Adrift - TheInkwell Creative NonfictionPrompt #61

in #hive-17079810 months ago

< Adrift

When I started my studies at the university in the Faculty of Social Sciences, I met a friend, Diogni. In that house of study, she met a cousin, Luis, who had not seen him for a long time since they were children. Both had not gone to San Juan for years, to a small town called Periquito, located in Cumaná. As we were finishing the semester, we agreed to go the next weekend to bathe in the plentiful waters of the river, located next to that small town.

We coordinated how we were going to do it, to meet at the bus stop and from there we will leave. I asked my mother for permission. And as I had done well in my subjects.

She said to me:

"This will be your prize, for having done well, in your studies."

When the weekend arrived, as we had planned, we left for that place.

When we got there, we greeted the lady, Josefa, who invited us to her house and told us that we could stay there. So we did, we changed our clothes, put on our bathing suits. And we took our bags and went to the river, there we enjoyed, when the sunset was falling Luis came up with the idea that we should go to the other side of the river, to take some fruits called Guama. With the enthusiasm we had, we listened to him. We were enjoying the delicious nectar of this fruit. When suddenly, we heard a lady who was washing on the river bank and shouted: "¡Run, run, here comes the head, the river is swollen!" We didn't have time to run.

When night fell, we had no supplies, everything had been left on the river bank, and the river with its fury, which seemed like a runaway horse, had taken them away. We did not know what to do. It was too cold, it was too dark, it was like a wolf's mouth. The clouds were pregnant with water, only the light of the electric discharges, illuminated us and the light emitted by the fireflies, inside the thickness of the trees. The moon was hidden behind the clouds, a storm was coming. At that moment I felt we were adrift. I thought of my mother and my eyes flooded with tears. Only the thought of her kept me alive.

My jaws wouldn't stop shaking, I don't know if it was from the cold or from the fear I felt.Diogni, began to laugh when she heard the sound my teeth made, as they clashed against each other, because of the movement of my jaws. Later she began to cry.

In that atmosphere, only the whistling of the wind could be heard, which made the leaves dance to the sound of the wind. The atmosphere became gloomy, only Luis encouraged us not to be afraid. Finally we lay down on some beds that Luis improvised with leaves from the trees. Tiredness and fear put us to sleep.

At dawn, we woke up, with the little light they perceived from the sun's rays and the mosquito bites.

Luis said:

"We have to find a way out of here. Let's walk up towards the headwaters where the river begins, orienting ourselves with the little sunlight that filters through the thick forest. It is feasible that families live there".

We replied excitedly, "We will go with you! We are very hungry and cold.

In a matter of seconds we were on our way, we walked a few kilometers and spotted some mango trees, he climbed one of them and threw us a few, which we devoured with great appetite. Further on we discovered a pineapple plantation. Luis picked several, hit them with a stone and gave them to each of us to drink their juice, which we used to hydrate ourselves. We had not drunk water since the day before.

We continued our march and saw a small hill in the distance. On top of it was a small house made of bahareques, in front of it, a donkey tied with a rope. When we looked out we heard the voice of a man who said to us:

"Stop, who lives?" Luis answered:

We are people of Peace!

Then the gentleman opened the palisade, which served as a gate. He sent us into his house and gave us three armchairs made of wood from the trees. He invited us to sit down and gave us a meal of corn cooked in goat's milk. That food comforted us. Then he said:

"My name is Pedro, how did you guys make it here?

Luis answered:

"By orienting ourselves, by the sunlight, projected by the slits in the trees".
Then we told him what had' happened to us'.

Pedro added: "They were lucky that a tiger attacked us during the night"".

Diogni and I, we made the sign of the Cross, Pedro continued:

"Don't worry, I will help you get out of here, so that you reach your destination".

He took a deep breath, then continued:

"Up ahead there is a shortcut, following that hill, I will take you that way."

Pedro accompanied us and took us around, and so we arrived at Josefa's house. As soon as we arrived we hugged and kissed her. Then we took a bath and got dressed. We gathered our belongings and the three of us went home.

In half an hour I arrived at my house. I hugged and cried in my mother's arms, just like when I was a little girl, when I calmed down I told her:"" Thank God I have you, in that desperation in which I found myself, your memory was what made me have courage, to be, today with you and to be able to tell you, what happened to us".

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A la deriva

Cuando inicie mis estudios en la universidad en la facultad de Ciencias Sociales, conocí a una amiga, Diogni. En esa casa de estudio ella se encontró con un primo, Luis, que tenía tiempo que no lo veía desde que eran niños. Ambos tenían años sin ir a San Juan, a un publicito llamado Periquito ubicado en Cumaná- Como estábamos culminando el semestre, nos pusimos de acuerdo, para ir el próximo fin de semana, a bañarnos en esas caudalosas aguas del río, de ese pueblicito.

Coordinamos como íbamos a hacer, para encontrarnos en la parada del bus y de allí partiremos. Le pedí permiso a mi madre. Y como había salido bien en mis asignaturas. Ella me dijo:

“Este será tu premio, por haber salido bien, en tus estudios”.

Al llegar el fin de semana, tal como lo habíamos planificado, partimos hacia ese lugar.

Al llegar allá, saludamos a la señora, Josefa, que nos invitó a pasar a su casa, y nos dijo que podíamos hospedarnos allí. Así lo hicimos, nos cambiamos la ropa, nos colocamos los trajes de baño. Y tomamos los bolsos y nos fuimos hacia el río, allí disfrutamos, cuando iba cayendo el ocaso a Luis se le ocurrió qué pasáramos para el otro lado del río, a tomar unos frutos llamados Guama. Con el entusiasmo que teníamos, le hicimos caso. Estábamos disfrutando del delicioso néctar de ese fruto. Cuando de repente, escuchamos a una señora que estaba lavando a la orilla del río y gritó: “” ¡Corran, corran, ahí viene la cabeza, el río viene crecido!"". No tuvimos, tiempo de correr.

Al caer la noche, no teníamos provisiones, todo había quedado en la orilla del río, y este con su furia, que parecía un caballo desbocado, se las había llevado. No sabíamos qué hacer. Hacía demasiado frío, aquello era una oscuridad tenebrosa, parecía una boca de lobo. Las nubes estaban preñadas de agua, solo la luz de las descargas eléctricas, nos alumbraban y la luz que emitían las luciérnagas, dentro del espesor de los árboles. La luna, se ocultó detrás de las nubes. Se avecinaba una tormenta. En ese momento sentí que estábamos a la deriva. Pensaba en mi madre y mis ojos se inundaron de lágrimas. Solo su pensamiento me mantenía viva.

Mis mandíbulas no paraban de temblar, no sé si era del frío o del temor que sentía. Diogni, comenzó a reírse al escuchar el sonido que emitían mis dientes, al chocar unos con otros, por el movimiento de mis mandíbulas. Más tarde ella comenzó a llorar.

En aquel ambiente, solo se escuchaba el silbido del viento, que hacía que las hojas danzaran al son de él. El ambiente se hizo tenebroso, solo Luis nos animaba para que no tuviéramos miedo. Al fin nos acostamos sobre unas camas que improvisó Luis con hojas de los árboles. El cansancio y el miedo, nos durmieron.

Al amanecer, nos despertamos, con la poca luz emitida por los rayos del sol y las picadas de los mosquitos.
Luis dijo:

“Vamos a caminar hacia arriba buscando hacia la cabecera donde nace el río, orientándonos con la poca luz solar, que se filtre entre la espesura del bosque. Es factible que allá vivan familias.

Nosotras muy emocionada respondimos: “¡Te acompañaremos! ¡Tenemos mucha hambre y frío!”

En segundos emprendimos la marcha, caminamos unos cuantos kilómetros y divisamos unos árboles de mango, él se subió a uno de los árboles y nos lanzó unos cuantos, los cuales devoramos con un gran apetito. Más adelante, descubrimos un sembradío de piña. Luis tomó varias, las golpeó con una piedra y nos dio a cada una de nosotras, para que tomáramos su jugo, que nos sirvió, para hidratarnos. Ya que no habíamos ingerido agua desde el día anterior.

Proseguimos la marcha y divisamos a lo lejos una pequeña colina.Sobre de ella una casita de bahareques, en su frente, un burro amarado con un mecate. Cuando nos asomamos escuchamos la voz de un hombre que nos dijo:

“Alto, ¿quién vive?” Luis respondió:

¡Somos gente de Paz! Entonces el señor nos abrió la empalizada, que servía de puerta. Nos mandó a pasar a su casa y nos proporcionó 3 butacas elaboradas con madera de los árboles. Nos invitó a sentarnos y nos obsequió un alimento de maíz, cocinado en leche de chiva. Ese alimento nos reconfortó. Luego, él dijo:

“Me llamo Pedro, ¿cómo hicieron para llegar hasta aquí?

Luis respondió:

“Orientándonos, por la luz solar, proyectada por las rendijas de los árboles”
Luego le contamos lo que nos había´ sucedido´

Pedro añadió:” Tuvieron suerte, que en la noche nos la atacara un tigre“”

Diogni y yo, nos hicimos la señal de la Cruz, Pedro Continuó:

“No se preocupen, los ayudaré a salir de aquí, para que lleguen a su destino”.

Respiró profundo, luego prosiguió:

“Más adelante hay un atajo, siguiendo por aquella colina, Por allí los sacaré.”

Pedro nos acompañó y nos sacó por ese camino, y de esa forma logramos llegar a la casa de Josefa. En cuanto llegamos la abrazamos y besamos, nos bañamos y nos vestimos. Recogimos nuestras pertenencias y los tres nos marchamos a nuestros hogares.

En media hora, llegué a mi casa. Abrasé y lloré en los brazos de mi madre, como cuando era una niña, cuando me calmé le dije:“” Gracias a Dios que te tengo, en esa desesperación que me encontraba, tu recuerdo fue que me hizo tener valentía, para hoy estar junto a ti y poderte contar, lo que nos sucedió.


That was very scary, If I was in your shoes, I don't know what I would have done, well, you guys owe pendro a lot of thanks. I am happy that no harm befall any of you.

Thank you for this story, @rammargarita. Facing the forces of nature is an extreme experience. Spending the night on the banks of a river with the risk of vermin and snakes is a great feat. They had to walk a long way to reach a place where they could cross the swollen river. Thanks for sharing the experience.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. God bless you and your family this Christmas Eve.

A very dangerous adventure that you share with us, nature is really very hard for those who decide to go spend a few moments in its kingdom. Fortunately, they were able to emerge from their setback unscathed.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

thank you for your comment. I wish you a Merry Christmas