Unbeatable Travelers

in #hive-1707982 months ago

Mara woke up when the sun came out. It shone on her face through holes in her cart and made her feel warm. Her body was aching as she got up from resting on uncomfortable bedding, so she went out of the camp after stretching.

The caravan was beginning to move and become active near her. Kids ran about and played catch while laughing amidst the wagons. The mother of hers added more fuel to the fire hole so that she could cook breakfast. Mara said hi and asked,” What should I do today?”

Her mom seemed tired but she smiled and said, "You should wash the cooking pots from yesterday. After that you can assist me in repairing the holes on the covering because it will rain soon."

Mara arrived at her workplace and washed all the pots thoroughly. While cleaning, she thought about how they move around a lot. Their family goes from place to place with no country of their own, making money by telling fortunes, working as artisans or doing other jobs available only during some months. However, they managed to survive despite the fact that they were oppressed by racialists every single day.

After completing her task, Mara brought out her old pack of tarot cards - very important as it had been given by her mother and grandmother all of whom were fortune tellers too. As she put all her energy in the magical signs, she felt that some people were coming nearer to where she was from among the trees.

She looked outside and observed farmers eagerly exploring the forest. She moved nearer to them. "Kindly, can your fortune teller help?" A person said anxiously. "Our animals have disappeared - we don't know what to do anymore."

Mara accepted and examined the cards. By decoding signs, she saw a valley outside woods where river turns. She passed on the message without any doubt. In the evening, as she predicted, the farmers came back happily driving home their lost cattle.

Mara spent her evening fixing holes on some rainbows while sitting next to the fire as it started raining. Despite the troubles, everything was moving smoothly within their family - children were playing, women cooking and old people sharing stories.

Despite the fact that they lacked nothing, this close community took care of one another by passing on cultural practices, communication means and musical tunes from one age-group to another within their families. Their culture remained strong even when they were facing challenges that could have made them abandon their nomadic lifestyle.

Mara felt that she and her people were unbeatable. And she was sure, they would stay this way forever, while travelers were moving on roads and across streams. Their way will always exist.

Images are created by me with Ai Source


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