Spell Backfired ||| Inkwell Fiction Prompt 129

in #hive-170798last year



Mira was an only child who lost her parents a few years ago. Her mother died of a heart attack and her father got into a car accident. She had only one best friend, Gabriella. They went to university to study Literature. The first year was amazing, she met Aiden and fell in love with him. Sadly, they broke up because Aiden told her “She does not understand his feelings anymore!” Mira was devastated and to make things even worse, she found out he’s been cheating on her with another girl, Samantha.

Mira was crying in her room when a dangerous idea came to her mind. She knew her mother sometimes did spells to get what she wanted. And she decided to try it as well. So, she searched her mother’s contact notebook and found a number. The magician’s name was Ben.

Mira called Ben and told him what happened and he suggested a separation spell.

“Okay, do it!” Mira said in a hurry.

“Are you sure?” Ben asked, “Because there is no going back from this.”

“Yes, I’m sure!” Mira replied with full force.

After about a day, Ben called Mira and asked her to come down to his house to give her the spell. Mira and Gabriella drove to Ben’s house and Gabriella waited outside.

“My work is done! The last thing to do is bury it under a chestnut tree in the town's forest, be careful in that forest. It is cursed!” Ben said warning Mira about the danger.

“You want me to bury it in the cursed forest!” Mira said surprised, but she knew she had to do it to get what she wanted.

“This is a separation spell, it works within 24 hours. The agents of this spell are really powerful. You need to recite the Latin spell correctly under the full moon, otherwise it will backfire and will ruin your life! It means that it will separate you from all the things you hold dear like school, family and friends!” Ben said and handed Mira a jar wrapped with a white cloth and a thin black thread.

Mira and Gabriella drove to the cursed forest.

“Don’t expect me to come with you. It’s better that I wait here!” Gabriella said, nervously.

“I’ll be back quick. Promise me to stay here until I come back! “Mira said, her hands shaking from stress.

“Don’t stress. I am your best friend, I will never leave you alone in this forsaken forest! You can trust me on this!” Gabriella said trying to calm her down.

Mira raced to the forest and after looking around in the dark, found the chestnut tree. Folded papers wrapped with different colors of thread hung from its branches. The wind made them dance in the air. People lit candles as well. This tree was a wishing tree. Mira quickly dug enough so the jar fits and then recited the Latin incantation to activate it. Her voice shaking, she finally finished and ran to the car where Gabriella was waiting for her.

That night Mira fell into a deep sleep. She saw a snake with skin comprised of eyes talking to her.

“Mira…… Mira…….. Aiden has strong protectors. We cannot perform the separation spell. The energy will get reversed back to you. If you don’t want that to happen, you have to go back to the wishing tree and deactivate the spell!” the snake said.

Mira woke up feeling dizzy, but she got prepared to go to the university because she did not want to appear sad about her breakup.

In class, Mira had a bad feeling, she felt she was surrounded by a heavy wall of bad energy. She saw her professor having a goat head. She was fearful and thought her professor wanted to attack her so she jumped from her seat and attacked him. Mira hit him and he sent her to the principal’s office. Everyone watched, including Aiden and Samantha.

“If this happens again, we will have to expel you!” the principal warned Mira.

Mira did not want to cry or appear weak, and she realized the spell had backfired and she needed to live the consequences of her actions.

When Mira arrived back to the house, she closed all the windows and splashed black salt around the house. She called Gabriella and told her about her dream and the bad luck she was having, that they needed to get back to the forest and get the spell jar.

Mira went back to the chestnut tree with Gabriella, but she couldn’t find the spell jar. It was gone. Vanished into thin air. When Mira sat under the tree to rest a bit, she saw three gentlemen wearing a gray suit standing not far from her. They had no faces and they wore white hats. Mira panicked and ran towards the car as fast as she could.

“Just Drive!” Mira shouted and Gabriella started the engine without asking any questions. Gabriella drove as fast as she could.

“Can you tell me what is going on?!” Gabriella yelled while the car was going left and right. She couldn’t find her balance.

“I think we lost them! There were some guys following me! I don’t know who they were, but I’m sure they weren’t human! By the way, the jar was missing! I couldn’t find it! Someone must have taken it!” Mira said, panting.

When they arrived at the house, she called Ben and told him everything and asked for a solution.

“In some cases, spells can backfire if the target has strong protectors! You made the wishing tree angry. You must apologize to the tree and you must sacrifice something that is important to you, otherwise they will take everything from you!” Ben said.

“Mira….. Mira…. I have bad news, look at this,” Gabriella showed Mira a post just published from Aiden’s social media account. He announced her engagement to Samantha. Mira hung up the phone. It was unbelievable to her.

“Can you leave me alone for a while, please?” Mira, devastated, asked Gabriella to go. They said goodbye and Gabriella went to her house.

Mira went to her mother’s room to cry, but she noticed a family album on the drawer near her bed. She opened the album and saw her mother’s pictures. Tears gathered in her eyes and she whispered “Mom, I made a mistake! I need you right now!” Suddenly, a pair of dream catcher earrings fell on the floor. Mira wiped her tears with the back of her hand and examined the earrings more closely. I never saw these earrings.

Mira decided to wear the earrings because she sensed a powerful energy coming from them. At that very moment when Mira was admiring the earrings in the mirror, there was a knock on her door. It was Aiden.

“Hi, sorry to bother you! I just needed to get back all your stuff. Samantha insists you should have them!” Aiden said noticing the earrings.

“If she knew how much I love her, she wouldn’t be crying. But I love money more. Samantha is rich and I’ll be her husband soon. Lucky me!” Aiden thought but Mira heard him.

Mira’s heart warmed because she was in possession of a magical pair of earrings, one that can read other people’s thoughts. She realized Aiden doesn’t love Samantha, but he only wants her money. This made her angrier. She wanted to destroy Samantha. Now, having a pair of magical earring she could learn about some of her secrets, and expose her. She knew she had secrets.

“I have one more thing to say before I go, Samantha wants you to come to our engagement party! It’s tomorrow at 8p.m. Here, this is the invite,” Aiden handed the invitation to Mira without no shame, assuming that it would break Mira’s heart.

Mira’s mind was chaos, her thoughts were tangled and she couldn’t decide on how to react to this request. Finally, she calmly said “Sure, I will come.”

Mira took the box and watched Aiden drove away from her house. She spent the night planning her revenge, she wanted to look as good as Samantha.

On engagement night, she arrived sooner, and without anyone noticing her, found Samantha’s dressing room. Samantha was alone and was admiring herself in the mirror.

“Good thing, I followed Mira to that cursed forest and took the spell jar and reversed the energy. Aiden and I are meant to be together. No matter what happens, I always have a lot of money. I get away with everything, also I have no shame in admiting that I cheated on him with another man!” Mira heard Samantha thinking.

So, it was Samantha who took the spell jar. That devil of a woman. Mira never thought Samantha to be that sneaky. Mira texted Gabriella and told her of what she found out.

The party was starting and everyone was sitting at their tables. Mira found hers and sat down. She did not know how to ruin Samantha’s engagement party and expose her. She was deep in thought when a handsome gentleman asked her to dance with her.

“I can’t help but notice how beautiful you are! Can I have the honor of this dance? Will you say yes to this dance?” Mira hesitated a moment. His eyes shimmered with a glowing light. And his meaningful smile promised happiness and blessings.

“Yes, okay. Let’s dance!” Mira replied and took his hands. Aiden noticed the gentleman and got a little jealous and kept an eye on him.

They were dancing and having fun when suddenly, she found herself beside the tree in the cursed forest. A mist engulfed her and a cracked voice was heard. It was coming from the tree.

“You must offer a sacrifice! Something precious to you! Your time will be up soon! How about you give me those earrings!” the cracked voice said angrily.

Mira felt a coldness inside her body, and her heart was beating so fast that she feared it might come out of her chest.

“I will never give you my earrings! This was my mom’s” Mira shouted in the forest.

“Take them off and give it to me!” the tree uttered.

In the meantime, Aiden was looking for Mira.

“Where is Mira? She suddenly disappeared into thin air! She was just here dancing!” Aiden said looking around frantically.

Samantha noticed his anguish, “Please don’t ruin the party! Just calm down!”

“You know something! Tell me! Where is she?” Aiden yelled at Samantha and everyone froze in their place and stopped dancing.

“I think I have an idea where she is!” Gabriella came forward and explained everything to Aiden. She and Aiden got into the car and left the party and headed to the cursed forest.

“If something bad happens to her, I will never forgive myself!” Aiden said while panicking in the car.

“You still love her!” Gabriella said surprised.

Gabriella and Aiden found Mira standing repeating “I will never give you my earrings…. I will never give you my earrings…..”

“Mira calm down! I am here….. I made a mistake…. I can’t live without you!” Mira was in shock, she was shaking. How she was transported to the forest was insane.

Mira checked her ears to see if the earrings were still there, but they were missing.

“My earrings are gone! They were my mom’s. I can’t lose them!” Mira said trembling with anguish in Aiden’s arm who was panicking “Someone help me please….. Call for help……”

“You got what you came for! Aiden got back to you! And, I got what I wanted!” the tree whispered into Mira’s ears laughing.

Mira looked around, she realized Aiden was by her side. But, she knew, she lost something precious.


This is an epic, suspenseful story, @lenaspiritual. The mystical touches really move the story along and make it compelling and readable. We are left with a few questions. What was the separation spell? She seemed extremely determined to use it, but its purpose was not described. And if Aidan had wanted Samantha only for her money, why would Mira want him back?

It's a very interesting and nicely written story, overall. Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

Thank you so much for reading my story ❤️

Aiden loved Mira and Mira loved him so much as well, however Aiden was tempted to be with Samantha because she had money and when Gabriella tells him everything about her being a cheater, he leaves the party to look for Mira in the cursed forest. Gabriella knows this because Mira texted her when she heard Samantha's thoughts. Samantha was indeed a cheater.
A separation spell in the world of magic is a spell that creates coldness between two individuals and Mira wanted to separate Samantha and Aiden.
The tree obviously heard Mira's request but because Samantha took the spell jar and reversed the energy, it cteated a sort of chaos, it made the tree angry and that was why the tree took something from Mira that was precious to her and was magical, the earring I mean. Samantha suffered too, she lost Aiden. They both tampered with magic.
That man that Mira was dancing with was not human, he was sent from the tree to transport Mira back to the tree and the cursed forest to take the earring.
Aiden got back to Mira, not because of the spell but because he realized love matters more than money.

What a beautiful suspense/love story. I love the flow of your story. An evil intention begets evil but love always conquers all. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your writings.

Yes, I very much enjoyed telling this story, and it's true that love always wins.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting 😍

My pleasure. 😍 You inspired me a bunch 💞

If you ask me, Aiden is a sleaze bag and wow. I would leave his ass the moment I found out he was with a woman for her money. Damn it. But I guess even douches can be loving. He clearly loves her (maybe) and I wish them well

Yes, they loved each other. I guess love is blind 😃
Thanks for reading ❤️