Fiction: New Year's resolution/ Propósito de año nuevo (ENG/ ESP)

in #hive-1707989 months ago


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New Year's resolution

I don't understand why we should stop working these days? -Antonio asked his boss when he learned that they would have a fortnight's vacation for the Christmas holidays. His colleagues, accustomed to Antonio's insensitivity, just looked at each other and shook their heads in a gesture of disapproval.

─Because it's Christmas and it ends this year, Antonio. It is a time to be with family, share with others and take a moment of rest to reflect on goals for the coming year, our resolutions, replied the boss knowing Antonio's answer in advance.

─Sheer nonsense. This is an excellent opportunity to work, while the others have fun. But anyway, the company is yours and you are the one who knows.

After the meeting, everyone was left celebrating in the office, except Antonio, who said goodbye until next year:

─I find it a real waste of time these days,─ said Antonio to himself as he drove his car on his way to the apartment. Antonio was a young man who had had a very sad childhood. His parents had abandoned him and his grandmother had had to take care of him; but the old lady died and no one else noticed Antonio, who had to learn, at a very young age, to fend for himself.

When he arrived at the apartment, he turned on the TV, but realized that all the programming revolved around Christmas and the arrival of the new year, so he preferred to turn it off:

Nonsense they use to brainwash people, he said aloud and went to pour himself a glass of wine when he heard the doorbell ring. Antonio was tempted not to open: he had no relatives, no friends either, but maybe it was an electrician that he had applied for days ago, but that the company had said that maybe the job would be left for next year:

─Maybe there are still more people who like to work this time of year ─ he thought and went to open the door.

He was surprised to see at the door a small, smiling old lady with a cake in her hands:



Excuse me, Mr. Antonio, but the concierge told me that you and I are the only ones in the building. Everyone went to celebrate these dates with their families. So I thought it would be a good idea, to celebrate these days together -she spoke and entered Antonio's apartment, who did not know what to say. Finally, when he managed to react, he expressed:

─I'm sorry, but I have plans to travel as well. The old woman put the cake in Antonio's hands and calmly, as if she had not heard her neighbor, just pointed:

_The concierge told me that you are staying cooped up these days and so I said to myself: Herminia, you can make a cake and share it with your neighbor so he won't feel so lonely. I had a son who would have been the same age as you, but he died in a traffic accident. No, no, no - the old woman stepped forward when she saw that Antonio was thinking of saying something - That was a long time ago and from that moment on, I understood that life is a short time, while death is eternal. Pain, sadness, anger are very heavy. And life has to be light.

The old woman sat down on a sofa and Antonio remained with the cake in his hands, not knowing what to say:

If you invite me to a coffee, we can talk for a while," said the old woman tenderly. Everything was new to Antonio, so without knowing why, he listened to the old woman and went to get coffee. There they talked for a long time. Antonio found himself laughing and talking about things he had never said before. Something about the old woman reminded him of his dead grandmother.

At the end of the afternoon, when the old woman left, Antonio found himself saying sincerely:

_Thank you for the visit, Mrs. Herminia.

Promise me that you will come to visit me more often, she commented and Antonio nodded his head briefly. As the old woman walked away and Antonio closed the door, he thought that perhaps that would be a resolution for the coming year: to try to live life with less weight on his soul.

The Ink Well (1).png

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until next time, friends

![Click here to read in spanish]
Propósito de año nuevo
─¿No entiendo por qué deberíamos dejar de trabajar estos días? –le preguntó Antonio a su jefe cuando supo que por asueto navideño, tendrían quince días de vacaciones. Sus compañeros, acostumbrados a la insensibilidad de Antonio, solo se miraron entre ellos y movieron la cabeza en un gesto de desaprobación.
─Porque es navidad y termina este año, Antonio. Es época de estar en familia, compartir con los otros y tomar un momento de descanso para reflexionar sobre las metas para el próximo año, nuestros propósitos, respondió el jefe conociendo de antemano la respuesta de Antonio.
─Puras patrañas. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para trabajar, mientras que los otros se divierten. Pero en fin, la empresa es de usted y usted es el que sabe.
Después de la reunión, todos se quedaron celebrando en la oficina, excepto Antonio, quien se despidió hasta el próximo año:
─Me parece una verdadera pérdida de tiempo estos días –dijo Antonio para sus adentros mientras manejaba su automóvil rumbo al departamento. Antonio era un hombre joven que había tenido una infancia muy triste. Sus padres lo habían abandonado y su abuela había tenido que hacerse cargo de él; pero la anciana murió y más nadie se dio cuenta de Antonio, quien tuvo que aprender, a muy corta edad, a valerse por sí solo.
Cuando llegó al departamento, encendió la tele, pero se dio cuenta que toda la programación giraba en torno a la navidad y a la llegada del nuevo año, por lo que prefirió apagarla:
_Pura tontería que usan para lavar el cerebro de la gente –dijo en voz alta y fue a servirse una copa de vino cuando escuchó que tocaban el timbre. Antonio estuvo tentado a no abrir: no tenía familiares, tampoco amigos, pero tal vez era un electricista que él había solicitado hacía días, pero que la compañía había dicho que tal vez el trabajo quedaría para el año siguiente:
─Tal vez todavía existan más personas que les guste trabajar en esta época –pensó y fue a abrir la puerta.
Se sorprendió al ver en la puerta a una pequeña anciana, sonriente, con una torta en las manos:
─Disculpe, señor Antonio, pero me dijo la conserje que usted y yo somos los únicos que estamos en el edificio. Todos se fueron a celebrar estas fechas con su familia. Así que pensé que sería buena idea, celebrar estos días juntos –habló y entró al departamento de Antonio, quien no sabía qué decir. Finalmente, cuando logró reaccionar, expresó:
─Lo lamento, pero tengo planes también de viajar. La anciana le puso la torta en las manos de Antonio y tranquilamente, como si no hubiese escuchado a su vecino, solo apuntó:
_La conserje me dijo que usted se queda encerrado estos días y por eso me dije: Herminia, puedes hacer una torta y compartirla con tu vecino para que no se sienta tan solo. Yo tuve un hijo que tendría la misma edad tuya, pero que murió en un accidente de tránsito. No, no, no –se adelantó la anciana al ver que Antonio pensaba decir algo- Eso fue hace mucho tiempo y a >partir de eso, entendí que la vida es un ratico, en cambio la muerte es eterna. Los dolores, las tristezas, las rabias son muy pesadas. Y la vida tiene que ser liviana.
La anciana se sentó en un sofá y Antonio se quedó con la torta en las manos sin saber qué decir:
_Si me invita a un café, conversamos un rato –dijo la anciana de manera tierna. Todo era nuevo para Antonio por lo que sin saber por qué, le hizo caso a la anciana y fue por café. Allí estuvieron hablando por largo rato. Antonio se descubrió riendo y conversando de cosas que jamás había dicho. Algo de la anciana le recordaba a su abuela muerta.
Al final de la tarde, cuando la anciana se fue, Antonio se descubrió diciendo sinceramente:
_Gracias por la visita, señora Herminia.
_Prométeme que vendrás a visitarme más a menudo –comentó y Antonio hizo una breve afirmación con la cabeza. Cuando la anciana se alejó y Antonio cerró la puerta, pensó que tal vez ese sería una resolución para el próximo año: intentar vivir la vida con menos peso en el alma.


We read this story and feel warmed by the woman's kind-hearted gesture. We are moved by the fact that she seems to need the connection just as much as Antonio does. We do get a sense though that this story needs more development... We wonder... why are they both alone? Why does Antonio have no friends or family? (there must be a good story there). Why is he so resistant to the holidays and intent on people working more? What did he share with the older woman? What changed for him? There also should have been more dialogue between the two characters, given that the story was about the time that they spent together. More show than tell would also elevate the piece.

Please could you use the #fiction tag in future for fiction pieces, and likewise the #creativenonfiction tag for CNFs.

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.

Yes, sometimes we want to know what's behind some characters. Thank you very much for the comment and suggestion. Happy New Year

Happy New Year, Nancy :-)

I found myself wanting to read more about these two interesting characters. They live lonely lives and find themselves together in the holidays. Antonio reminds the lady of her son, and this motivates her to approach him. She ends up opening up his tough exterior shell and causes a transformation in the protagonist. I like the brevity of the story, but if you ever revisit, I would recommend adding dialogue to this section:

Everything was new to Antonio, so without knowing why, he listened to the old woman and went to get coffee. There they talked for a long time. Antonio found himself laughing and talking about things he had never said before. Something about the old woman reminded him of his dead grandmother.

In Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, the hard working old man has conversations with the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. They show the old man, the value of being with family and friends on Christmas because of our short (and sometimes lonely) lifespans. The lady in your story also talks to the young man and Antonio listened. As a reader, I would like to hear her speak those words to understand better why they transformed Antonio. I like the way you write dialogue because it reminds me of Hemingway's straightforward prose. Very good!

Perfect! I think it would have been good to do this. Thank you very much for your support and comments. Greetings and happy new year.

Sometimes we need someone to speak to us with sincere words to make us see situations from a different point of view. Very good story.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Yes, I believe that some people transform us and make the miracle happen in us. Happy New Year

Una historia llena de corazón. Lo siento por Antonio y estoy feliz de que haya cambiado su vida para mejor.

I hope this year will be one of positive feedback for everyone. Happy New Year

Very nice and tender your story, how the old lady and Antonio talked and enjoyed a coffee. Antonio thought it would be a resolution for next year.