Your Angel

in #hive-1707983 years ago



Once upon a time in heaven, God and his surgeons stood in the operating room, they worked on a child almost ready to be born.

Just as the procedure was to be completed, the child asked a strange question. "I heard one of your angels gossiping yesterday and they said you might send me down to earth today" ."Is that true?".

There was a surprising look on God's face as he was baffled by the child's question.

God = Yes it's true, my child

Child = How can a helpless creature like me survive on earth alone. Those horrible creatures down there will destroy me and my soul.

God = Don't worry my precious child, all that has been taken care of. All you need to do is believe me. I have assigned a helper and ultimate guardian who will oversee your care till you grow old. He's going to be your personal Angel throughout your days on earth. Your Angel will clean your filth, and sing sweet calming melodies to your ear when you need to sleep. I have built an unbreakable connection between you and your angel, she will love you and you will feel all her affection.

Child = But how am I going to interpret the languages spoken on earth when I won't be able to talk or understand?.

God = Ha Ha Ha, that is no problem at all. You shall hear sounds but for sometime you might not be able to understand, just be patient because your angel will patiently teach you how to speak and understand. He will use smooth and sweet words that will tickle your ears and make you happy.

Child= You seem to have everything covered, but how am I going to communicate with you when I need to,I will miss you deeply.

God = I will miss you more my child but, your angel will teach you ways in which you can use to communicate to me. She will teach you how to meditate and pray to me. And you will definitely hear my voice.

Child= Father I might get killed!. Humans are dangerous with hearts of stone, they don't care about anything.

God= Don't forget that you are also one of them. Your angel will defend till death. No harm shall come your way.

With tears in the child's eyes, it looked up at God and his angels and said " How can I always be sad because I won't see you anymore?".

Your Angel will teach you my sacred ways and I shall never depart from you, God replied.

At that exact moment the clock hit the assigned hour and it was finally time to deliver the child down to earth. But before going down he looked directly into God's eyes again and asked for the last time.

Child = Can I know my angel's name?".

God= Her name is of no use to you because you will simply know her as MOTHER.

The End.


Play life style


Beautiful story.

Thank you for reading.

Hello @milezofplay,

You have just won the heart of every mother on the planet. This story is well constructed and sensitive. Your dialogue draws us in and the last line is a delightful surprise.

Great work.

Oh, my word what a heart-warming tale. So beautifully written too, with a jaw dropping conclusion that literally took my breath away. What genius you have. WoW❤️💕💕🤗💕💕❤️❤️

Thank you for reading.

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