JEAN THE GREAT MARATHON RUNNER- The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #148

in #hive-17079810 months ago


On a street in Santa Fe, Sucre State, Venezuela, lives a young man, Jean, 25 years old, with his mother, Teresa, who grows fruit trees, his older sister studies and goes to the fishing port of that town to barter fruits: guamas, jobos and mango, for fish.

When this young man was 12 years old, he went to play kites, in a field that is adjacent to his community, a friend of his got his kite stuck in a cable of the public lighting, he wanted to call his mother to help him, but in his innocence he decided to do it alone. He took a wooden bar, which in some parts had metal, and decided to detach the kite from the public lighting wires, with the movement he made, he touched with the bar a high tension cable, falling to the ground, the people of the town called the firemen, they took him to a hospital, where they operated him and amputated his two upper limbs. His mother prayed to God:

"Lord, almighty, make my child a man of good feelings and provide him, through a pious soul, a prosthesis for his upper limbs, since I do not have the financial resources to achieve this goal!

In spite of this adversity of life, Jean was a child who was always in a good mood, he studied and graduated from high school. At present, he is a very loving adult, he studies at the University and is a great marathon runner.

Jean received by mail, 15 days in advance, an invitation to participate in a contest of amateurs in this sport to be held in the city of Cumaná. When he received this invitation, he got excited and began to train during all those days on the Antonio José de Sucre highway. Located on a main road, bordered by a beach, in the distance you can see small islands and hills, with lots of vegetation that purify the environment, from which Jean inhales and expels the air that purifies his lungs. Strengthening it more and more every day. The passerby who watches him run compares him to a gazelle, as he is very bold when trotting.

His mother is very concerned about his nutrition and gives him his vitamin medicines.

One day he said to his mother:

"I am very grateful to God, for giving me a mother like you."

She hugged him, kissed him and with much tenderness told him:
"I love you very much and I am very proud to have a son like you".

Jean's day finally arrived, to participate in the marathon that was to be held in Cumaná.

When the race started, Jean made the sign of the cross. From the beginning of the marathon he took the first place, wherever he passed, everyone present greeted him. He came first, he was the winner. The Director of this Sport gave him a gold medal, a check for a certain amount, to cover his expenses in Caracas, since he received an order issued by the doctor who attended the athletes. He was examined at the Orthopedic Hospital of that city and measurements were taken to fit him with prosthetic arms.

His mother wept and thanked God for having listened to her.

The following week Jean traveled to Caracas. He underwent a series of medical examinations and in a few days he was fitted with the prostheses that replaced his arms.

As soon as she left the hospital, she introduced herself to the representative of the Liga Mayor de Maratonistas. They congratulated him on how well he had been fitted with the prostheses. The president of the sport at the national level. With an envelope in his hand he told him:

"I give you this invitation, a few days before and the tickets, so that you can come home for a few days to get organized and then come back here with us, so that you can train."

When he arrived home, his mother hugged him and he was able to do it too, because thank God he already had arms, both were crying with happiness.

Soon after, he went to participate in the Great Marathon to be held in Caracas.

His mother prayed at home that he would be victorious. The Prefect of the town placed a big screen in the square, so that everyone could see it, since the marathon was going to be televised. At 9 o'clock in the morning of that great day, the competition began, and in the course of several hours, Jean took first place and became the champion. A representative of the sport said to him:

"From this moment on we baptize you as Jean the Great marathon runner, for your excellent participation "He also gave him several prizes and his trophy, which he took with his hands and exhibited very proudly.

Soon after, he returned to his village. As he made his entrance, mounted on the hood of a truck. The townspeople shouted at him:

"Jean, the Great Marathon Runner, the Great Marathon Runner!". He proudly saluted them with one hand and with the other he held and exhibited his trophy.

Use the Deepl translator.

Source frrom pixabay



En una calle de Santa fe, Estado Sucre, Venezuela, vive un joven, Jean, de 25 años, con su madre, Teresa, que se dedica al cultivo de árboles frutales, su hermana, mayor, estudia y va al puerto pesquero de ese pueblo, hacer trueque de frutas: guamas, jobos y mango, por pescado.

Cuando este joven, tenía 12 años, fue a jugar cometas, en un terreno que queda aledaño, a su comunidad, a un compañero se le quedó su cometa atascado en un cable de electricidad del alumbrado público, quiso ir a buscar a su madre para que lo ayudara, pero él en su inocencia de adelantado decidió hacerlo solo, tomo una barra de madera, en algunas partes tenía metal, y decidió despegar el cometa de los cables del alumbrado público, con el movimiento, que realizó, tocó con la vara un Cable de alta tensión, cayendo derribado al suelo, la gente del pueblo llamaron a los bomberos, fue trasladado a un hospital, donde lo intervinieron, quirúrgicamente y le amputaron sus dos extremidades superiores. Su madre le pidió a Dios:

“¡Señor, todopoderoso, has de mi niño un hombre de buenos sentimientos y proporciónale, a través de un alma piadosa, una prótesis para sus extremidades superiores! ¡Ya que no cuento con recursos económicos para lograr ese objetivo!”

A pesar de esa adversidad de la vida, Jean, era un niño que siempre estaba de buen humor, estudio y se graduó de bachiller, En la actualidad, es un adulto muy cariñoso, estudia en la Universidad y es un gran maratonista.

Jean recibió vía correo, con 15 días de anticipación una invitación para participar en un certamen de aficionados a este deporte, el Maraton, a realizarse, en la ciudad de Cumaná. Al recibir esta invitación se emocionó, y comenzó a entrenar durante varios días en la autopista Antonio José de Sucre. Ubicada en una carretera troncal, bordeada por una playa, que a lo lejos se visualizan pequeñas islas y colinas, con mucha vegetación que purifican el ambiente, del cual Jean, inhala y expulsa ese aire, que purifica sus pulmones. Fortaleciéndolo cada día más. El transeúnte que lo mira correr, lo compara con una gacela, ya que es muy audaz al trotar.

Su madre se preocupa mucho por su alimentación y le da sus medicamentos a bases de vitaminas.

Un día le dijo a su madre:

“Estoy muy agradecido de Dios, por haberme dado una madre como tú”

Ella lo abrazó, besó y con mucha ternura le dijo:

“Yo te amo mucho y estoy muy orgullosa de tener un hijo como tú”.

Al fin llegó el día de Jean, participar en el maratón a realizarse en Cumaná
Cuando se inició la competición, Jean se hizo la señal de la Cruz. Desde que comenzó el maratón se mantuvo en el primer lugar, por donde pasa, todos los presentes lo saludan. Llegó de primero, fue el ganador. El Director de este Deporte le hizo entrega de una medalla de oro, un cheque por una cierta cantidad, para que cubriera sus gastos en Caracas, ya que le entregaron una orden expedida por el médico que atendía a los atletas. Para que lo examinaran en el Hospital Ortopédico de esa ciudad, y le tomaran las medidas, para colocarle las prótesis de sus brazos.

Al regresar a su pueblo, en cuanto vio a su madre, le contó todo lo que le había sucedido, le mostró la orden médica, y el cheque. Su madre lloró y le dio gracias a Dios, porque la había escuchado.

La siguiente semana Jean viajó a Caracas. Le realizaron una serie de exámenes médicos en pocos días le colocaron las prótesis que remplazaban a sus brazos.

En cuanto salió del Hospital, se presentó ante Los representante de la liga Mayor de Maratonistas. Ellos lo felicitaron por lo bien que le había quedado sus prótesis. El presidente a nivel nacional de este Deporte, con un sobre en la mano le dijo:

“Te estoy entregando esta invitación, con unos cuantos días de antelación y los pasajes, para que regreses a tu casa por pocos días te organices y luego vuelvas acá con nosotros, para que recibas tu entrenamiento”

Al llegar, a su hogar su madre lo abrazó y él también lo pudo hacer, porque gracias a Dios ya tenía sus brazos, ambos lloraron de felicidad.

Al poco tiempo fue a participar en el Gran Maratón a realizarse en Caracas

Su madre desde su casa oraba, para que saliera victorioso. El Prefecto del pueblo colocó una gran pantalla en la plaza, para que todos pudieran verlo, ya que el maratón iba a ser televisado. A las 9 de la mañana, de ese gran día se dio inicio a la competición, y en el transcurso de varias horas, Jean ocupó el primer lugar, quedando campeón. Un representante de ese deporte le dijo:

“A partir de este momento te bautizamos como Jean el Gran maratonista, por tu excelente participación “Además le entregó varios premios y su trofeo, el cual tomó con sus manos y exhibió muy orgulloso.

Al poco tiempo regresó a su Pueblo. Al hacer su entrada, montado en el capo de un camión. La gente del pueblo le gritaba:

” ¡Jean, el Gran Maratonista, El Gran Maratonista¡”. Él muy orgulloso los saludaba con una mano y con la otra sostenía y exhibía su trofeo.


WOw ooo, His mother is really a gold to him. So very kind of her.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice evening

I believe we can achieve our goals when we have people who trust us and support us. As it should be. Greetings

Stories about disadvantaged people who succeed in spite of their injuries, illnesses or shortcomings are always welcome. This is an inspiring and lovely story, @rammargarita.

I really liked this story of personal improvement and how things happen when people follow their dreams. Jean got the prosthesis from him doing what he liked most.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.