The Hermit - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #145

in #hive-17079810 months ago

The Hermit

In Caracas, in the 1800's, many wealthy families lived in colonial houses in the eastern suburbs of the city. Domitila Alarcón with her two daughters: Ángela, Estela and her husband, lived in one of those beautiful houses with red roofs, like purple, that harmonized with the palm trees that purified the air and the environment.

Twelve years later there was an earthquake in Venezuela, and this was one of the most affected cities. Domitila was at home with her youngest daughter, Ángela. When she felt that telluric movement, she ran quickly with her daughter, and they managed to reach the street,

from there they watched as their house crumbled, until it was completely lost, leaving them in the street. Meanwhile, their other daughter and her husband were attending to their business at the Silencio Shopping Center, they went out to look for them and when they managed to get there, the whole sector was devastated in ruins. They went to the security forces that were inspecting the place and Domitila asked:

Have they found any survivors, among that rubble? One of them answered:

"Yes, only two people, a man and a young girl, we found them alive, and we took them to the Pérez Carreño Hospital. All the others perished".

Immediately, they went to the hospital, and when they arrived, they asked about the two people who had been rescued. The young woman, who was at the reception desk, answered:

"They arrived alive and a few minutes later they died". They went to the morgue to identify them to see if they were her husband and daughter:

Domitila and Ángela, their faces were pale as the pallor of the magnolia flower, their hands trembling, as they entered that room, their hearts beat fast like the second hand of the clock. As soon as they looked at the corpses it was not them.

They sat down in the square on a concrete seat, hugged each other and cried intensely. Then they went to some people who were taking care of the victims, from there they were sent to a shelter. There they spent three months, never heard from their relatives again and were reported missing. After a short time Ángela became ill with tuberculosis. The doctor recommended that they go to a town, called Las Vegas, where Aniceto lived, so that she could get away from all the noise and get better.

Her mother, with few resources, decided to emigrate to that town in the State of Sucre. They boarded a bus, which took them to the beach of Tunantal, then they had to take a road that led to another small village. Then, after 2 hours on the road, they sat down to rest on the bank of the river. Near them, a man was sitting. They asked him:

"May we ask you to tell us where it is, a little town called Las Vegas?"
he replied.

"Is it with your back to the beyond?"

Ángela asked him:

"Can you explain to me what that address looks like, do you know Mr. Aniceto?". He answered:

"Yes, it is a very lonely town, it is a very real place, with a lot of vegetation and a big river. Where he lives alone, that's why they call him the Hermit"".

How long does it take to get there?

"It's about an hour by car, you see that hill, you go up it and then you go down it, behind it is that village."

They said goodbye to the man.

Ángela, accompanied by her mother, as they climbed the hill, was enraptured by the sight of the intense green vegetation, and beyond it, a mighty river, inviting them to bathe in its waters.

Towards the back of the hill they saw a small house on their way down. They reached it, said good morning and asked:

"You, are Mr. Aniceto, the doctor of the hospital, he recommended us to look for you" he answered:

"What has brought you all the way here?".

"We are looking for a place to live and to be cured of my daughter's illness".

With much humility he told them:

"You can stay here, I have an unoccupied room, I live alone as a hermit."

They, exhausted from so much walking, had supper, then said goodbye and retired to the dormitory.

At dawn. When they arose, they were served breakfast, While they were having breakfast, they explained Angela's illness to Mr. Aniceto. He told her:

"With some herbs that I prepare for you, a good diet and that you receive my prayers you will be cured" with a smile on her face of gratitude, she replied:

"God put wisdom in your concoction and in your prayers".

Later Aniceto invited them to the conuco, there were trees of all kinds and animals.

Domitila asked him, "Is all this land yours, do you work it alone?". He answered:

"Yes, thanks to this I can feed myself, since I live away from society".

When they returned to the Hermit's house, he prepared herbs for Angela, gave them to her to drink and, placing his hand on her head, said a few prayers to God, asking him to cure this young woman. Then they sat down to dinner and chatted. Later, she and her mother went to sleep.

Before long, Ángela recovered from her illness. She and her mother helped the master with the chores in the conuco.

Several years passed, Aniceto and her mother got sick, grew old and passed to another dimension.

Ángela did not want to leave that town, she assumed the position of a hermit. She grew old in that house.

With the passing of time, its roots were planted in that house, which is located with its back to the beyond.

Use the deepl translator

Source from pixabay


El Ermitaño

En Caracas, para los años 1800, vivían muchas familiares ricas, en casa coloniales, en Urbanizaciones del Este de esta ciudad. Domitila Alarcón con sus 2 hijas: Ángela, Estela y su esposo, habitaban una de esas preciosas casas de techos rojos, como púrpura, que armonizaban con los árboles de palmeras que purificaban el aire y el ambiente.

Doce años después se da el terremoto en Venezuela, siendo esta una de las ciudades más afectadas. Domitila, se hallaba en su casa con una de su hija, la menor, Ángela. Cuando ella sintió ese movimiento telúrico, corrió rápidamente con su hija, y lograron llegar a la calle, desde allí contemplaron como su casa se desmoronaba, hasta que se perdió por completo, quedando, ellas, en la calle. Mientras tanto, Su otra hija y su esposo estaban atendiendo sus negocios, en el Centro Comercial el Silencio: Ellas salieron a buscarlos y cuando lograron llegar, todo ese sector estaba devastado en ruinas. Ellas se dirigieron a los cuerpos de seguridad que estaban inspeccionando el lugar y Domitila le preguntó:

¿Han conseguido algún sobreviviente, entre esos escombros? Uno de ellos respondió:

“Sí, solo dos personas, un hombre y una joven, los encontramos con vida, y los llevamos al Hospital Pérez Carreño. Todos los demás perecieron”

Inmediatamente, ellas se dirigieron hasta ese hospital, al llegar preguntaron Por esas dos personas que había rescatados. La joven, que estaba en recepción, respondió:

“Llegaron con vida y a los pocos minutos murieron”.

Ellas se dirigieron a la Morgue para identificarlos para ver si eran su esposo y su hija. Domitila y Ángela estaban pálidas, como la palidez de la flor de la magnolia, sus manos temblosas, al entrar a esa sala, sus corazones latieron aceleradamente como los segunderos del reloj. En cuanto observaron los cadáveres no eran ellos.

Se sentaron en una plaza, en un asiento de concreto, se abrazaron y lloraron intensamente. Luego se dirigieron a unas personas que estaban atendiendo a los damnificados, de allí los enviaron a un refugio. Allí pasaron tres meses, no supieron más de sus familiares y los dieron como desaparecidos. Al poco tiempo Ángela se enfermó con tuberculosis. El médico le recomendó que se fueran a un pueblo, llamado las Vegas, donde vivía Aniceto, para que ella pudiera temperar alejada de todo ruido, para de ese modo curarse.

Su madre, con los pocos recursos, decidió emigrar a ese pueblo del Estado Sucre. Ellas abordaron un autobús, que las condujo hasta la playa de Tunantal, después había que tomar un camino que conducía a otro pequeño pueblecito. Luego, después de 2 horas de camino, Se sentaron a descansar, a la orilla del río. Cerca de ellas, estaba sentado un señor. Le preguntaron a él:

"¿Podemos pedirle que nos indique dónde se encuentra, un pueblecito llamado Las Vegas?", él respondió!:

“Eso queda en la espalda del más allá”

Ángela le preguntó:

“¿Me puedes explicar cómo es esa dirección, usted conoce al señor Aniceto?”” El respondió:

""Sí, es un pueblo muy solitario, es un lugar muy real, con mucha vegetación y un caudaloso rio. Donde él vive solo, por eso lo llaman el Ermitaño“”

¿Cuánto tiempo falta para llegar?

“Está a una hora de camino, ustedes ven aquella colina, la suben y luego la bajan, detrás de ella está ese pueblo.”

Ellas se despidieron de ese señor.

Al poco tiempo reanudaron su caminata, Ángela, en compañía de su madre, en la medida que subía la colina, quedó extasiada al ver ese verde intenso de la vegetación, más allá un río acaudalado, que invitaba a darse un baño en sus aguas.

Hacia la parte de atrás de la colina vieron 1 pequeña casa, al bajar. Llegaron a esta, dieron los buenos días y preguntaron: “

“Usted, es el señor Aniceto, el doctor del hospital, nos recomendó que lo buscáramos” respondió:

“ Que las trae por aquí”

“Venimos buscando alojamiento para vivir y buscar mejoría a la enfermedad de mi hija”

Con mucha humildad les dijo:

“Pueden hospedarse aquí, tengo una habitación desocupada, vivo solo como un ermitaño”

Ellas, agotadas de tanto caminar, cenaron, luego se despidieron y se retiraron a la recámara.

Al amanecer. Cuando se levantaron tenían el desayuno servido, mientras desayunaban le explicaron al señor Aniceto la enfermedad de Ángela. Él le dijo:

“Con unas hiervas que te prepare, una buena alimentación y que recibas mis oraciones te curarás” con una sonrisa en su cara de agradecimiento, ella le respondió:

“Dios ponga la sabiduría en su hiervas y sus oraciones.”

Más tarde Aniceto las invitó al conuco, allí había árboles de todo tipo y animales.

Domitila le preguntó: ¿Todo este terreno es de usted, lo trabaja solo? Él respondió:

“Sí, Gracias a esto, puedo alimentarme, ya que vivo alejado de la sociedad”

Al regresar a la casa del Ermitaño, este le preparó unas hiervas a Ángela, se la dio a tomar y colocando su mano en la cabeza de ella, elevó unas oraciones a Dios, pidiéndole que esta joven se curara Luego se sentaron a cenar, dialogaron. Más tarde su madre y ella se fueron a dormir.

Al poco tiempo, Ángela se recuperó de su enfermedad. Ella y su madre ayudaban al señor en las faenas en el conuco.

Transcurrieron varios años, Aniceto y su madre se enfermaron, envejecieron, y pasaron a otra dimensión.

Ángela no quiso abandonar ese pueblo, asumió, la posición como la ermitaña. En esa casa envejeció.

Con el transcurrir del tiempo, sus raíces fueron sembradas en esa casa. que está ubicada de espaldas al más allá


A magical story, full of many real references. There are places that even though they are at the end of the world, they serve to start lives. Greetings

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

Thank you very much for sharing this story, @rammargarita! The historical elements support the transformation of these two women from wealthy people to peasants. A closer look at the effect of circumstances on the minds of the protagonists would give the story more credibility in the eyes of the reader.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

The hermit was a very wise man, he knew all the secrets of nature and with that he helped cure his daughter. The hermit was a very wise man, he knew all the secrets of nature and with that he helped cure the girl. I really liked the reading.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a nice day.