Escape to the party - TheInkwell Creative NonfictionPrompt #60

in #hive-17079810 months ago

<Escape to the party

As a teenager, I liked to talk with my classmates: Lisbeth, María, Iris, Rosa, Ana and one named Bombillo and the other Max.
We were in our third year of high school at Silverio Gonzalez High School, in our free time, we would go to talk sitting on the intense green grass that harmonized with the beach grape trees, those grapes were purple, with their exquisite nectar, which delighted us, we looked like little bees, sucking the nectar of those fruits.

On weekends, I would invite my classmates to my house, we would prepare the material for the exhibitions, the pending tasks, we would have lunch. Then we would chat and dance at home. My mother was very fond of them. We took several subjects, among them Geography of Venezuela. Sometimes we accompanied Bombillo and Max in their brilliant ideas of mischief. That accompaniment cost me punishments at home.

One Monday when we had the first two hours of class free, because the math teacher was absent, we decided to go to the green areas of the Liceo, there we got in with Bombillo and Max, who were grabbing a honeycomb of wasps. I asked Bombillo:

"¿What are you grabbing that hive for, look if you attack them they get upset and sting you" He answered me:

"After these hours we have Geography class in this paper bag, we will place the wasps, leaving an opening.after the teacher sits down, we'll have fun."

At first I hesitated, then my classmates encouraged me to support my friends' idea. When it was almost time for class to start, we went to the classroom, which was alone, and they put the bag under the seat where the teacher was sitting. We left there laughing.

Soon after, the bell rang to enter the classroom. We lined up to enter the classroom, then went inside, took our seats. The teacher also took her seat from her desk. She said good morning and began to give us some instructions, about an exam we were going to take, suddenly those wasps came out of the bag scattering all over the environment, the teacher, who was heavily made up, ran around the classroom, her face turned with an expression of panic and pallor similar to the little flaps of the yellow Neon butterfly. Shaking her arms in despair, she felt as if the wasps were stinging her. Everyone in the room was screaming, running and bumping into each other. Bombillo and Max were the first to reach the exit door, since they were not stung by the little animals. We all crowded into the third year section, located at the end of the hall. The Director of the Campus came to see the news. He asked:

"Who were the ones who dabbled in this idea? All of us who were involved, raised our hands."

He replied:

"All of you, please go to the school's administration office, looking for a summons to come tomorrow, accompanied by your representative".

When I got home, my hands were shaking, my face was unhinged with fear and sorrow. I gave the summons to my mother and told her what had happened.She said nothing, but I could see in her face that she was extremely upset.

All of us summoned arrived with our representatives, each of us had swollen faces and arms from wasp stings. I had a swollen cheek. The teacher, Mirtha, did not come because she had been stung on her eyelid and it was swollen, so she was given a few days off.

That prank, which I supported at school, cost me that my mother punished me by locking me in my room, without the right to see my friends at home during 3 weekends of that month. And that she didn't find out that I was with them outside the classroom, because the punishment was going to be greater.

It turned out that on the last weekend of that month, Saturday, Lisbeth had her birthday, I was going to be locked up. I begged my mother to lower my penance, to go to Lisbeth's birthday she said:

""I will only allow you, to use the landline phone at home, which is located in your room"

As soon as the last Friday of the month arrived, I contacted Lisbeth by phone. She told me:

""Yesterday I met your mother at the bus stop, she told me that she is traveling to Cumanacoa and will be back on Sunday.

To Lisbeth I said:

Tomorrow is your birthday. Are they going to celebrate it? She answered me:

"Yes, at the Medical College Club, from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, there will be a swimming pool, you are invited".

I can't go.

Don't worry, I will work out a plan, with Maria, for you to escape. As soon as your mom leaves for Cumanacoa. So you can enjoy my party.

Saturday morning at about 6 a.m., after my mother prepared breakfast for us, she left with my two sisters to Cumanacoa, before leaving she said to me:

""Here are your keys to the house, because as you are going to be alone, and if you have any problems you have how to get out"".

An hour after my mother left, I called Maria on the phone:

"Good morning, you coordinated with Lisbeth, my escape".

"Yes, don't worry, I'll come by looking for you, as I eventually do, my mother won't suspect anything."

I took a bath, got ready, put in my bag, my bathing suit, my skin suntan lotion, while waiting for Maria, I felt my heart racing, my tears, rolled down my cheeks, I was scared, I had a feeling that my mother could arrive.

A few minutes later, Maria arrived with her mom in the car, I boarded it. I was constantly looking back, I had the feeling that I was being followed.

In seconds we arrived at the Club. Lisbeth was very happy to see me, we got into the pool and enjoyed ourselves with our classmates. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon I returned home.

My mother and my sisters returned the next day. No one noticed my escape. On Sunday night, my mother released me from my punishment.

A day later I started my classes. Everything went back to the way it was with the exception that I no longer participated in the antics of Bombillo and Max.

My mother never found out that I ran away to Lisbeth's party.

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Source from pixabay


Escape a la fiesta

De adolescente, me gustaba hablar con mis compañeras de clase: Lisbeth, María, Iris, Rosa, Ana y uno que se llamaba Bombillo y el otro Max. Cursábamos el tercer año de secundaria en la Preparatoria Silverio González, en nuestros ratos libres, íbamos a platicar sentadas en el pasto verde intenso que armonizaba con los árboles de uva de playa, esas uvas eran moradas, con su exquisito néctar, que nos deleitaba, parecíamos abejitas, chupando el néctar de esos frutos.

Los fines de semana, invitaba a mis compañeras de estudio para mi casa, preparábamos los materiales para las exposiciones, las tareas pendientes, almorzábamos. Luego charlábamos y bailábamos en casa. Mi madre las apreciaba mucho. Cursábamos varias asignaturas, entre esta Geografía de Venezuela. Teníamos en esta cátedra una profesora, muy odiosa, llamada, Mirtha, A veces acompañábamos a Bombillo y a Max en sus ideas geniales de travesuras. Ese acompañamiento me costó en mi hogar castigos.

Un lunes cuando tuvimos las dos primeras horas de clase libre, porque el profesor de matemáticas no asistió, decidimos irnos a las áreas verdes del Liceo, allí nos conseguimos con Bombillo y Max, que estaban agarrando una colmena de avispas. Le pregunté a Bombillo:

“¿Cuál es el objetivo de agarrar esa colmena?, mira que si las agredes, se molestan y te pican” Me respondió:

“Después de estas dos horas tenemos clase de Geografía en esta bolsa de papel, colocaremos las avispas, dejando la abertura de la bolsa un poco abierta, después que la profesora se siente, nos divertiremos”

Al comienzo titubeé, luego mis compañeras, me animaron a apoyar la idea de Mis amigos.

Cuando faltaba poco, para comenzar la hora de clases, fuimos al salón, que estaba solo y ellos depositaron la bolsa debajo del asiento, donde se sentaba la profesora. Salimos de allí riéndonos.

Al poco rato sonó el timbre para entrar al salón de clases. Nos ordenamos en fila para entrar al salón, luego entramos, tomamos asiento. La profesora también tomó su asiento desde su escritorio. Ella dio los buenos días y comenzó a darnos unas instrucciones, sobre un examen que íbamos a presentar, de repente aquellas avispas salieron de la bolsa dispersándose por todo el ambiente, la profesora, que estaba muy maquillada, corrió por todo el salón de clases, su rostro se tornó con una expresión de pánico y palidez similar a las aletitas de la mariposa amarilla Neón. Sacudiéndose los brazos desesperada por tener la impresión de que las avispas la picaban. Todos dentro del salón, gritábamos, corríamos y chocábamos unos con otros. Bombillo y Max fueron los primeros que llegaron a la puerta de salida, ya que a ellos esos animalitos no los picaron.Todos nos aglomeramos en la Seccional de tercer año, ubicada al final del pasillo. El Director del Plantel, acudió a ver la novedad. Y preguntó:

“¿Quiénes fueron los que incursionaron en esta idea? Todos los que estábamos involucrados, levantamos las manos.”

El respondió:

“Pasen todos, por la Dirección del Plantel, buscando una citación para que mañana, vengan acompañados de su representante”

Al llegar a mi casa, las manos me temblaban, mi rostro desencajado, por el temor y la pena. Le entregué la citación a mi madre, y le conté lo sucedido,
No dijo nada, pero noté en su rostro que estaba sumamente, molesta.

Todos los que fuimos citados, acudimos, la Dirección del Plantel, con la cara y los brazos hinchados, por las picaduras de las avispas. Yo tenía una mejilla inflamada. La profesora, Mirtha no acudió, porque le picaron un párpado y lo tenía inflamado, le dieron unos días de permiso.

Esa travesura, que apoyé en el Liceo me costó, que mi madre me aplicó un castigo de encerrarme en mi cuarto, sin tener derecho a ver a mis amigas en casa durante 3 fines de semana de ese mes. Y que no se enterara ella, que yo andaba con ellas, fuera del aula de clase, porque el castigo iba a ser mayor.

Resulta que el último fin de semana de ese mes, el sábado, Lisbeth cumplía años, Yo iba a estar encerrada. Le supliqué a mi madre que me bajara la penitencia, para ir al cumple año de Lisbeth ella me dijo:

“”Solo te permitiré, utilizar el teléfono fijo de casa, que está ubicado en tu cuarto"

En cuanto llegó el último viernes del mes, me comunique telefónicamente con Lisbeth. Ella me dijo:

“”Ayer me encontré con tu madre en la parada del Bus, me dijo:

""Que este fin de semana iba a viajar a Cumana coa y que regresa el domingo"".

A Lisbeth le dije:

Mañana cumples años ¿Te lo van a celebrar? Ella me respondió:

“Sí, en el Club del Colegio Médico, a partir de las 9 de la mañana hasta la 4 de la tarde, habrá piscina, estás invitada”

No puedo ir

No te preocupes, elaboraré un plan, con María, para que escapes. En cuanto tu mamá se marche a Cumanacoa. Para que disfrutes de mi fiesta.

El sábado en la mañana a eso de la 6 de la mañana, después de mi madre prepararnos desayuno, partió con mis dos hermanas hacia Cumanacoa, antes de salir me dijo:

“”Aquí tienes las llaves de la casa, porque como vas a quedar sola, y si se te presenta algún problema Tienes como salir"

A la hora de haberse marchado mi madre, llamé por teléfono a María:
“Buen día, Coordinaste con Lisbeth, mi huida”

“Sí, no te preocupes, te paso buscando, como eventualmente lo hago, mi madre no sospechará nada”

Yo me bañé, me arreglé, coloque en mi bolso, mi traje de baño, mi bronceador de piel, mientras esperaba a María, sentí mi corazón acelerado, mis lágrimas, rodaron por mis mejillas, estaba asustada, presentía que mi madre podía llegar.

A los pocos minutos, llegó María con su mamá en el carro, lo aborde. Constantemente miraba hacia atrás, tenía la sensación de que me seguían. En segundos llegamos al Club. Lisbeth se alegró mucho al verme, nos metimos a la piscina y disfrutamos junto a las compañeras de clase. A las 4 de la tarde retorné a mi casa.

Mi madre con mis hermanas regresaron el día siguiente. Nadie se dio cuenta de mi fuga. El domingo en la noche, mi madre, me liberó del castigo.

Un día después, comencé mis clases. Todo volvió a ser como antes con la excepción, que no participé más en las travesuras de Bombillo y Max.

Mi madre nunca se enteró, que yo me escapé para ir a la fiesta de Lisbeth.


You were lucky your mother didn't catch you when you went to the party. The reader almost wishes she had, because her punishment seemed reasonable. However, you apparently learned your lesson. It seems the stings and damage done to the teacher were more important lessons for you than your mother's punishment. Also, the fact that she was disappointed in you and angry.

You tell this story well, @rammargarita. The temptation to join in a childish prank is understandable. You help us to see how that could be irresistible, and how experience taught you to stand back from such invitations when they were offered again.

Thank you for sharing this glimpse of a mischievous, young @rammargarita with us.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice evening

What a great prank they got up to at school, I imagine they all had wasp stings, At least nothing more serious happened and the punishment was a consequence of the act itself. When we are young we never think about the consequences, we just live in the moment, that is part of beginning to form a conscience based on what we have experienced.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a happy day

Her conversations with Lisbeth and Maria show ingenuity but also tensions around defiance.
The mother comes across as both caring (making the girls breakfast, letting the narrator call Lisbeth) and stern in her discipline. This complexity makes her more realistic.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

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Of course I will achieve what is required of me. Have a happy afternoon.

Thanks @rammargarita! Have a nice day 😊👍🌹