Azabache-For The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #151

in #hive-1707989 months ago


Priscilla is a very beautiful young woman with brown skin, black eyes and straight hair that reaches her calves. That is why she is called "Azabache". Since she was a little girl she liked juggling and she was a dreamer, she always dreamed of having a bicycle. And to be a great cyclist. She lived in a rural environment, in a small town. In a very humble house, very close to the river, surrounded by big bushes, in these, this young girl, climbs on them and performs several juggling pirouettes and sings with a voice, similar to a Nightingale, that delights all the people who go to bathe and wash their clothes in the river. A few kilometers from that part of the river there was a boat dock, where boats arrive with fish, toys, clothes and shoes, to sell and exchange with the inhabitants of that town and the surrounding areas.

On December 18, a ship docked at that port with a cargo of clothes and toys. The sailor at the helm was a young man. In addition to steering, in his spare time he trained for cycling marathons.

One morning, he lowered his mountain bike and started to ride along the river bank, arriving at the town, he heard, in the distance, a melodious voice, similar to the song of a siren, he let himself be guided by that song and stopped a few meters away from where the voice came out and he could see that it was a beautiful brunette, up to the top of a tree, little by little he approached, with a little shyness he whistled at her.

She greeted him with a flirtatious gesture.' He very excitedly invited her to get off:

""Come down, come let's go for a bike ride, She got off, when standing in front of her, he said:!""

"What beautiful eyes you have, they look like two stars with a light of their own, caught by the darkness of the clouds" Her cheeks blushed like the flower of the tulips ""He asked her:

"What's your name?" "Azabache" and you?

"Peter." Then he added: "Get on your bike."

"The problem is that I don't know how to ride a bicycle, I've never had the chance to have one."

With much gentleness he replied:"

"Don't worry with a lot of patience, I will teach you, imagine, you are on the top of a tree."

With some trepidation, she climbed up, grabbed the bicycle's handlebars, placed her feet on the pedals. He held the bike from the back, pushed it a little, in a short time Jet learned, with a dexterity like she'd had one before.

She rode a long way, then returned to where Peter was. He hugged her and congratulated her for having learned in such a short time. As dusk was falling, Peter said goodbye and returned to his ship.

The next day, Peter and in the brevity of the following days, in his free time he looked for Azabache, he lent her his bicycle, She climbed the mountain, defied obstacles, performed pirouettes, when she goes on the track, she climbs to the top of the bicycle frame, without taking control of the steering wheel she stands balanced, runs a long way. Peter watches her, ecstatic with joy, smiles. A beautiful friendship arises between them.

Days went by, Christmas Eve arrived, and Azabache was sitting in the dining room of her house, having dinner with her mother. Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and when she looked out, she saw that it was Peter. She opened it for him and he said:

"I come to say goodbye, because at one o'clock in the morning I leave for another port. I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to you".

With trembling hands, as in times of hurricanes that let themselves be beaten by the wind, with a torrent of tears in his eyes, and with his voice broken by tears, he said to her: "I have come to bring you your gift as a child Jesus, the bicycle. I hope you will keep it as a souvenir." He gave Azabache a kiss on the cheek and they said goodbye.

From that moment on, Azabache rode several miles every day on road and mountain bikes, performing juggling tricks on the bike. Charles Smith, a BMX cycling coach, saw her on the road and was fascinated to see such dexterity accompanied by pirouettes and challenging various obstacles along the way.

She stopped and asked him: What can I do for you? He very gallantly and very excitedly took her hand and said:

"How do you do, Charles Smith," then he continued!

"I have observed how you race your bicycle. He invited you to a BMX Cycling competition, to be held in Caracas, in three days, on the Bici Cross track of the U.C.V. I decree myself as your trainer."

"Enchanted, my name is: Azabache, I accept your invitation, I request permission with my mother to go to Caracas, with you."

So, she did, she spoke with her mother, and soon after she traveled with Charles.

Since Azabache started in this championship she gave no space to the other participants, with her pirouettes and defying the obstacles, she stood out. Leaving ecstatic all the attendees present at the event. She was champion. Everyone present applauded and shouted:

Azabache, champion, Azabache, champion!

Source from pixabay



Priscila es una joven muy hermosa de piel morena, ojos negros con un pelo lacio, que le llega, cerca de las pantorrillas. Razón por la cual la llaman azabache. Desde muy pequeña le gustaba el malabarismo y era muy soñadora, siempre soñó con tener una bicicleta. Y ser una Gran Ciclista. Ella vivía en un ambiente rural, en un pequeño pueblo. En una casa muy humilde, muy cercana al río, rodeada de grandes arbustos, en estos, esta joven, sube a ellos y realiza varias piruetas de malabarismo y canta con una voz, similar a un Ruiseñor, que deleita a todas las personas que iban a bañarse y a lavar su ropa al río. A pocos km de esa parte del río había un atracadero de barcos, donde llegaban estos con pescados, juguetes, ropas y zapatos, para vender y canjear con los habitantes de ese pueblo y de los aledaños.

El 18 del mes de diciembre, atracó en ese puerto un barco con un flete de ropas y juguetes. El marinero que lo timoneaba era un hombre joven. Además de timonear, en sus tiempos libres entrenaba para maratones de ciclismo.

Una mañana, bajo su bicicleta montañera y se puso a pasear por la orilla del río, llegando al pueblo, escuchó, a lo lejos, una voz melodiosa, parecido al canto de una sirena, se dejó guiar por ese canto y se detuvo a pocos metros de distancia de donde salía la voz y pudo observar, que era una hermosa morena, subida al copo de un árbol, poco a poco se fue acercando, con un poco de timidez él la silbó.

Ella con un gesto de coquetería lo saludó.´ Él muy emocionado la invitó a bajarse:

“”¡Baja, ven vamos a dar un paseo en bicicleta, Ella bajó, al estar frente a ella, le dijo:! “”

“Qué ojos tan bellos tienes, parecen dos estrellas con luz propia, atrapadas por la oscuridad de las nubes” Sus mejillas se ruborizaron como la flor de los tulipanes “”Él Le preguntó:

“¿Cómo te llamas? “Azabache” y ¿tú?

“Peter”. Luego él agregó: “Súbete a la bicicleta”

“El problema es que no sé correr bicicleta, nunca he tenido la oportunidad de tener una”

Con mucha dulzura él respondió:”

“No te preocupes con mucha paciencia, te enseñaré, imagínate, que estás en el copo de un árbol”

Con un poco de temor, ella subió, tomó el manubrio o volante de la bicicleta, colocó sus pies sobre los pedales. Él sostuvo la bicicleta por la parte de atrás, la empujo un poco, en un tiempo breve Azabache aprendió, con una destreza como que antes hubiera tenido una.

Ella corrió un trayecto largo, luego retornó hacia donde estaba Peter. Él la abrazó y felicitó, por haber aprendido en tan poco tiempo. Ya cayendo el ocaso, Peter se despidió, para regresar a su barco.

Al siguiente día, Peter y en la brevedad de los subsiguientes días, en su tiempo libre buscó a Azabache, le prestaba su bicicleta, Ella subía a la montaña, desafiaba obstáculos, realizaba piruetas, cuando va en la vía, sube a la parte superior del cuadro de la bicicleta, sin tomar control del volante se mantiene de pie equilibrado, corre un trayecto largo. Peter la contempla, extasiado de alegría, sonrie. Entre ellos surge una linda amistad.

Con el transcurso de los días llegó la nochebuena de navidad, Azabache estaba sentada en el comedor de su casa, cenando con su madre. De repente escucharon que llamaban, en la puerta al asomarse vio que era Peter. Ella le abrió y él le dijo:

“Vine a despedirme, porque a la una de la madrugada, me marcho para otro puerto. No quiero irme sin despedirme de ti”.

Con sus manos temblorosas, como en tiempos de huracanes que se dejan batir por el viento, con un torrente de lágrimas en sus ojos, y con su voz entrecortada por el llanto, le dijo: “”Vine a traerte tu regalo de niño Jesús, la bicicleta. Espero que la conserves como un recuerdo"". Le dio un beso en la mejilla a Azabache y se despidieron.

A partir de este momento Azabache, corría todos los días en su bicicleta varios km de carretera y montañas, realizando piruetas de malabarista. Charles Smith, entrenador de ciclismo BMX, la vio en la carretera, quedó fascinado de ver tanta destreza acompañada de piruetas y desafiar varios obstáculos en la montaña.

Él corrió aceleradamente hasta darle alcance, ella se detuvo y le preguntó: ¿Qué se le ofrece? El muy galante y muy emocionado tomó su mano y le dijo:

“¡Mucho gusto, Charles Smith,” luego prosiguió!:

“He observado como corres en tu bicicleta. Te invitó a un certamen de Ciclismo BMX, a realizarse en Caracas, dentro de tres días, en la pista de Bici Cross de la U.C.V. Me decreto como tu entrenador”.

“Encantada, me llamo: Azabache, acepto tu invitación, solicito permiso con mi madre para ir a Caracas, contigo”

Así, lo hizo, habló con su madre, y al poco tiempo viajo con Charles.

Desde que Azabache se inició en este campeonato no le dio espacio a los demás participantes, con sus piruetas y desafiando los obstáculos, sobresalió. Dejando extasiada a todos los asistentes, en ese evento. Quedó campeona. Todos los presentes aplaudían y gritaban:

¡Azabache, campeona, Azabache, campeona!


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

hank you for the pins have a nice evening

You're welcome @rammargarita! Have a nice day 😊👍

Sometimes, a gift can change our destiny! In your story the bicycle, more than a toy, became the driving force to propel Azabache's life. Greetings, @rammargarita

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

Thank you for your comment. I will take into account your proposal to write in your Celf Magazine. Have a nice day

In telling your story, it jumped a bit from scene to scene in what feels like a rather implausible series of events. Priscilla certainly enjoyed a lucky streak when she needed it most to achieve her dreams. What I did like is that it illustrated that a little kindness and opportunity go a long way to helping someone to achieve dreams that remain buried and unrealised, simply through lack of resources. So that was a nice touch, @rammargarita

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice evening

A nice story that you share with us. Your story shows that when we do something in life, destiny is in charge of taking us along the path.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day