Feelings and intuitions - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #146

in #hive-17079810 months ago

Benita was very close to her mother from a very young age, going to class, playing with her friends and doing housework with her sister María Antonieta and homework at school.

At noon she was next to her mother, Antonia's corn grinding machine, helping her to grind the corn, to prepare the dough and make the empanadas, which she sold at night at the entrance of her house, in a small town called Marigüitar. While they were doing this activity. Antonia told her:

"I have a feeling that my niece Soranger is coming here".
In fractions of a second she arrived where they were. They began to talk, suddenly, Antonia said:

""In these moments a thought of my compadre Concho Rondón has crossed my mind. Soranger asked:

""Who is he? She answered:

"He is my compadre, he is the godfather of my daughter María Antonieta, they call him Concho, his real name is Asunción Rondón,

She paused, swallowed some water and continued:

"I am going to tell you and describe him, he was a man about 1.75 meters tall, with cinnamon skin, a mouth prosthesis with 3 gold teeth in his mouth, he wore a hat, long sleeve shirts, bermuda pants, long socks fastened almost to the knees with red elastic bands, his shoes were dress shoes. A briefcase, where he carried his medicines and instruments to extract teeth and molars with a handkerchief, and a pair of pliers because at that time. Medical equipment and anesthesia had not arrived in Mariguitar. He was serving in the army, in Caracas. There he learned that art.

Besides, he was going fishing on the beach, when he arrived with his fish in his hands, on the street. The young men who saw him told him:

""Concho voy pegado, he answered them.

Hey, hey, stick yourself to a guaritoto florido (it is a plant that grows on the shore of the beach and when you stick yourself to it, it gives you an itch all over your body, and you have to run for a bath).

Antonia added:

" Concho had his wife and children, they all studied and are professionals".

The next day Antonia and Benita were at their task of grinding corn, for the preparation of the empanadas, her mother told her :

"You know daughter, I heard from a customer, that my compadre Concho is very sick. I have a feeling he is going to die soon". Benita asked her:

"and how do you guess that?"

She replied:

"Because I have days dreaming of fish, and that is true a few days later that person perishes. Besides, that idea is fixed in my mind, and it is removed when they tell me that that person died".

The next day Concho Rondón died.

Antonia had that particularity that characterized her, everything she felt, came true. As the years went by, Antonia died.

As soon as Benita became an adult, she also began to have the peculiarity of having presentiments. And to have dreams, like her mother.

One night, when she was single, she dreamed she was at a dance in the street and there she met a handsome man who asked her to marry him. Some years passed and she never saw him again. But in a time of carnival, in a street temple she met that man, she knew he was the candidate, a few days later she asked him to marry her, they got married, they had three children: Maria, Rafael and Antonio. They lived together for many years, until destiny separated him from her.

And just as she had those dreams, she also felt and sensed other factors that occurred in reality.

As the years went by, Benita grew old and lived alone in her house. When her children came to visit her, they would gather in the dining room and tell her: "Mother, don't feel anything, you have the mouth of a toad, everything you feel comes true.

Her first son, Rafael, said:

"I remember when I was twelve years old, Benita, told us:

"I'm going to work, I thank you for not going out on the street, I had nightmares and presentiments. Remember that in the street there are ferocious animals and harmful people."

"As soon as you left, mom, I ran out into the street, when I passed in front of Mrs. Maudalis' house, her dog bit me. I ran desperately towards the house, my father, who was already arriving, took me to the hospital."

He said:

From that moment on, I learned that I had to respect Benita's presentiments.

Maria, his eldest daughter, and Antonio, the youngest, also told other anecdotes of these presentiments and dreams. They affirmed that these presentiments were fulfilled immediately. Their eldest daughter said:

"I am afraid of the outcome of those presentiments. That's why I don't go out of their limits".

Benita said:

"I assume that those presentiments and dreams, which I learned with my mother or inherited from her, served in life to inhibit me from doing things that later on could have bad consequences for me. And this has also served as an example to you, my children.

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Presentimientos e intuiciones

Benita desde muy pequeña fue muy apegada a su madre, iba a clases, a jugar con sus amigas, hacía los oficios de la casa en compañía de su hermana Maria Antonieta y las tareas del Colegio.

Al mediodía se instalaba al lado de la máquina de moler maíz de su madre, Antonia, para ayudarla a moler el maíz, para preparar la masa, de hacer las empanadas, que vendía en la noche en la puerta de su casa, en un publicito llamado Mariguitar mientras realizaban esta actividad. Antonia le dijo:

“Presiento, que viene mi sobrina Soranger, para acá”.
En fracciones de segundo ella llegó a donde ellas estaban. se pusieron a dialogar, de repente, Antonia dijo:

“”En estos momentos me ha pasado por mi mente, un pensamiento de mi compadre Concho Rondón. Soranger preguntó:

“”¿Quién es él? Ella respondió:

“Es mi compadre, es el padrino de mi hija María Antonieta, lo llaman Concho, su verdadero nombre es Asunción Rondón,

Hizo una pausa, ingirió un poco de agua y continuó:
"voy a contarles y a describirlo, era un hombre de más o menos 1.75 metros, de estatura, piel canela, una prótesis bucal con 3 dientes de oro en su boca, usaba un sombrero, camisas mangas largas, con pantalones bermudas, medias largas sujetadas casi a las rodillas con unas ligas elásticas rojas, sus zapatos eran de vestir. Un maletín, donde cargaba sus medicamentos e instrumentos para extraer dientes y muelas con un pañuelo, y un alicate porque para aquel entonces. No había llegado a Mariguitar, equipos médicos ni anestesia. Él estuvo sirviendo en el ejército, en Caracas. Allí aprendió ese arte".

Además, iba a pescar a la playa, cuando llegó con sus pescados en manos, por la calle. Los jóvenes que lo vieron le dijeron:

“”Concho voy pegado, él les respondió

Oye, oye, pégate de un guaritoto florido (es una planta que se da en la orilla de la playa y cuando te pegas de ella, te da una picazón en todo el cuerpo, que tienes que salir corriendo a bañarte).

"Antonia acotó:

"Mi compadre tuvo su esposa y sus hijos, todos estudiaron y son profesionales".

Al siguiente día Antonia y Benita estaban en su faena de moler maíz, para la elaboración de las empanadas, su madre le dijo :

“Sabes hija me enteré, por medio de una cliente, que mi compadre Concho está muy enfermo. Intuyo que se va a morir pronto”. Benita Le preguntó:

“¿y cómo adivinas eso?”

Le respondió:

“Porqué tengo días soñando con pescados, y eso es verídico a los pocos días esa persona perece. Además esa idea se me fija en la mente, y se me quita cuando me avisan que esa persona falleció”.

Al siguiente día Concho Rondón falleció.

Antonia tenía esa particularidad que la caracterizaba, todo lo que presentía, se daba en la realidad. Con el transcurso de los años, Antonia murió

En cuanto Benita se hizo adulta, también comenzó a tener la particularidad de presentir. Y de tener sueños, como su madre.

Una noche cuando era soltera soñó que estaba en un baile en la calle y allí conoció a un hombre buen mozo que le pidió en matrimonio. Pasaron unos cuantos años, y no lo vio. Pero en una temporada de carnaval en un templete que había en la calle conoció a ese caballero al conocerlo intuyó que ese era el candidato, a los pocos días le pidió en matrimonio, se casaron tuvieron tres hijos: María, Rafael y Antonio. Vivieron juntos muchos años, hasta que el destino lo separó de ella.

Y así como ella tenía esos sueños, así mismo presentía e intuía otros factores, que se daban en la realidad.

Con el transcurrir de los años Benita envejeció, vive sola en su casa. Cuando sus hijos venían a visitarla, se reunían en en el comedor y le decían:
"Mamá, no menciones ningún presentimiento de algo, tienes boca de sapo, todo lo que presientes se cumple".

Su primer hijo, Rafael dijo:

“”Recuerdo cuando tenía doce años, Benita, nos dijo:

“Voy a trabajar, les agradezco que no salgan a la calle, he tenido unos sueños y presentimientos malos. Recuerden en la calle hay animales feroces y gente dañina”

"En cuanto , mamá se fue , yo me escape para la calle, cuando iba pasando por la casa de la Señora Maudali, su perro me mordió. Corrí desesperado para la casa, mi padre que venía llegando, me llevó al hospital.

El dijo: "

"A partir de ese momento pense en ello, y comprendí que debía obedecer a los presentimientos de Benita".

María su hija mayor y Antonio, el menor también contaron otras anécdotas de esos presentimientos y sueños. Afirmando que esos presentimientos se cumplían de inmediato. Su hija, mayor dijo:

"Yo les tengo temor al resultado de esos presentimientos. Por eso no me salgo de sus límites".

Benita dijo:

"Asumo que esos presentimientos y sueños, que junto a mi madre aprendí o los heredé, de ella, sirvieron en la vida para inhibirme de hacer cosas que más adelante, me puedan originar malas consecuencias. Y esto también les ha servido de ejemplo a ustedes, mis hijos.


Good story, Benita was very fortunate to be able to sense things, before they happened...Cheers!

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

Feliz día para ti🙏

It’s interesting that these two women could sense things that came to pass, but the story could’ve done with more development to round out a good idea.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

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The characters you introduce in this story are very colorful, @rammargarita. I find your description of intuitive experiences persuasive. Although I generally dismiss stories of extrasensory experiences, I personally have had at at least one that was clear and undeniable. However, I don't expect anyone to believe what happened to me. There is no way to prove it.

Thank you for sharing this most imaginative story :)

I was very happy to see you active again on the inkwell page. Thank you for your comment, which motivates me to keep writing. May God bless you and bring you and your family good health and have a nice day.
