Fur Frenemies

in #hive-1707987 days ago

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In the very comfortable house of Mr Fidel, a widowed old man with blue curtains and a fence made with shrubs, lived two pets under one roof who hid behind a mask of harmony and peace.

On top of the fridge, curled up like an angel with her favourite pillow, was Fluffy, the orange cat with blue eyes that looked like it stared into your soul. And sprawled by the hallway was Max, the scruffy dog with eyes as innocent as a newborn baby.

To Mr Fidel and the world, they were the perfect pair, always sharing a bed and licking each other's faces, but only a decoy to deceive Mr Fidel of the truth - they were sworn enemies.

Adopted from the same Animal Shelter, The Paws and Whiskers Sanctuary. They were leaders of rival gangs, Whiskers Mafia and Paws Brotherhood, fighting to make sure their members were adopted instead of the rival gang. Sabotaging efforts that could see their enemy gang members adopted, fighting over food, toys, and power. This enmity was known only amongst them, their caregivers had no idea.

Not until Fluffy and Max were adopted on the same day by Mr Fidel, a man who was ignorant of their rivalry and believed so much in love and harmony, especially now his wife was dead.

In their first few days in his house, he noticed how they always fought each other, destroying the house in their wake. And warned them one day.

“You two should learn to love each other. You're family now or else back you go to the shelter.”

Those words hung over them like a threat. They feared returning to the shelter. They loved the care and love Mr Fidel was showing them, the treats and cuddles. This forced them to make a truce to play nice only when Mr Fidel was around but returned to being sworn enemies in his absence.

It wasn't long before Mr Fidel left for work, and they returned to being enemies.

Fluffy, the mischievous cat, jumped down from the fridge and walked majestically past Max, who sat stretching himself and wagging his tail.

"Dogs, always dumb. Wagging tails to show how weak they're". She hissed.

Max ignored her and walked to the kitchen counter. "Better to wag my tail than curl up the house everywhere like a spoilt furball", he laughed.

Fluffy jumped onto the kitchen counter and stared Max in the eye "Watch its paws, I don't play nice when Mr Fidel is away" she threatened

"Well, I've got no nice tattooed on my face either, fur ball", Max fired back. He proceeded to nose open the cabinet where he knew Mr Fidel kept his treat jar but it wasn't there

Fluffy chuckled from the kitchen counter "Looking for this?" She asked, lying lazily on the countertop. Her paw gently pushed the treat jar to the tip of the counter.

"Don't! Don't drop that jar. If it breaks, Mr Fidel will think I did it, " Max pleaded, eyes widened.

Fluffy purred "Pfft, that's the idea, dumb skull". With that, she pushed the jar until it toppled over the counter and broke on the floor, with treats scattering everywhere. "Oops! That's payback for yesterday". There was a wicked grin on her face

Max’s heart sank. “You crazy furball!" He yelled as he watched Fluffy jump down from the counter and strut away gracefully. He didn't blame her. It was payback for setting Fluffy up yesterday till she was scolded by Mr Fidel.

He sat there staring at the mess on the floor, and somehow, he wasn't bothered. He had learned one thing from being left in the streets, revenge was best when it's served cold

He waited patiently for Fluffy to settle in her favourite spot at the window. He sneaked in and stole her favourite pillow, and in a corner, he ate it to shreds, making sure it wouldn't be mended again.

When Fluffy finally noticed what Max had done a huge fight ensued. They fought themselves, scattering the whole house, destroying glass furniture and turning the whole house upside down. It was like a world war with Max fighting for the dogs and Fluffy fighting to protect the dignity of her fellow felines.

They were at each other's throats that they didn't notice when Mr Fidel made it back home.

“I’m home!” Mr. Fidel’s voice echoed as the door creaked open.

Max and Fluffy untangle each other quickly as they try to put up an innocent and friendly act. But it was too late as Mr Fidel had seen everything coupled with his disorganised house.

“What on earth!" Mr Fidel yelled as his eyes fell on the mess in his house. "No! No! I'm taking you too back immediately"

With that, he bundled them Into his car and drove straight back to the shelter where he picked them from. Max and Fluffy bent their heads in shame. They weren't proud of what they had done. They felt they had escaped the shelter, but their attitude resulted in them being driven back to the shelter by Mr Fidel.

They sat in their cold, tiny cages at The Paws and Whiskers Sanctuary. They were back to the smell of dog and cat litter. It didn't smell like home, like Mr Fidel's home. They longed for the warmth of Mr Fidel's house and the softness of his couch.

"You shouldn't have dropped that jar" Max blamed Fluffy from his cage. His voice was low.

"And you shouldn't have chewed my favourite pillow," Fluffy replied.

"Our mess has brought us back here", Max said, pressing his nose against the bar.

"I just wish we could change the hands of time and do better" Fluffy curled up in her cage.

Days passed and no one came to adopt them.

One day, the door to the shelter opened, and on the other side was Mr Fidel. He had returned for them. Their eyes widened and their ears perked up at the sight of him. He bent over gently to their cage and spoke softly.

"It feels like I can't live without you two troublemakers. I miss you guys and the house feels empty without you two", he paused. "I just hope this time around you will learn to live with each other"

Max barked.

And Fluffy meowed.

"I guess that's you guys agreeing to my demands." He looked at the caregiver who unlocked their cages. "Now let's go home", he said as he strolled behind him.

As they hopped into Mr Fidel's car, Max looked at Fluffy and said.


Fluffy nodded "Truce".

And this time they meant it.


I'm glad that Max and Fluffy have reached a truce. I loved your story.

Thank you for reading.

This story has a great lesson, max and fluffy reaching a truce got them what they both wanted (to stay with Mr Fidel)

Voted through #Ecency.
Curator - Guest

Thank you.

A lovely story. Finally the dog and the cat learned that home was better and resolved their differences. Very entertaining to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.

Have a nice weekend.
Thank you for reading

A lovely story, @marriot5464. You do slip up once: Mr. Fidel becomes Mr. Thompson. Fidel is such a wonderful name for this character. That was a wise choice. Thompson is a proofreading oversight, no doubt, and one you will likely clean up.

Great job with Frenemies, @marriot5464

I've corrected it. Thank you

Such a beautiful and funny story!. I could just picture Max and Fluffy fighting and getting into mischief. And I loved the ending. Fidel loves them because he gave them another chance.
Regards @marriot5464

Mr Fidel likes Max and Fluffy and after their disagreements here and there, they finally came to conclusion