My Heart’s a Stereo

in #hive-1707983 months ago

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“There used to be a beautiful park here. People, especially on the weekends, would often relax and get some air while the kids played around.” Aldo pointed toward a deserted open area filled with shrubs, broken benches, and rusty swings.

“Umhmm..” Nena wasn’t listening to him but her eyes followed the direction of his fingers. There, she thought she saw someone disappear into a dilapidated building. Instantly, her mood changed and she beamed beneath the bright moonlight.

“Funny thing is, when there was still some freshness in the air, when the flowers still smelled sweet, and the plants still had natural flavors, we thought everything had gone to shit.” He knelt and examined a piece of metal scrap on the ground before dusting it off. “This will keep the valves in the water pipes back home steady.” He paused. “Arrgh We didn’t realize that we were living in the last era of the good old days.” He continued. “Now they’ve got them believing they can buy a spot in the afterlife.” He let out a giggle but his firm facial features and expression betrayed him.

The year was 2100 and the world had become a matrix of interaction and co-existence between nature and technology. This interwoven system blossomed to the extent that humans started to entertain the idea of an accessible afterlife. What started as a little media banter soon became a venture for big tech companies.

In 2070, Alura, the biggest tech giant began selling slots to the afterlife-Alaya. “Alaya, The paradise you choose,” was their catchphrase. At first, it was only a limited edition for the elites who could afford it. Then it became a whole frenzy and people across the world began saving for a slot to the afterlife.

Eventually, more than eighty percent of the world's population began living forever in Alaya. Alaya wasn't just a simulation on headphones like in virtual reality. It was a full-body immersive experience where users would upload themselves in a booth. They felt real, awake, and alive in a world of their choice that they would rather live in forever.

“Can I dash to the old library? I would like to pick up some books.” Nena spoke quickly in a soft tone. She always did that whenever she wasn't taking no for an answer.

“Okay be quick now. Don't talk to any strangers and especially, stay away from drones and machines….” Aldo’s strong voice came out like murmurs. He always had it soft for his only child. “The rumors around the blocs say that they are surveying and collecting enough data from the rest of us just to build their make-believe afterlife.”

Aldo and many others like him decided to live off-grid from civilization decades ago even before the Alaya Revolution. They lived peacefully in blocs scattered across the earth. He had been raising Nena alone for sixteen years and he made it his life to protect her from any dangers. With most of the world gone, members of the blocs freely moved in and out of their settlements scouting for basic resources from the abandoned world.

Nena ran off before her father could finish his sermons. Her eyes popped in amusement as she sprinted down to the old building that was barely standing. Inside, she walked through the long narrow aisle briskly.

“Now there you are .” She leaped from behind and wrapped her arms around the neck of a young boy. A headset hung loosely around his neck. He rested his back on a fragile shelf filled with dusty books.

Nena crept beside him and sat folding her legs. He looked into her brown eyes and smiled. Nena got lost in his blank stares. She often struggled to see through him but she loved the way he made her feel seen. “Mysterio,” she echoed in her heart. She called him that ever since the day met him on a similar night out with her father.

Nena instantly fell in love with everything about him. What she loved the most was his wealth of knowledge and he always listened to all her blabber with intense concentration. He knew so much about Alaya and the world they had left behind. He also wanted to know every detail about her. He told her that his entire family lived in Alaya but he loved to return to the world occasionally because he loved to explore.

“I thought Alaya was forever?” she had asked. “People never return, do they?”

“Only the Intelligent ones.” He'd replied.

Days turned into months and the old library became a little escape for Nena Almost every night. She lived for the thrill and rush she felt in her blood just being with him, learning about Alaya and worlds she never dreamed of.

“I've got twenty minutes today,” she blurted with excitement, ready for another adventure.

“Where do you want to go tonight?” He smiled. He brought out a pair of sleek advanced headsets and donned them on Nena before slipping on the one around his neck

“To the beach,” she said. Right after, like a switch, they both passed out.

Nena was now holding hands with Mysterio at the shores of a beach. She felt the cool wind sting her skin as it wafted through her hair. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, filling her lungs with fresh air. She felt so alive with Mysterio beside her. She wasn't hiding or creeping. She was free and she felt like soaring.

Nena and Mysterio walked around the shore for a while. The waves splashed their bare feet when he suddenly stopped.

“I must return now.” His eyes started to flicker like something she had never seen before.

“Yes, we should go. My Dad could be looking for me now. But are you okay?” Nena’s forehead creased.

“I’m not coming back.” He looked at her with his eyes still twitching. “Interaction with Human Female, subject 115 complete. Data processed.” A robotic voice from inside Mysterio announced and a blue light pulsated through his chest. His eyes finally shut.

“You are an Ai? Is that what you've been all this while? You've been collecting my information?” Nena kept hitting on his chest but he wouldn't move. He was now this still figure with a blue light pulsating.

Nena started to hear her name from a distance. Suddenly she felt herself go. She opened her eyes to find herself in the arms of her father. He had taken off the headset and smashed it across the shelves.

Nena could not stop weeping in his arms. “He isn't real. It was never real.” She kept repeating.

Aldo held her in his embrace for as long as she needed. His heart broke for his little girl. He had protected her all this time only for her heart to get broken by an Ai.

“It's okay sweetie. Never again. I promise.” He whispered into her ears.



Thank you so much, Inkwell.

Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

Interested to to help music map spread more good vibes on Hive?.

Why do I feel like this is the future as the rate which technology is slowly taking over everything.

Nena must feel betrayed after the experience but thank God her dad was nearby to stop whatever was going to happen after. I enjoyed reading this, well done buddy.

Is this eminent? The question keeps tugging my mind too. It would be dreadful.

Nena had her father and I am guessing he'd be more protective now.

Thank you so much for this lovely comment.