was Kemi. He made a gesture to Lara to make her be quiet…he had been covert so far and he was not about to slip up by letting Kemi hear another female on the phone. “Baby girl, what’s up? I’m driving.” He said to her as he picked up.
“Just checking in Babe, where are you?” Kemi said trying hard to hide the pain in her voice.
“I’m still on my way to moms place, there was a bit of traffic on third mainland but I should be there soon”. He responded smoothly.
“Okay, Can we talk when you get home? I might be out for a while but I’ll be back later tonight”. Kemi said reaching for a tissue to dry her eyes.
“No wahala babe, I’ll be waiting for you…I love you” she didn’t say it back but maybe that was Airtel network at it again.
“You and Kemi are really cute together…why did I ever let her steal you from me” Lara said pushing Dayo softly and laughing.
“She didn’t steal me, you ran away and I found my bae, now let’s grab a bite before we get down to business” Dayo responded as he slid into a parking spot.

Later that night Kemi came home burning with rage, she had been with Anne for the last few hours and she was prepared for the battle ahead. She came armed with pictures and enough nasty retorts from Anne to sting Dayo into oblivion. He messed with the wrong girl.
As she opened the door, she walked right past the rose petals on the ground without noticing them, she did notice “their song” playing on the sound system but it only made her angrier, after sleeping with Lara he still had energy to try to seduce her?? Imagine the effrontery!!!

There was food on the dining table but she was hungry for blood not pepper soup and chicken, it did smell good though…Where was Dayo? she thought to herself. She checked the rooms one after the other fuming at his attempt to ease his conscience with all this romantic nonsense after cheating on her. She stomped to their bedroom and there she found him.
On one knee, with a beautiful diamond ring in his hands and sweat running down his face.
“What is this Dayo?? How long have you been kneeling there” she asked, her voice softer than she would have liked. There were roses on the bed and pictures of them all around the room and presents everywhere and the ring!!! The rock on it was so big that it almost blinded her.
“Since you pulled into the driveway babe, I love you with all of my being Kemi. I cannot imagine a life without you by my side, please marry me” he blurted out the words so quickly he wasn’t sure she heard anything. “ why are you crying babe?? What’s wrong” he asked, his knees were starting to hurt.
“ I saw you with Lara!!! I know about you and her!!! How can you expect me to marry you knowing that you have been lying to me” Kemi sobbed.
“I swear on everything babe, all Lara did was help me with the ring. I’m clueless about these things and I couldn’t think of anyone else to help me…my mom is out of town and….babe just check my phone…read my conversations with Lara. We went to get the ring and lunch and that’s all. I haven’t seen her in over a year babe”
He stretched out his phone towards her.

As she took it from him she already knew he was telling the truth…Dayo wasn’t Scum no matter how many men were. And she knew he had terrible taste in jewelry and fashion so it made sense that he would turn to someone else.
As she hugged him and put on the ring she thanked the heavens that she hadn’t given into her impulse earlier to drive into his car. She stared at her ring as heard her phone vibrate in her pocket…it was probably Anne but she couldn’t be bothered right now. Diamonds are forever and this diamond and the man who gave it to her were hers to keep forever.


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Beautiful twist and resolve. I half hoped for it too.

QuoteShe didn’t steal me, you ran away and I found my bae, now let’s grab a bite before we get down to business” Dayo responded as he slid into a parking spot.

I knew this meant something else.

Well done.

Thank you 😊
Thanks for reading and engaging

I half expected a big fight and then a breakup. You ended the story so beautifully. Great job @egboncass

Thank you for engaging, glad you liked it.

WOW ... this is amazing! I was relieved by the happy ending and so worried! WELL DONE!

Thanks for reading ❤️ I'm glad you enjoyed it

Perfecto!!!! Nice one mate

Thank you Chief 🙌🏽

You can spin a tale, @egboncass! You have readers biting their nails, waiting for a blowup when Dayo gets home. Surprise! He is a wonderful person and he has bought a ring. The story is well told, the dialogue is good and the character arc (Kemi) works very well.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We appreciate that you support other writers by engaging with them.

Thank you, it's a pleasure learning and contributing in this community 🙌🏽

I did not see that ending coming! What a turn of events. Yes, it really is good that she didn't bash into his car when she was following him.

Your story is well written, and it flows really well. Great job with action, dialog, and creating a "story arc" which is resolved in the end. Those are all the things we encourage writers to aim for in their stories, and you pulled it off beautifully.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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