Roles Reversed

in #hive-1707983 months ago

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Good morning Lucas " the janitor greeted as the usual routine had been with Uche. But there was no reply from Uche. He only grumbles under his breath.

It was unusual for Uche, a 35-year-old married successful lawyer man, to be grumpy early in the morning. But there was a reason for that. He had just lost the biggest case of his career. A trial with high stakes that everyone in his form counted on him to take to greater heights considering that he was the best lawyer with a sharp mind and unwavering confidence.

But as fate may have it, he lost to a rookie lawyer from a competitor firm. He was so devastated. Little did he know that the real blow was about to be unleashed on him that morning as he walked into the office.

"Sir the chairman will like to see you" his secretary had announced as he stepped into his office.

"Tell him I'll be there" he replied with a shaky voice and sweaty palms.

He quickly dropped his bag and walked over to the chairman's office which was opposite his own.

"Sir" he greeted as he walked into the chairman's office which reeked of opulence. He tried grabbing a seat as had been his usual way.

"There's no need for that, Uche. I'll be quick" the chairman said, standing by the window looking over the city skyline. He had his cigar in his hands. He turned and walked over to his seat and sat down.

"I'm sorry, Uche," the chairman said, clearly avoiding looking him in the eye and handing him an envelope "But we can't afford to keep you on after this loss. Your performance over the month has been slipping, but we decided to give you a chance. Well, this was the last straw."

Uche stood there stunned. He tried to plead but was cut short by the chairman.

"Clear your desk, your replacement is coming in this morning, " he added. Stood up and walked back to the window.

Uche couldn't believe he was relieved of his work in such an embarrassing manner. He packed up his belongings, trying so hard to hold back tears. He wondered how his family was going to survive as he was the breadwinner of his family.

He cursed at himself and everything. Emily, his wife, was a stay-at-home wife. He had personally engineered that idea. He believed that once a woman had a good job and earned well, she might grow reasons to disrespect her husband. He learnt this from his dad who made sure he provided everything so that his mum doesn't work.

Now he wondered if it had been a great ideology. He wondered how they'd survive with the present economy.

He got home to a surprised wife.

"Did you forget anything?" Emily had asked.

"I wish" he replied like a warrior defeated on the battlefield.

Emily saw the defeat in his eyes. "Uche, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I lost my job."

Emily's eyes widened, but she quickly composed herself. She made him sit then she hugged him tight as he cried on her shoulder "It's not the end of the world. We'll get through this," she said, comforting him. "We'll figure it out."

Uche struggled with accepting his new reality. He didn't believe that at one point in his life, he'd be at home taking care of the kids and managing the house instead of being in court arguing cases, quoting laws and the Constitution.

He realised that even for a stay-at-home wife, it wasn't easy taking care of the home. He regretted ever shouting at his wife whenever he was home and his food wasn't ready.

He noticed that even though he didn't give enough money like he used to when he was working for family upkeep. They never lacked anything at home. In fact they fed well and it was as if he never lost his job.

"How do you do it?" he asked Emily one night as he prepared for bed.

"Do what?" Emily asked, confused.

"Sustain the house. Ever since I lost my job we haven't lacked food"

Emily's smiled and with a soft voice she replied "I've been meaning to tell you"

"Tell me what"

"Uche, I work from home. I've been doing freelance jobs online even while you worked. I couldn't bear being idle, I needed something to keep myself occupied" she softly said

"And now it has become a significant source of income for us," Uche replied, smiling in disbelief. "I don't deserve you"

"You're not angry that I tried to undermine your role as the provider?" she asked, surprised.

"No," Uche said, holding her hands. At that moment he realised how foolish he had been to discourage Emily from working. "But I feel stupid for holding you back all these years. Look how it's saving us now" he said.

Emily smiled.

Over the next few months, Uche applied for jobs at different firms but none wanted him. Apart from a new small firm who decided to cast their dice with him. He wasn't going to earn much there but he was happy that he would be able to help Emily who was now the breadwinner of the family with paying bills. He loved and respected her decisions now like he never did before.

He got home one day to meet his wife so busy at her workspace that she didn't even notice his presence. He smiled and leaned by the door admiring his wife as she worked.

"The shoe is truly on the other foot now," he said to himself. “And it fits perfectly”.


It took him losing his job for him to see the value in his wife working. He saw how difficult it was to take care of the home.
The good thing is that Uche eventually changed.

Good thing is that he changed.
Thank you for reading

I am glad finally Uche realized his mistake and later he supported Emily.

Thank you for stopping by 😊

Hahahaha. Since online jobs were invented, with a computer or a good cell phone and a good internet connection we can generate money to help our families. In a family there should be no differences, equality should always prevail. Greetings

I like the last line "... equality should always prevail".
Thank you for reading 😊

I really liked your story, it has some very positive messages. Uche valued his wife and family when he stopped being the breadwinner and she assumed her responsibility with strength.

Greetings @marriot5464

He's clearly a man that loves his family.
Thank you for reading
