Aureolina could not bear his betrayal-The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #155

in #hive-1707988 months ago

Aureolina could not bear his betrayal>

Aureolina is a young woman with dark eyes, comparable to jet, which contrast with her brown hair, she is very pretty, is very sincere, does not tolerate lies. . She is a native of a rural town, Carúpano-Venezuela. In Cumaná, she had the opportunity to enroll in the Universidad Núcleo de Sucre, in an academic program of Social Work. Her goal is to acquire a degree in Social Work, with the purpose of overcoming her living conditions and improving them. To help her parents, who are extremely poor and very old. To have her own house, husband and children.

When Auri entered the classroom and took a seat. The teacher, who was teaching the subject, walked over to where she was sitting, smiled and winked at her. She, like a village girl, blushed and her cheeks turned as red as ripe strawberries.

The professor started the class: "Good morning, my name is Rafael. Now everybody stand up and tell me your name, so I can get to know you".

When it was her turn, she stood up and said: Aureolina, out of affection they call me Auri. At the end of the class, being alone in the hallway, while waiting to enter the classroom, to listen to another subject. The teacher, Rafael, approached her and said: "I invite you to the cafeteria to have a coffee" She replied: "Thank you, I don't like coffee" He added: "Come with me and ask for whatever you like".

When they arrived at the coffee shop he asked her, "What would you like to drink?"

"A soursop amerengada." He ordered a black coffee and the amerengada. While they were enjoying those appetizers. He told her: "How beautiful you are, with those eyes that look like two stars in the darkness of the clouds, pregnant with water" She smiled, with a mischievousness in her face that captivated him.

From that moment on, a beautiful friendship grew between them. As time went by, it turned into love. Soon after, he asked her to be his wife. They went to her village to talk to her parents. Then they were married, and that day he swore to her that he would never lie

Her wedding gift was a beautiful house, in her name, in Parcelamiento Miranda. She checked with the gynecologist, so as not to have children so soon, since her goal was to graduate from college. The following year, she graduated from the University and after four years of marriage she had two children. She dedicated herself to being an excellent housewife, mother and wife.

When her children grew up and started high school, Auri demanded that her husband get her a job.

At that time, elections were to be held at the university, to choose a new dean from among the professors. Rafael negotiated with one of them who was running for the position and told him: "I will vote for you, on one condition, that if you win, you give a vacancy to my wife. When this process was carried out, his candidate won. As soon as he took office as dean, he called Rafael and told him: "Bring me the documentation of your wife, I am going to place her in the Department of Social Work of this University". As soon as she presented all the documentation, she was assigned to that Department. And she started working in that office.

Shortly after she started working, her parents died with the malaria pandemic. However, she always helped them and took care of them, her departure affected her emotionally, she loved them too much.

In less than two years, Aureolina completed a postgraduate degree in Social Sciences, acquiring more knowledge in this area, which allowed her to move up to another category in the promotion tabulator, obtaining more income, she was also promoted as Head of the Social Work Department of the Rectorate. Achieving one more of her proposed goals.

Fifteen years went by, the spark of love between Aureolina and her husband was growing stronger every day. But one Sunday, after saying goodbye to her husband with a kiss on the mouth, as she used to do, she started to organize her bedroom. She took a jacket, which Rafael had put on the day before, checked the pockets and noticed that there was a small paper with a note, she read it: "Love, tonight I'll wait for you at my house" Her face paled, similar to the pallor of the magnolia, tears slipped from her eyes in excess, like the Iguazu Falls, she lay down.

When He her husband returned, he was surprised that she did not come out to greet him. He started calling her excitedly: "Auri, where are you!". When she didn't answer, he ran to their bedroom. When he opened the door, he noticed that his wife's eyes were closed and translucent with inflammation. He lay down beside her, tried to caress and she rejected him. With sweetness in his voice he said to her:

"Love, ¿what's wrong with you, why are you taking this attitude?".

Aureolina, rose from the bed, like a wounded wolf when her prey is snatched from her and shouted: "Don't touch me, don't talk to me, get out of my room!". He, his voice breaking with tears, said to her, "Love, I have never lied to you!". She, her face reddening with anger, replied.

Don't sell me a dog!". SHe paused, then continued. "Yesterday, in the evening, you left, with the excuse that you were going to a meeting and you came back, in the early morning" She paused, so as not to cry, then continued:

"Today, organizing the room, I took out of the pocket of your jacket, that you were wearing last night, this piece of paper, take it, read it and give me an explanation!"

After reading it, his face turned white as snow and her hands shook like the leaves of trees in stormy weather. Then he knelt down, his voice cracking with tears, begged:

"Forgive me! She very enervated cried out to him:

"I have never lied. get out of my house!". The crestfallen man left the house.

After a few months, Aureolina found out that Rafael had been having an affair with his mistress since before he married her. For this reason, Auri divorced him.

Aureolina dedicated herself body and soul to her work and her children, over the years, they graduated and became independent, she lives alone, but her children are looking after her. Rafael's lover recently left him.

Rafael arrived at Auri's house with a sad expression on his face, he told her: "I am sorry for the pain I caused you, I promise not to lie again". She sarcastically replied: "Don't sell me a dog", you are a fake, you never spoke the truth, I thank you immediately to vacate my house and don't cross my path anymore. He left, he could not stand Aureolina's contempt, and left the country.

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Aureolina no soportó su traición.

Aureolina es una joven de ojos oscuros, comparable al azabache, que contrastan con su cabellera castaña y elegante, es muy sincera no tolera la mentira. Es nativa de un pueblo rural de Carúpano, Estado Sucre-Venezuela. En Cumaná, tuvo la oportunidad de matricularse en la Universidad Núcleo de Sucre, académica en Trabajo Social. Su objetivo es adquirir una Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, con el propósito de superar sus condiciones de vida y mejorarlas. Ayudar a sus progenitores, quienes son sumamente pobres y muy mayores. Tener una casa propia, un esposo y sus hijos.

Cuando Auri entró en clase y tomó asiento. El profesor, que impartía la asignatura, se acercó a donde estaba sentada, le sonrió y le guiñó un ojo. Ella, como una niña de pueblo, se sonrojó y sus mejillas se pusieron rojas como fresas maduras.

El profesor inició la clase: “Buenos días, mi nombre es Rafael. Ahora cada uno se pone de pie y me dice su nombre, para conocerlos”

Cuando le tocó su turno, ella se levantó y dijo:" Aureolina, por cariño me llaman Auri". Al concluir la clase, estando sola en el pasillo, mientras esperaba para entrar al salón, a escuchar otra asignatura. El profesor, Rafael, se le acercó y le dijo: “Te invito al cafetín a tomar un café” Ella le respondió: Gracias, no me gusta café“” Él agregó: “Acompáñame y pides lo que quieras”.

Al llegar al cafetín él le preguntó “¿Que te gustaría tomar?”

“Una amerengada de guanábana”. Él ordenó que le sirvieran un café negro y la amerengada. Mientras disfrutaban de esos aperitivos. Él le dijo: “Qué hermosa eres, con esos ojos que parecen dos estrellas con la oscuridad de las nubes, preñadas de agua” Ella sonrió, con una picardea en su rostro, que lo cautivó.

A partir de ese momento surgió entre ellos una hermosa amistad. Con el transcurrir del tiempo se convirtió en amor. Poco después, él le pidió que fuera su esposa. Fueron a su pueblo a hablar con sus progenitores. Luego se casaron, y ese día él le juró fidelidad y que nunca le mentiría.

Su regalo de bodas fue una hermosa casa, a su nombre, en el Parcelamiento Miranda. Se controló con el ginecólogo, para no tener hijos tan pronto, ya que su meta era graduarse en la Universidad. Al año siguiente, se Licenció en la Universidad y tras cuatro años de matrimonio tuvo dos hijos. Se dedicó a ser una excelente ama de casa, madre y esposa.

Cuando sus hijos crecieron y empezaron el instituto, Auri exigió a su marido que le consiguiera un trabajo.

En aquel momento, se iban a celebrar elecciones en la universidad, para elegir un nuevo decano entre los profesores. Rafael negoció con uno de ellos que se presentaba al cargo y le dijo: "Votaré por ti, con una condición, que si ganas, le des una vacante a mi mujer. Cuando se llevó a cabo este proceso, ganó su candidato. Nada más tomar posesión como decano, llamó a Rafael y le dijo: "Tráeme la documentación de tu mujer, que la voy a colocar en el Departamento de Trabajo Social de esta Universidad". En cuanto ella presentó toda la documentación, la destinaron a ese Departamento. Y empezó a trabajar en esa oficina.

Al poco tiempo de estar trabajando, sus padres murieron con la pandemia del paludismo. Sin embargo, ella siempre los ayudó y estaba pendiente de ellos, su partida la afectó sentimentalmente, los amaba demasiado

En menos de dos años, Aureolina realizó un Postgrado en Ciencias Sociales, adquiriendo más conocimiento en esta área, lo que le permitió ascender a otra categoría en el tabulador, obteniendo más ingresos, además fue promovida como Jefa del Departamento de trabajo Social del Rectorado. Logrando una de sus metas propuestas.

Transcurrieron quince años, la chispa del amor entre Aureolina y su marido era cada día más fuerte. Pero un día domingo, después de despedirse de su marido con un beso en la boca, como solía hacer, se puso a organizar su recámara. Tomó una Chaqueta, que Rafael se la había puesto el día anterior, le revisó los bolsillos y observó que había un pequeño papel con una nota, lo leyó: “Amor, esta noche te espero en mi casa” Su rostro palideció, similar a la palidez de la magnolia, de sus ojos resbalaron en exceso lágrimas, como las cataratas del Iguazú. Se quedó acostada.

Cuando su marido regresó, se sorprendió de que ella no saliera a recibirle. Empezó a llamarla excitado: "¡Auri, dónde estás!". Como ella no contestaba, él corrió a su dormitorio. Cuando abrió la puerta, se dio cuenta de que su mujer tenía los ojos cerrados y translúcidos por la inflamación. Él se acostó al lado de ella, intentó acariciarla y ella lo rechazó. Con dulzura en la voz le dijo:

"Amor, ¿qué te pasa, por qué tomas esta actitud?".

Aureolina, se levantó de la cama, como una loba herida cuando le arrebatan su presa y gritó: "¡No me toques, no me hables, sal de mi habitación!". Él, con la voz quebrada por las lágrimas, le dijo: "¡Amor, nunca te he mentido!". Ella, con el rostro enrojecido por la ira, respondió:

"¡No me vendas un perro!" Ella hizo una pausa, luego continuó. "Ayer, por la tarde, te fuiste, con la excusa de que ibas a una reunión y volviste, de madrugada" Ella, respiró profundo, para no llorar, y prosiguió:

"Hoy, organizando la habitación, he sacado del bolsillo de tu chaqueta, que llevabas anoche, este trozo de papel, cógelo, léelo y ¡dame una explicación!"

Después de leerlo, Su rostro estaba blanco como la nieve, sus manos temblorosas, como las hojas de los árboles en tiempos de tempestad. Luego se arrodilló, con su voz quebrada por el llanto replicó:

“¡Perdóname!” Ella muy enervada le gritó:

"¡Jamás he soportado una mentira, Fuera de mi casa!". El cabizbajo salió de su casa,

Al cabo de unos meses, Aureolina, se enteró de que Rafael mantenía una relación amorosa con su amante, desde antes de haberse casado con ella. Motivo por el cual Auri, se divorció de él.

Aureolina se dedicó en cuerpo y alma a su trabajo y a sus hijos, con el transcurso de los años, ellos se licenciaron y se independizaron, ella vive sola, pero sus hijos están pendientes de ella. La amante de Rafael hace poco lo abandonó.

Rafael llegó hasta la casa de Auri con una expresión de tristeza en su rostro, le dijo: “Estoy arrepentido del dolor que te causé, te prometo, no volver a mentir”. Ella sarcásticamente le respondió: “”¡No me vendas un perro!, Eres un falso, nunca hablaste con la verdad, agradezco de inmediato, que desalojes mi casa y no te atravieses más en mi camino. Él se marchó, no soportó el desprecio de Aureolina, y abandonó el país.


Infidelities are the most difficult to forgive, it feels as if the heart has been crushed and trust broken like glass. A very interesting story to read.

Thanks for sharing.

Good day.

Thank you for your comment and may God give you a happy day.

This is a story that might be told in many marriages. When we love someone deeply, it is hard to believe they would betray us as Rafael betrayed Aureolina. It is amazing that so many years could go by and the affair was never discovered. One wonders why Rafael would marry Aureolina when he already had a mistress. Human nature is puzzling, and this story emphasizes that.

The are is strong here. Your characterization of Aurelino is well developed. In the end, we are prepared for the way her life works out. She is a person of great character and this sees her through as she raises her children.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @rammargarita

Thank you for commenting on my story. God bless you and have a happy day.