in #hive-17079811 months ago

Lisa had always wanted to go to the beach and discover the beauty that lay beyond its glistening waters. Her parents had tried to grant Lisa's wish, but they had never had the opportunity due to their busy schedules.

"Daddy can we visit the beach during this summer holiday? Asked Lisa"

"My baby I am sorry I have a lot of work to attend to and I can never have the chance to follow you, said the father".

Lisa was upset and irritated when she asked her parents to take a vacation and visit the beach but they refused due to their hectic work schedules. Her eyes were filled with tears because all of her friends had made plans to visit the beach over the holiday.

Her mother called her in the evening and said.
"I mentioned to your Aunt how eager you are to go to the beach".

"What was her response? Replied Lisa"

"Will you visit your Aunt who lives near the beach? Said Lisa's mother"

"With all excitement, Lisa responded Yes"

At this point Lisa was overjoyed, she was singing all around the house to show her excitement, and she laughed at intervals, she was calm and ready to do all the house chores at that moment

A letter showed up at Lisa's door on a sunny day. It was an invitation to spend Lisa's summer break with her Aunt, who lived close to a lovely beach.

Lisa saw the invitation and read through it, she excitedly and eagerly ran to her mother who was working in the backyard to show her the letter her Aunt sent.

Lisa was overjoyed and eagerly packed her things that evening, anticipating the wonderful adventures that lay ahead.

Because Lisa was on vacation, she departed her parents' home the following day to visit her Aunt. Lisa was thrilled to do so.

Lisa arrived at her aunt's house and this conversation emerged.

"Good afternoon Aunt Betty," said Lisa

"You are welcome to my house Lisa," said her Aunt Betty

"Your mother discussed with me about your eagerness to visit the beach," said Aunt Betty

"I am happy to be here, this fulfilled my dream" replied Lisa

A cool air stroked Lisa's face as she took her first steps onto the sandy shore.

She heard the repetitive sound of waves crashing, which immediately calmed her spirit.
Her heart was overjoyed, and she couldn't help but dash towards the blue sea.


In the days that followed, Lisa discovered innumerable treasures that the beach had in store for her.

She would spend the mornings creating sandcastles with her aunt, who would patiently instruct her on how to create the ideal turrets and moats.

As they gazed at their inventions and then watched them get swept away by the incoming tide, their laughter reverberated around the beach.

In the course of making acquaintances and exploring the beach together, Lisa ran across some friends who were also visiting for the summer.

Lisa was busy admiring the gorgeous ocean when she came across Ruth and John. They had traveled for a summer vacation just like Lisa had, and Ruth asked Lisa, "How are you?" and "Can I know your name?" Lisa responded by giving her name. John was busy building a castle out of sand, so Ruth suggested that they go join him. They got along well and went to join John.

Lisa and her new friends would meet as the sun rose, dining on sandwiches and fruity beverages under colorful umbrellas.
Seagulls screeched overhead, clamoring for a piece of the delicious delicacies.

Their sun-kissed cheeks were teased by a salty breeze, which also left behind a pleasant taste of happiness and pleasure.

Lisa decided to investigate the enigmatic ocean depths one evening as the sky changed into a tapestry of oranges and pinks.
She put on her snorkeling gear which her Aunt bought for her and moved slowly toward the uncharted.
She jumped into the chilly water with glee, gasping in wonder at the brilliant coral reefs and the countless colorful fish gracefully darting around her.

As she swam deeper, Lisa found herself face-to-face with a majestic sea turtle.
The creature's wise eyes seemed to convey a secret only the ocean knew the secret of life, the secret of harmony.
Enveloped in stillness and wonder, Lisa felt connected to something greater than herself.

Lisa encountered a magnificent sea turtle as she dove deeper.
The creature appeared to be communicating a secret that only the ocean was aware of, the secret of harmony and life.
Lisa experienced a sense of being part of something bigger than herself while being surrounded by quiet and wonder.

She will always remember that moment as one of utmost happiness and tranquility.

Lisa sat on a worn-out wooden bench by the beach on her final day and looked out into the distance.
Gratitude and a hint of sadness both flooded her heart because she didn't want to leave her Aunt's house
She was astounded by the ocean's size and concluded that life is also limitless and full of possibilities, just like the sea.

As Lisa said goodbye to the beach, she took the beauty, tranquility, and amazing memories with her.
She had learned from the beach that although life can be both chaotic and quiet, the memories and lessons are ultimately important.

So, equipped with a fresh appreciation for life, Lisa set out for home, carrying with her the memory of her beach trip.

After her vacation has ended, Lisa goes back to her parent's house full of delight after seeing a stunning beach and eager to tell her schoolmates about her experience.

This is my response to this episode of #theinkwell prompt #138



I liked the reflection that your story left. Life and the beach are similar in the ups and downs, tranquility and chaos, but all this becomes food for our spiritual growth.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thank you for your support

Well done dear.
Beach is a nice place to crave, especially when you're the type that loves cool breezes and water waves.

Yeah, it is a place to cool off

The story covers a full spectrum of emotions - sadness Lisa feels when her parents can't take her, joy upon getting invited by her aunt, wonder during her adventures. The range of feelings helps make the story compelling.

Thank you, she was extremely happy when she finally got an invite from her Aunt

Seem like Lisa was charged for the experience to me though it would have be really cool if her dad wasn't so busy and tag along. But then she had her mom and aunt. Beautiful experience with her new founded friends. From #dreemport

Lisa will definitely not forget the beach experience and I can bet that she would love to visit again.

I can imagine how much fun Lisa had, this is beautiful. Well done Eunice.

Yes, she had fun and her desire was fulfilled. Thank you for your support

It's nice that her wish of seeing and spending time at the beach came true. I mean, I totally get Lisa as I am in love with the sea myself. If only I can swim and dive like her.

Those thoughts aside, I love the story overall! Showing Lisa's excitement was on point and the description was detailed and worded very well. Keep it up @eunice9200 !!!

Thank you

That feeling of getting your fantasy come true, can you feel it?
Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your support

Greetings @, Lisa's story is very interesting.The interesting thing about the sea is that every time one visits it fills one with epiritual energy.
I really liked the text.
My best wishes.

Thank you

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She had learned from the beach that although life can be both chaotic and quiet, the memories and lessons are ultimately important.

I love this statement. Life is full of both memories and they are important in their own unique ways.

Nothing beats the feeling of finally having to feel what you've craved for. Although Lisa didn't want to go back to her house but deep down, her part of heart felt fulfilled.

Nice story

Thank you dear

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well, @eunice9200.

While you have the makings of a nice piece, there were some inconsistencies that you need to address going forward to elevate your work and therefore earn a higher level of curation. eg: The dialogue tags are inserted incorrectly inside the speech marks early in the piece and later treated correctly. Earlier dialogue is also italicised and separated line by line while later, the dialogue switches within a paragraph. The specific part relating to the turtle shows two different versions of the same paragraph which could point either to use of AI/paraphrasing or simply lack of editing of your own work. The presence of these issues make it challenging for the curator to review.

I will take to correction in case of another time, I just joined the community and I wrote this prompt on my own I will follow normal procedure next time