My life, My choice

in #hive-1707983 months ago

“So now that you have agreed to go to the university. What would you like to study?” My cousin Smart asked over the phone one faithful evening years ago.

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“Honestly, I told you people in this family that I would rather focus on learning a handwork or something…” I replied, shrugging.

“You can do both, and we both know you're intelligent. Don't be influenced by people saying school is a scam in this country” Smart replied.

Sighing, I stretched my legs out on the chair I was sitting and pondered over his words. My cousin was right, I was being influenced by the complaints of graduates who had finished the university but couldn't get a job after so many years of searching.

In my mind, I figured I would rather use the years required for a degree to learn a skill and become my own boss, instead of slaving away for years in school with nothing to show for it thereafter. But then again, I knew my family had my best interest at heart and getting a degree might just be worth it for me.

“Fine, let's add another graduate to this family” I replied and we both laughed.

“So what course are you going for. You're a science student, right? So I'm guessing medicine or nursing or pharmacy?” Smart asked.

I'm sure he wasn't expecting the laughter that I released after his question. In my country, most parents and families tend to lean towards their children studying the courses my cousin mentioned, or Law. Some of them even force their children to study it against their will.

“Why didn't you study any of the courses you just mentioned?” I asked him.

“No comment, why do you think I escaped abroad?” he asked, and we both laughed.

“Lucky you, anyway, I don't know yet. I'm still thinking I'll let you know when I decide, but it definitely won't be any of the courses you mentioned” I replied, we talked a little more before I ended the call. My mind was already whirring with the choice I was going to make.

I knew my uncles, who would sponsor my education, since my father was late, would want me to study medicine or nursing. But I was leaning towards Food science and technology or Agriculture. I decided to stand my ground and not let anyone persuade me into changing my mind like my other cousins. After all, I would be the one doing the course, not my uncles.

After evading them for a while, my two uncles finally decided to pay me a visit at home. I greeted them and was just smiling with another of my cousin, Charles, who I had told of my decision to pick Food science and technology.

“Do what makes you happy, dear. I studied building in school, but I had to keep telling them it was architecture, it's almost the same thing, so I can get away with it” he'd said to me.

I laughed at his confession because we referred to him as an engineer.

“Aha! No wonder you're not only good at designing houses, you also know a lot about construction and building” I replied.

After a little family gossip, my uncle finally asked what I wanted to study, and I told them my choice.

“Food what?” the eldest uncle asked, “You want to read about food? Why waste five years reading about food that we eat?”

I watched as my cousin’s shoulder shook with silent laughter, then I squeezed my lips in an effort not to laugh.

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“No uncle it's more than that” I replied, telling him about the course and what it entailed. Ending it with ‘it's more of science, and it's as hard as engineering’.

“Why not do engineering then” the other one asked.

My cousin Charles cleared his throat and spoke up, telling them food science and technology wasn't bad, and I would have great job opportunities. They looked at him skeptically and asked me what other choice I had in mind. When I replied Agriculture, the expression on their faces made me and Charles burst into laughter.

“These children will not kill us before our time, you should have said so since. We have lots of land in the village. We'll just give you three plots first and ask one of our kinsmen to teach you how to farm” my elder uncle replied.

I couldn't even reply because I knew I would start laughing again.

“Good point, then you'll probably marry one Okorie and turn to a village farmer” Charles said, winking at me.

“What about nursing or medicine or other science courses?” my other uncle finally asked.

“You all know I can't stand the sight of blood or syringes. I also hate drugs, so how am I supposed to do the job?” I asked.

“You learn it or do you think anybody likes the sight of blood?” my uncle asked.

“Maybe after I faint five times and get kicked out of nursing school…” I muttered.

They left that day, not pleased with me refusing to do their bidding. But I had support from my other cousins, who had studied what my uncles wanted but were secretly pursuing different career paths. My mother also supported my decision, she knew agriculture was a good choice and my friend's sister was a food and science technologist and doing well in the company she worked at in Lagos.

“I’m not changing my mind. My uncle's children can become doctors and nurses when they grow up. Nobody should force me, I should have done Art in secondary school so that everybody will rest when I tell them I'm studying Music” I told my mum when we talked about the issue.

They finally agreed to let me have my way, and I was so happy when I filled out the JAMB form that year and put Food science and Technology as my choices in first and second choice of Institution/course. I passed the required exams and a twist of fate happened when I got my admission letter which came very late.

I was offered admission to study Agric economic and extension under the faculty of Agriculture. Not only that, but I was happy and grateful that the universe supported my decision to take the road less travelled in my family; by defying my uncles and standing my ground to study a course most people look down on even until this day.

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Now I know many things about Agriculture and my family members are always proud when I discuss with their friends who are into farming about good crop practices and where to get good seeds and some tricks in agriculture. Recently, my uncle decided to start up a palm plantation, and I was delighted.

When he called to tell me about it, me being the naughty child that I am, asked him:

“Uncle, don't tell me you're planning to relocate to the village. Maybe to use three plots of land first to start your plantation, and one of our kinsmen will probably teach you?”

He chuckled and decided to tackle me by asking me when I would get married. I didn't need divine wisdom to tell me to switch back to the topic of palm plantation, before he decided to hold a family meeting for me on the issue of marriage… Haha.


Hahaha. You had sense o, if not the next family meeting would have been discussing your bribe price 😂

I love that you stood your ground and the universe supported you. At that point, it was no one fault, your uncle had no choice. Seeing that he is going to benefit from that now is a plus.

😂 I had to give myself sense o. Yeah at the end they really didn't have much choice and I'm glad things worked out well.



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