The Ink Well Prompt #80 - Unclog

in #hive-1707984 months ago

Generated using METAAI

“Come girl, we're almost there. Come on just a bit further “ Mark muttered in-between his teeth, the thick smoke from his old truck exhaust billowed behind as he chugged his way up the hilly terrain. Clutching hard, changing gears, glancing at the temperature gauge which was speedily leaning to the red. He held tightly to the steering wheel like his life depended on it.

Finally he got to a gas station at the top of the hill and pulled in. The engine sputtered loudly, black fumes coughing out through its exhaust like a smoker on his last puff before dying out.

“Finally!” Mark exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel hard. “Why can't you just be a darling and let me have this smooth ride home” he muttered, stepping out of the car and slamming the old truck's door hard. The heat from the hot pavement greeted his bare feet.

“Ouch!” He shouted, put his hands back into the car through the driver's window and pulled out his boots which he loves taking off while driving and put them on.
He walked to the trunk and pooped it open. A fume of hot steams hissed out.

“Great, now what am I gonna do?” He asked himself confused. He has had that car for years but knows absolutely nothing about engines.

He placed his hands on his waist, his cotton shirt clinging tightly to his sweaty body. He wiped his face with his brows. He was exhausted.

“Need some help there son?” a voice called out from behind.

Mark quickly turned to see who it was. And approaching him was an elderly man with grey beards and long grey hairs which he tied together with a rubber band. He had a friendly smile on his face.

“Yeah, sure. That'd be great” Mark replied happily.

“So what's wrong?”

“I don't know. Not too good with engines, but it's been overheating” Mark explained. He stepped back a little to let the old man take a look.

The old man stepped forward to take a closer look at the engine. He nodded before introducing himself “ The name's Joe. I'm not a magician with engines but I've been working on engines like this since I could remember.” Joe explained.

“Oh that's good. I'm Mark” Mark stared at his hands and realized how oily and filthy it was. “Hands not clean, I would've shake you”

“Yeah I know. So let's see what we got here” the old man said, paying more attention to the fuming engine.

Joe peered into the engine, poked and prodded with his hands. He was truly good with engines, Mark thought. He prayed the fault wasn't a big thing as he didn't have any extra cash for more bills. His present bill was already choking him.

“So your radiator is bad” Joe said, pushing himself out of the hot engine. He was sweating by now. “You definitely will need a new one”

Mark blew some raspberries “How much will that cost?”

“Well I've got a used one in my truck. Might be old but it'll do the trick, till you get into town and get yourself a new one. You can just give me anything you can afford, “ Joe explained, pulling out a dirty scarf from his pants and wiping his greased fingers.

“Oh thank you”

“Don't thank me yet till it's all done son” He turned and headed to his truck for the radiator.

Mark leaned on his car, he watched as Joe returned with the radiator and began to install it. His exhaustion is clearly becoming visible now. Just like his car he has been running on fumes too lately. The last few months have been filled with so much work with little pay but excess bills to pay.

“You okay son? I'm not asking about being okay physically but you look like a heavy load is on you” Joe asked, his face buried in the car hood.

“I wish I was okay.” Joe replied, he didn't like letting strangers in on his personal life but this felt different because he needed to talk to someone. “Lately I've been struggling with literally everything. My job, my bills, everything. Always like I'm a step behind”

“Yeah like you're a clogged radiator right? I've been there.” Joe got out of the hood and looked Mark into his face. “But like a radiator, you've just got to clear it out and keep going unless it's totally useless then you get a new one.” He paused, pulled out his scarf again and wiped his hands “But you aren't looking like a useless radiator son. Just unclog and keep moving, there always light at the end of the tunnel”

Mark nodded in agreement.

“Your truck is set. Wanna give her a kick” Joe

Mark got into the truck and turned the key. His truck came alive, the smoking gone. It roared of a new life.

“Thank you Joe,” Mark said stepped out of the truck. “I guess I have to pay you now,” he added, putting his hands in his pants and pulling out his wallet.

“You know what son. Don't worry about the payment, one good deed deserves another. One day when you meet someone who needs help, repay it” Joe said, placing his hand on Mark's shoulder.

“That's so kind of you” Mark said, nodding his head.

“You've gotta get going. I see you still have a long distance to go before you get to town”

Mark got into his truck and turned the ignition, pulled out of the gas station. He waved Joe goodbye and got on his journey.

He might be exhausted but the little pep talk with Joe gave him all he needed to hear and believe. He needs to unclog and keep moving.

He smiled and put his foot to the gas pedal. He listened as his truck roared on the lonely road.


Thank goodness he had a charitable soul to help him with the car and listen to him! Sometimes we need to talk to someone to make everything work, like the car. Regards
