Creative Nonfiction: How butterflies grow (ENG/ ESP)

in #hive-1707989 months ago



How butterflies grow

Of course we had noticed the changes my older sister had undergone: her body was changing, her face was changing, and she was much older than all the girls on the block. In fact, Mom had once called her into the room and the two of them had talked for a long time. Although I was playing with my other younger sisters, I kept an eye out and when she came out I went to where she was and asked her:

What did she say to you, Mom, what did they talk about? -I whispered to her so our other sisters wouldn't hear.

It's grown-up stuff that you can't hear," she said and went off to play with the dolls.

But tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone," I insisted curiously.

You wouldn't understand. Mom says that soon I won't be a little girl anymore and that I won't be able to play with dolls anymore because I'll be a young lady. That I'm going to transform like butterflies," I looked at her strangely without understanding anything.

Are you going to grow wings? -I asked worriedly, wrinkling my face.

Of course not! -I think I'll be prettier and more delicate, I think that's what mom said," she said without looking at me and with her wrists in her hands.

Oh, but I also want to become a butterfly, please," I said urgently.
Mom says me first and then all the others," said my sister with an air of superiority that she still retains today.

Oh, ok," I agreed and continued playing as children play: without knowing about the world.



Weeks later, on December 24, we were all immersed in a tidal wave of joy, music and celebration. It was Christmas and the house was transformed into an eternal celebration that could last for days. I remember that the table was decorated and as was customary, all the children were wearing new clothes. The adults were laughing with wine glasses in their hands and we children were playing waiting for the baby Jesus.

Xiomara, Ana Karina, my older sister and I were playing ball in the square, while our little friends were lighting fireworks that shot colors into the sky. Suddenly, my sister said she was going home and to wait for her, but minutes passed and she never arrived. Even though we continued playing, I kept an eye out for her because it was strange that she had not returned.

When I got home, my sister was sitting with the adults. Sweaty from running, I went up to her ear and asked her why she hadn't come back to the square.

I've already become a miss," my sister said in a serious tone as if she was giving me bad news. I immediately thought about the butterfly and was about to tell her that I didn't see wings on it, but my sister immediately added:

Mommy says I can't be jumping around, I have to sit still. I think I'm going to have to give away all my dolls," she said pitifully.

That news really delighted me: I would have more toys for myself. So I went to play, and when they asked about my big sister, I said in a confidential tone:

Don't tell anyone, but Egglys is already a young lady. She became a butterfly - I repeated without being able to explain what I was saying.



That December 24, while all the girls were jumping and playing, from one side to the other, my sister danced with my dad and my uncles, she also had to sit in one of the corners of the house while she drank juice in a glass cup and my aunts drank wine in crystal glasses. That image seemed imposing to me because, at that time, we children could not be where the adults were; but it also seemed sad to me because my sister would never again play with her dolls or with us. And inside me I thought that I didn't want to be a butterfly anymore, that I wanted to be a child for life, that I didn't want to give away my dolls, or drink juice in glass cups. That Christmas, without knowing it, was my last Christmas as a girl, because for the next year, it was my turn to become a butterfly.


The Ink Well.png

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until next time, friends

![Click here to read in spanish]
De cómo crecen las mariposas
Obvio que nos habíamos dado cuenta de los cambios que había sufrido mi hermana mayor: su cuerpo se estaba transformando, también su rostro y ya estaba mucho más grande que todas la niñas de la cuadra. De hecho, mamá, en una oportunidad, la había llamado a la habitación y las dos habían hablado por mucho tiempo. Aunque yo estaba jugando con mis otras hermanas menores, estuve pendiente y cuando ella salió fui a donde ella estaba y le pregunté:
_¿Qué te dijo, mamá? ¿De qué hablaron? –le susurré para que nuestras otras hermanas no escucharan.
_Son cosas de adultos que tú no puedes escuchar –me dijo y se fue a jugar con las muñecas.
_Pero dime. Te prometo que no voy a decirle a nadie –insistí con curiosidad.
_Tú no lo entenderías. Mamá dice que pronto dejaré de ser una niña y que ya no podré jugar con muñecas porque seré una señorita. Que voy a transformarme como las mariposas –yo la miré con extrañeza sin entender nada.
_¿Te van a crecer alas? –pregunté preocupada arrugando el rostro.
_¡Claro que no! –dijo mi hermana sin saber explicarme- Creo que seré más bonita y delicada, creo que fue eso lo que dijo mamá –afirmó sin verme y con las muñecas en las manos.
_Ah, pero yo también quiero transformarme en una mariposa, por favor –expresé con urgencia.
_Mamá dice que primero yo y luego todas las demás –afirmó mi hermana con un aire de superioridad que aún hoy conserva.
_Ah, ok –acepté y seguí jugando como juegan los niños: sin saber del mundo.
Semanas después, el 24 de diciembre todos estábamos sumergidos en una marejada de alegría, música y fiesta. Era navidad y la casa se transformaba en una celebración eterna que podía durar días. Recuerdo que la mesa estaba decorada y como era costumbre, todos los niños estábamos estrenando ropas. Los adultos reían con copas de vinos en las manos y los niños jugábamos esperando al niño Jesús.
Xiomara, Ana Karina, mi hermana mayor y yo estábamos jugando a la pelota en la plaza, mientras que nuestros amiguitos encendían fuegos artificiales que lanzaban colores hacia el cielo. De repente, mi hermana dijo que iba a casa y que la esperaran, pero pasaron los minutos y jamás llegó. A pesar de que seguimos jugando, yo estuve pendiente de ella porque era raro que no hubiese vuelto.
Cuando volví a casa, mi hermana estaba sentada con los adultos. Sudada por estar corriendo, me le acerqué a su oído y le pregunté por qué no había vuelto a la plaza.
_Ya me convertí en una señorita –dijo mi hermana en tono grave como si me estuviera dando una mala noticia. Inmediatamente pensé en lo de la mariposa y estuve a punto de decirle que no le veía alas, pero en seguida mi hermana añadió:
_Mamá dice que no puedo estar brincando, que debo quedarme sentada. Creo que voy a tener que regalar todas mis muñecas –afirmó con lástima.
Aquella noticia, realmente, me encantó: tendría más juguetes para mí. Entonces me fui a jugar y cuando preguntaban por mi hermana mayor, decía en tono confidencial:
_No le digas a nadie, pero Egglys ya es una señorita. Se convirtió en una mariposa – repetía sin poder explicar lo que estaba diciendo.
Aquel 24 de diciembre, mientras que todas las niñas saltábamos y jugábamos, de un lado a otro, mi hermana bailó con mi papá y con mis tíos, también tuvo que quedarse sentada en una de las esquinas de la casa mientras bebía jugo en un vaso de vidrio y mis tías vino en copas de cristal. Aquella imagen me pareció imponente porque, en aquella época, los niños no podíamos estar donde estaban los adultos; pero también me pareció triste porque mi hermana no volvería a jugar con sus muñecas ni con nosotras. Y dentro de mí pensé que ya no quería ser mariposa, que quería ser niña para toda la vida, que no quería regalar mis muñecas, ni tomar jugos en vasos de vidrio. Aquella navidad, sin saber, fue mi última navidad como niña, porque para el próximo año, me tocó a mí convertirme en mariposa.


Haha! I earnestly enjoyed reading this. What got me laughing was how your desire to become a butterfly quenched when you discovered that being a butterfly will hinder you from playing with toys😂 I love how innocent you were as a child.

Hahahaha. Childhood is such a beautiful time!!! Greetings and happy 2024

Thank God boys don't become butterflies 😂😂😂

Hahahahaha. Although they also suffer transformations. Greetings and a successful 2024.

Its still 2023 over here so I'mma keep that greetings for the future 😂😂
I guess our transformations aren't as butterfly-ish as the females😂😂😂

Hormonal changes are inevitable, they are an unrestricted truth that we all have to go through. I really liked the analogy of physical change with that of butterflies.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Thank you for reading and commenting! Have a successful 2024.

Incredibly evocative bittersweet coming of age tale. The butterfly without wings forging a new adult life: geez, that’s hard. We’d all prefer to keep our dolls forever.

Yes, keeping our dolls keeps us attached to that little girl we were and who sometimes hugs us. Greetings, friends

Wow, young ladies aren't allowed to play with dolls, or run around ever again??? That must be such a sad transition?

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A very interesting story. Welldone!