The flight into space and historical time-The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #153

in #hive-1707988 months ago

Bermina, an 18 year old girl, lives in an apartment in Caracas, Venezuela with her mother who works as a teacher at the University where she studies Modern Languages, which has allowed her to master several languages, especially English and French. Since her childhood she has had a great affinity for reading everything related to opera. She loves singing. In addition, she writes and narrates stories which she stages in opera style in theatrical form through her singing.

She has many classmates at the University, who study the same specialty as she does and who live in the same urbanization where she lives, with whom she organizes herself to rehearse these stories.

Near the urbanization where they live, there is a very old theater, which is abandoned. They cleaned it, painted it and conditioned it, so that it would be more operative. It has an auditorium with a stage and a wooden floor. In front of it there is a space for several seats made of iron, the back and the seat are made of wood, most of them are damaged. After fulfilling their tasks at the University. In the afternoon they meet in that place and begin their rehearsals, to organize their opera.

One afternoon while making her debut in that theater with her friends, Bermina stepped on a wooden slat, which broke and caused her to fall, sliding down an inclined tunnel leading her to a portal that took her back in time to the past. Arriving at the San Cassiano or San Cassiano Theater in Venice.

When she reached that place she lost consciousness, falling at the feet of a lady who spoke English perfectly, with great gentleness asked her

Who are you?

Bermina, Very astonished, with her hands trembling, like the leaves of the trees shaken by the wind and with a pallor on her face similar to that of the magnolia flower she answered, "Bermina" Then she asked, in a faltering voice, "¿Who are you, wearing such old-fashioned clothes, from the 17th century?"

The lady smiled and very kindly answered her:

"I am Madelein Yndelicati, one of those who are part of the protocol, I will take you to one of those steps so you can take a seat and witness the Opera play."

Bermina took a seat. She thanked the lady for her kindness. And from there, she could contemplate so much architectural beauty in that theater that was built outdoors, next to a hill, with a stage, around it steps, in a semicircular shape, where the spectators were seated and at the back of the stage a wall where the actors were prepare to perform,

As soon as the actors were introduced, they greeted the audience. She was ecstatic to witness this musical opera, directed by its composer Afne de Jacopo Peri. In that first presentation she was able to observe how the characters wore symbolic figures on their clothes. Predominating in their costumes were the toga and the tunic, which was made of wool or linen, straight, with more or less long sleeves, hollowed out on a belt.

When the show was over, she tried to get closer to the famous composer. Suddenly she stood up and felt that the floor pulled her towards the center of the earth attracted by the force of gravity, again she rushed through the same tunnel that flew in time to the past, now she was flying in time to the present. Upon her return, her friends who were still at the rehearsal upon seeing her asked her:

"What did you do to yourself that we were rehearsing and suddenly you magically disappeared?
Bermina, told them what had happened to her during that flight in time very happy, she said:

"I will put into practice in our rehearsals, everything I assimilate from the Opera del Compositor Afne by Jacopo Peri, So that in the future our Opera will be similar to his".

Use the Deepl translator

Source from pixabay


El vuelo al espacio y el tiempo histórico

Bermina, es una joven de 18 años, vive en un apartamento en Caracas, Venezuela con su madre que trabaja como docente en la Universidad donde ella estudia, Idiomas Modernos, lo que le ha permitido dominar varios idiomas, sobre todo el inglés y el francés. Desde su infancia tiene mucha afinidad por leer todo lo referente a la ópera. Le fascina cantar. Además, escribe y narra historias las cuales escenifica al estilo de ópera en forma teatral a través de su canto.

Ella tiene, muchos compañeros y compañeras en la Universidad, que estudian la misma especialidad de ella y que viven en la misma urbanización donde ella reside, con los que se organiza, para ensayar esas historias.

Cerca de la Urbanización donde ellas viven, Hay un teatro muy antiguo, que está abandonado. Ellos lo limpiaron, pintaron y lo acondicionaron, para que quedara más operativo. Él tiene un Auditorio, con un escenario, con su piso de madera. Al frente un espacio para varias butacas elaboradas con hierro, el espaldar y el asiento de madera, la mayoría de estos están dañados. Bermina y sus compañeros, después de cumplir sus tareas en la Universidad. En la tarde se reúnen en ese sitio y comienzan sus ensayos, para organizar su ópera.

Una tarde al estar debutando en ese teatro con sus amigos, Bermina, pisó un listón de madera, partiéndose este lo que originó que ella se precipitara, deslizándose por un túnel en forma inclinado llevándola hacia un portal que la trasladó en el tiempo hacia el pasado. Llegando al Teatro San Cassiano o di San Cassiano de Venecia.

Al llegar a ese sitio perdió el conocimiento, cayendo en los pies de Una, señora la cual dominaba el inglés perfectamente, con mucha dulzura le preguntó:

¿Quién eres?:

Bermina, Muy asombrada, con sus manos temblorosas, como las hojas de los árboles sacudidas por el viento y con una palidez en su rostro similar a la de la flor de la magnolia respondió: “Bermina” Luego preguntó, con una voz entrecortada: “¿Quién es usted, que lleva esa ropa tan antigua, del siglo XVII?”

La señora sonrió y con mucha amabilidad le respondió:

“Soy Madelein Yndelicati, una de las que forma parte del protocolo, te llevaré hasta una de esas gradas para que tomes asiento y puedas presenciar la obra de la Ópera”

Bermina, tomó asiento. Le dio las gracias a esa señora por su amabilidad. Y desde allí, pudo contemplar tanta belleza arquitectónica en ese teatro que estaba construido al aire libre, al lado de una colina, con un escenario, alrededor de éste, escalinatas, en forma semicirculares, donde estaban sentados los espectadores y en la parte trasera del escenario un muro donde los actores se preparan para actuar,

En cuanto los actores se presentaron, saludaron al público. Ella quedó extasiada al presenciar esa obra musical de Ópera, dirigida por su compositor Dafne de Jacopo Peri. En esa primera presentación pudo observar como los personajes lucían en sus ropas, figuras simbólicas. Predominando en sus vestuarios la toga y la túnica que era de lana o lino, recta, con mangas más o menos largas, ahuecada sobre un cinturón.

Cuando culminó el espectáculo ella trató de acercarse a ese famoso compositor. De repente se levantó, se puso de pie y sintió que el suelo tiraba de ella hacia el centro de la tierra atraída por la fuerza de la gravedad, de nuevo se precipitó por el mismo túnel que voló en el tiempo hacia el pasado, ahora volaba en el tiempo hacia el presente. A su regreso, sus amigos que aún estaban en el ensayo al verla le preguntaron:

“Que te hiciste que estábamos ensayando y de repente desapareciste por arte de magia”

Bermina, les contó lo que le había ocurrido durante aquella escapada en el tiempo muy contenta, dijo:

“Pondré en práctica en nuestros ensayos, todo lo que asimile de la Ópera del Compositor Dafne de Jacopo Peri, Para que en futuro nuestra Opera sea similar a la de él”.


This is a charming story, with a strong arc. You provide the character Bermina with motivation. You offer a background that gives us understanding of her love for opera. The time tunnel is an interesting twist. While of course this is not realistic, neither is time travel. We are willing to suspend disbelief in order to follow Bermina on her journey of discovery. Your conclusion, that she will be able to use what she has learned, is believable.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @rammargarita

Thank you for your comment and have a nice evening.

Bermina's passion for opera and the fact that her experience at the San Cassiano Theater in Venice deeply impacted her approach to her own artistic pursuits brought smiles to my face.

Thank you for your comment and have a nice day

I love how you are able to bring in the present to the past. I am glad Bermina's travel back in time to the past made her happy and she will of course apply what she have learnt there. This was to encourage her in her art

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a happy

A trip to the past, perhaps it was a moment of enlightenment to be able to carry out his great project. I really liked how the girl has that passion for dance and everything she does for that passion.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice evening