Liberation In Water.

in #hive-1707982 years ago


Jonny sat at the edge of the cliff, a lot of memories ran through his mind. His legs dangling and fear in his heart. He was on the verge of making a critical decision in his life. One that could change his life forever. The biggest decision he was to make since he was born.

He always had the feeling and urge to do something new with his life, but he had no idea what it was and could be. He felt trapped internally, he had never left home before and he wasn't about to. "Change" , that was a word he feared since he was a child.

Deep in his thoughts the wind ruffled his vintage shirt and his hair. He put his hands in his pocket and took out a parcel. It contained incense and old jewelry given to him by his grandmother when he was young. It was a sacrifice meant for the gods of the sea, Jonny hoped for their directions. He mumbled words to himself as he said strange prayers to the gods. He asked them for their directions and intentions for his future. He then threw the jewelry into the ocean and lit up the incense. This was a ritual he learnt from his mother while growing up.

He then put his hands in his other pocket and got out a diamond ring. It looked so beautiful, it was his mother's engagement ring. He looked at it and remembered all the nice and ugly moments he had with his mother before she died. He remembered one night when he danced with his mom in the parlour, it was thanksgiving eve and they were both a little drunk. They danced and played all night. Tears rolled down his eyes as he finally let the ring drop from his hands, falling and falling, till a strange hand emerged from the depths and took it.

Goosebumps ran through Johnny's body as he swallowed a big lump of saliva.

Suddenly a magical being emerged out of the depths, it had a tail and scales like a fish. It raised its hand in a way, gesturing Jonny to Jump down and come with him. It looked so friendly and caring. Jonny thought about his life and the sacrifice he would have to make. He would be leaving his family and friends behind, people who needed him so much at that time. He thought about the pain and loneliness they would feel. More weird creatures suddenly emerged from the ocean and they also looked friendly and inviting. They made gestures for him to join them, but Jonny hadn't made up his mind. A lot of thoughts crossed Johnny's mind. He could hit a rock if he jumped.

He remembered the main reason he was sitting at that cliff, he came to relieve himself of the pain and loneliness caused by his unfulfilled ness. He remembered all the moments he had crying alone in his room, depressed and wanting everything to just disappear. If he didn't jump he would have no choice but to go back to that miserable life, And he wasn't about to. Without a second thought and tears in Johnny's eyes, he leaped over the edge and the strange hand leaped out of the depths to receive him.


Making him part of the water forever, as Johnny's breath fades away, he knows deep in his heart that he is finally where he belonged.

The End.


Wow.. Nice picture.. And I love your story too..

Jonny's heart was full of words that he didn't know how to express.