
in #hive-1707983 years ago



In the beginning of time, God lived with his father Alpha ,then The Supreme God of God's who ruled over the entire universe, although earth hadn't been created. Then God was called Jaffa. They both lived peacefully, creating other planets with different forms of life other than humans.

They both acted as celestial beings responsible for creating new life. But during the time before the beginning something happened.

God came up with a unique idea, to create a new universe called Earth. A new world where they could both rule over equally. A world where the inhabitants had a peculiar sense of emotions and similar likeness to Jaffa and his father.

He brought his plan forward to his father Alpha, who acknowledged that the plan was a peculiar and intelligent one. But instead of sharing the ownership of the planet between him and his son, Alpha tried to claim it all to himself. He proclaimed that he was going to be the main God of the inhabitants of the planet earth. Everyone would pray in his name.

This arrangement made Jaffa bitter, so he planned to overthrow his father from the throne. The whole plan belonged to him and he wasn't ready to give it up for him.

He planned with angel Lucifer to dethrone his father because he was his father's favorite angel. The plan went smoothly and in no time he was crowned the new imperial God over all the universe.

He immediately went into the planning phase for his new projected universe called Earth. He set a time table for just seven days.

In seven days he planted the first garden, made the sky's, the land, the seas and the heavens where he would live with his angels.

He created the sun to shine during the day time and the moon and stars to shine in the night.

He made wild animals walk and multiply on land. He made fishes swim in the ocean.
He made the birds fly in the sky.

On the 6th day God felt lonely, it was finally time to create humans. He created the first man in the likeness of his father Alpha and the first woman in his own likeness.

But on the 10th day, Lucifer tried to overthrow Jaffa and he sent him o exile. Casting him down to earth to live among humans forever.

The End...


made with canva

play lifestyle


Interesting, although I would be interested even more in if this is from a mythology stand point or a mix of your perception and mythology research. What culture does the word Jaffa come from and what is the meaning of the word.
Jaffa was a term used in Stargate and I am into mythologies.

Jaffa is a port city in Isreal, precisely the old city of tel Aviv and it is associated with a lot of biblical myths like the story if Jonah and the big fish. I picked the name randomly, it sounded good to my hearing.

Thank you for reading..

What a creative way to utilize the prompt. This could be another version of stories of existence and life lived before. Great job!

@silentbot star 3

Jaffa sent Lucifer to exile, because he tried to overthow him. Jaffa rules on not Lucifer. Thank you for reading..

I challenge you to write your next story fresh from your imagination, @milesofplay, with characters that have never existed in lore, in legend, bible stories, or in history. :-)

Challenge accepted...

This is sort of a story, @milezofplay, and sort of a belief system. It has a peculiar arc that parallels the foundation myths of several religions. In the end, one would like to know how Jaffa fared when thrown down to earth. Does Lucifer then rule? Questions unanswered.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. Have you commented on the stories of two other writers?