Creative nonfiction: The shadow behind me/ La sombra detrás de mí (ENG/ ESP)

in #hive-1707989 months ago



The shadow behind me

The day I met him he showed what he was capable of doing, just to get what he wanted. I was sitting alone in the school cafeteria and he sat next to me, drank my juice and ate my sandwich. I was stunned and before I could say anything, he introduced himself:

_My name is Beltran, but you can call me Michi, - he expressed with a perfect smile. Rather than falling for the charm of his mouth, I expressed my disgust for his rude way of behaving. He just told me that he wanted to meet me and that he could pay me back for what he had eaten. I told him it didn't matter and got up, leaving him sitting at one of the many tables in the café. I think that was the match that lit the fire that appeared in Michi and became unstoppable.

Michi was the most popular boy in the high school. He was obviously very attractive, but he also belonged to a family that worked in the country's oil company, so he had many benefits that no other student in the high school had. One of those benefits was an open account at the coffee shop, which his parents paid for at the end of the month.

I must say that without my realizing it, Michi became my shadow. Wherever I went, he went. He appeared everywhere. He managed to greet me, to address me, to be there every time I turned my head and although I tried to ignore him, my rejection was like a honey that attracted him more and more.

Without knowing how or why, some friends began to invite me to ice cream parlors, movie theaters, and although sometimes I told them that I had no money, they told me that it didn't matter, that they would pay. Those outings were an oasis in my routine life as a neighborhood girl. We didn't just eat ice cream, we also ate pizza, cakes, went out to listen to music. My friends paid for everything.



One day a friend went to my house to pick up some notes and when I went out to greet her, she was with Michi. As if it were an absurd movie, my friend introduced me to Michi and said that she had met him on the way and she had asked him to accompany her. Without waiting for my answer, he took my hand and as if it was a movie I had already seen, he told me showing his beautiful teeth:

_My name is Beltran, but you can call me Michi. -I could not speak because I was horrified. Michi had achieved one of his goals: to know where I lived.

From that moment on, every day, every night, Michi passed by on his bicycle and shouted for my house:

_Nancy, my love!

My parents, who could be very conservative and authoritarian people, asked me:

_Who is that boy and why does he shout that every time he passes by?

He's a boy from the high school and I think he's crazy," I said carelessly, trying not to make them think anything of it.

He's not here because he knows that someone named Nancy lives here," my dad answered seriously. You must order him to stop playing that game or I will be the one to tell him," he said, and I knew he would.

The next day, without wasting any time, I looked for Michi at the high school and asked him to stop yelling at my house because my parents would get angry. He made it clear that he would only do it if I agreed to go out with him. I told him that my parents would never, I was 15 years old, let me go out alone with a boy. At that moment, Michi made a mocking grimace, as if she enjoyed my fear.



After that, although it's true that he didn't keep coming by the house, I kept running into him everywhere, on every occasion, wherever I went. Maybe that's why, when once my friends invited me to a party and I saw him sitting in a corner, I didn't sense anything. I passed by him, but I didn't even see him. At first I noticed that there was a tension in the atmosphere, that my friends were making some strange signals to each other, but I was having fun, so I didn't pay more attention to it. In an instant I went to the bathroom and after I came out, there was no one in the party, only Michi. In that instant I felt that I was losing blood in my body and I was freezing:

_What about the boys? -I asked him trying not to look scared.
They left," he said and looked at me again with a mocking laugh, "It's just you and me.

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm going home. You scare me," I finally agreed, "and if you don't leave me alone, I'll tell everyone that you're chasing me," I left that place and never, ever told my parents why I had returned so soon from the party.

After that I found out that all my classmates, who were no longer my friends, took bribes from Michi to inform them where I would be, he also paid for the ice cream and pizzas we ate on our outings. Also, after many years, I was walking in a hurry down a downtown street and someone passed by me and said to me quietly, so that I could only hear him:

Nancy, my love," he said and that voice left me paralyzed. It was Michi and in his eyes was still the same mockery, the same intention to scare me.

The images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl

The Ink Well.png

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until next time, friends

![Click here to read in spanish]
La sombra detrás de mí
El día que lo conocí demostró lo que era capaz de hacer, con tal de lograr lo que quería. Yo estaba sentada sola en el cafetín del colegio y él se sentó a mi lado, se bebió mi jugo y se comió mi emparedado. Yo me quedé atónita y antes de que yo dijera algo, se presentó:
_Mi nombre es Beltrán, pero puedes llamarme Michi –expresó con una perfecta sonrisa. Más que caer en el encanto de su boca, le expresé mi disgusto por su forma grosera de comportarse. Solo me dijo que quería conocerme y que podía pagarme lo que se había comido. Yo le dije que no importaba y me levanté, dejándolo sentado en una de las tantas mesas del cafetín. Creo que aquello fue la cerilla que encendió la hoguera que apareció en Michi y se hizo indetenible.
Michi era el chico más popular del liceo. Obviamente era muy atractivo, pero también pertenecía a una familia que trabajaba en la empresa petrolera del país, por lo que tenía muchos beneficios que ningún otro estudiante del liceo tenía. Uno de esos beneficios era una cuenta abierta en el cafetín, la cual sus padres pagaban a final de mes.
Debo decir que sin que me diera cuenta, Michi se convirtió en mi sombra. Para dónde yo iba, él iba. Aparecía por todos lados. Se las ingeniaba para saludarme, dirigirme la palabra, estar allí cada vez que volteaba la cabeza y aunque yo intentaba ignorarlo, mi rechazo era como una miel que lo atraía cada vez más y más.
Sin saber cómo ni por qué, algunas amigas comenzaron a invitarme a heladerías, cines, y aunque algunas veces les dije que no tenía dinero, me decían que no importaba, que ellas pagarían. Esas salidas fueron un oasis en mi vida rutinaria de chica de barrio. No solo comíamos helados, también comíamos pizza, tortas, salíamos a escuchar música. Mis amigas pagaban todo.
Un día una amiga fue a buscar unos apuntes a mi casa y cuando salí a recibirla, estaba ella con Michi. Como si fuera una película absurda, mi amiga me presentó a Michi y dijo que se lo había encontrado en el camino y ella le había pedido que la acompañara. Sin esperar mi respuesta, él tomó mi mano y como si fuera una película que ya había visto, me dijo enseñando su hermosa dentadura:
_Mi nombre es Beltrán, pero puedes llamarme Michi. –No pude hablar porque estaba horrorizada. Michi había logrado uno de sus cometidos: saber dónde yo vivía.
A partir de ese instante, todos los días, cada noche, Michi pasaba en su bicicleta y gritaba para mi casa:
_¡Nancy, mi amor!
Mis padres, que podían ser personas muy conservadoras y autoritarias, me preguntaron:
_¿Quién es ese chico y por qué grita eso cada vez que pasa por aquí?
_Es un muchacho del liceo y creo que está loco –dije al descuido, intentando que no le dieran importancia
_Loco no está porque sabe que aquí vive alguien que se llama Nancy –respondió mi papá serio-. Debes ordenarle que no siga con ese juego o voy a ser yo él que se lo diga –puntualizó y yo sabía que lo haría.
Al día siguiente, sin perder el tiempo, busqué a Michi en el liceo y le pedí que ya no pasara más gritando por mi casa porque mis padres se enojarían. Me aclaró que solo lo haría si aceptaba salir con él. Le dije que mis padres jamás, yo tenía 15 años, me dejarían salir sola con un chico. En ese momento, Michi hizo una mueca burlona, como si disfrutara mi miedo.
Luego de eso, si bien es cierto que no siguió pasando por casa, seguía encontrándomelo por todas partes, en cada ocasión, en cualquier lugar al que fuera. Tal vez por eso, cuando una vez mis amigas me invitaron a una fiesta y lo vi en un rincón, sentado, no intuí nada. Pasé por su lado, pero ni lo vi. Al principio yo noté que había una tensión en el ambiente, que mis amigos se hacían algunas señales extrañas, pero yo me estaba divirtiendo, así que no le presté mayor atención. En un instante fui al baño y luego que salí, no había nadie en la fiesta, solo Michi. En ese instante sentí que perdía la sangre del cuerpo y me ponía helada:
_¿Y los muchachos? –le pregunté intentando no aparentar miedo.
_Se fueron –dijo y volvió a mirarme con una risa burlona- Solo estamos tú y yo.
_Pues lo lamento, pero me voy para mi casa. Me das miedo –acepté por fin- y si no me dejas en paz, le diré a todo el mundo que me persigues –salí de aquel lugar y nunca, jamás les dije a mis padres por qué había vuelto tan pronto de la fiesta.
Después de aquello me enteré que todos mis compañeros de clase, los cuales dejaron de ser mis amigos, aceptaban sobornos de Michi para informales dónde yo estaría, también él pagaba los helados y las pizzas que comíamos en nuestras salidas. También, después de muchos años, iba caminando apresurada por una calle del centro de la ciudad y alguien pasó por mi lado y me dijo bajito, para que yo solo lo escuchara:
_Nancy, mi amor –dijo y aquella voz me dejó paralizada. Era Michi y en sus ojos seguía la misma burla, la misma intención de darme miedo.


What an abusive and manipulative person. I can imagine the fear you felt but you stood up to him and those so-called friends. As I read your story it sounded like a horror movie to me. The best part was that he did not continue to harass you. Good story.
Regards @nancybriti1

Such secret malevolence. How very disturbing. There are some things in life that no other human shares; one is abuse. You should’ve reported this person to the authorities. My heart stopped while reading 😢

I was so young at that time and before there were no laws like there are now. They would have thought it was young people's nonsense. Thank you for your comments. Regards

An unhealthy spirit was guiding Beltran's behaviour! While bullying may be a real situation, your writing fills the story with such tension and emotion that it grips the reader's attention in such a way that we feel we are reading a very good exercise in pure literary fiction.
It must be very distressing for a fifteen year old girl to feel harassed in such an intense way!

Not to mention that Michi was much older than me!!!! Sometimes the worst abuse is the psychological one, the one that destroys without leaving traces of the violence suffered. Thanks for your support and comments, friends

Es una inquietante historia de terror. Le deseo seguridad a Michi ahora.

Yes. It's almost a horror story. Regards

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There really are crazy people in the world, fortunately the harassment did not escalate to a very serious situation that would have required the attention of the justice system.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

And to think how many women may be being harassed right now!!!! Greetings and thank you