Amara's nonchalance cost her everything.

in #hive-1707989 days ago

"Do you know that you need to take your job more seriously if you want to keep it?" Amara's auntie Nancy asked her


"Don't worry, aunt; they really cannot do without me. No replacement in sight; on no account would they even think of letting me go." Amara responded as she went back to bed instead of going to prepare for work.

Amara is the only web developer in the company where she works, and she let it get into her head; she no longer has respect for her superiors as she now feels irreplaceable. She only does what she wants to do and not what the company's authority wants her to do. Amara became a thorn in the flesh of both her superiors and her juniors; everyone keeps complaining of her new attitude and how she talks to them, but instead of changing or apologizing, she does even worse.

"Amara, in my office." The manager said as he walked past her seat.

"Sir, you asked to see me." Amara said as she stepped into the office.

"This new attitude of yours, where you come to work at your own time and even when you come, you don't behave. There are many people out there who would do anything to have this job you are taking for granted." The manager said angrily.

"The many people out there are not me and cannot do what I do. I also want a raise in my salary." Amara said as she walked out on the manager.

"Amara is now so full of herself." The manager said as he smiled and nodded his head.

If only pride and arrogance were a person, it would have been the new Amara. She was okay, nice, and a good girl until the company was forced to let go of other web developers as they could not meet the requirements, but before that, Amara was always on her best behavior, but things changed after she realized she had mastered her skills and crafts with that the company needs her, but she forgot that she needs the company as much as they need her.

"Amara, you have to humble yourself; I keep receiving complaints about you from the office. If this goes on, you won't like how it ends." Auntie Nancy warned

"Auntie, I said you not to worry. I am all they have got; letting me go is a mistake they don't intend to make." Amara said with a very big smile on her face.

The following day, Amara reported to work at her own pace and time as the boss of herself that she claims to be, only to receive the shock of her life. A sack letter on her table and the security to see her out after she packs her things in a box. "You really cannot just sack me without a replacement," she said to the manager on her way out.

"That's what you think; well, meet your replacement." The manager said pointing at a new employee and a better web developer.

Amara left the building in shame and starting to regret her actions and with the domino effect of starting to lack money to carter for her needs a few weeks later fell upon her and put her face to face with reality.

"Auntie Nancy, I really do need your help. I have been living off my savings for the last few weeks and now it is no more and I need to fuel my car to go for a job interview." Amara pleaded with her aunt over the phone

"I hope you know that whatever you are suffering now is the domino effect of your nonchalance towards your previous job. I warned but you chose to be adamant and now here is the result." Her aunt responded angrily