Who does not listen, feels - The Ink Well-Fiction Prompt # 158

in #hive-1707987 months ago

Who does not listen, feels.

On Carúpano Avenue in the Caigüire Sector, in Cumaná-Sucre State, is located the school La Inmaculada, adjacent to the back with the beach, where the gannets flutter, pecking with their long beaks these waters of the sea with their characteristic color, to the infinite blue, when the fishermen arrive in their boats, with their artisanal fishing. The gannets board the boats, perched on them as if expressing with their gestures to give them their blessing of fish. This custom has become a tradition among the fishermen, the day they do not do it, the next catch will be bad.

In front of the school, the Inmaculada, lives in a very modest house, Brígida, with her husband, Ángel and their four children, one boy and three girls. One of them is called Matilde, is the eldest, of all her siblings and from a very young age she is very fierce. Her parents can't stand her.

Next to Brigida's house lives her neighbor, Ismenia, who loves her like a sister. She went to consult her and told her that she can't stand her daughter any longer, that she is going to enroll her in a nun's school, which is a boarding school. Her friend advised her: "Don't make that mistake, it will turn out worse".

Brigida did not want to listen to her neighbor's advice. She enrolled her in that school. There were strict rules, she was only allowed to have her relatives visit her one day a month.

When they went to visit her, she cried with a feeling of pain, her tears flowed like the rising river, exclaiming, she said: "I don't want to continue in this confinement! The other girls mistreat me". Her father told her, "That's a lie, you will continue here, for being disobedient!"

Two years later, Matilde left that school, she was thirteen years old. She went out worse, she learned to steal. A neighbor told how she stole a ring from her daughter and the next day she saw it on another girl. This lady asked the girl, "Who gave you that ring?". She replied, "Matilde!". The neighbor, angry, said to her, "¡Do me the favor of giving it to me!". The girl, very upset, gave it back to her.

The neighbor went to Brigida's house to complain. She, very sorry, with tears in her eyes, told her: "¡Friend, I'm sorry, you were right, Matilde, she came out worse from that boarding school!".

Every day she received complaints from the neighbors. All the time Matilde was misbehaving. Her mother took her to the psychiatrist because of so many complaints, he diagnosed her:

"Madam, your daughter is a kleptomaniac" She asked the Doctor: "Can you explain it to me?"

He explained it to her: "She steals something from one person and gives it to another. In other words, she doesn't need it. Brigida burst into tears and they went home.

When they got home, her father was talking to her and she turned away, not paying attention to him.

Years went by and Matilde did not continue studying, as soon as she came of age, she left home. Dedicating herself to swindling people with the Chilean package, this is a procedure used in Venezuela by swindlers to steal from the most unwary.

Matilde stands at the door of the Banco Financiero, waiting for an easy prey to deceive, especially older men. As soon as he leaves the financial institution with his money, she walks down the street. This young woman stands next to him, stops him, very shamelessly and flirts with him, then invites him:

"Let's go to the river bank!", upon arriving at the indicated place, very excited and flirtatious, she tells him:

"Do you see that wad of Billete, lying there?", the person answers:

"Yes!" She adds:

"You give me the money you are carrying and you keep that large amount". As soon as she achieves her goal, she quickly flees.

When the person finishes uncovering the package, at the top of the wad of bills there is a certain amount of them, when she looks further down in the package, what she finds are pieces of newsprint. The amount of dollars in the envelope was less than what Matilde took.
She was accustomed to committing such misdeeds and always got away with them without punishment.

Shortly thereafter, her relatives never heard from her again. Her father died of depression. He locked himself in the house. He no longer wanted to go out or visit the doctor. Her siblings, who are now adults, are ashamed of that sister's attitude. His mother says:

"My eyes are already dry from so many tears I have shed for my daughter, I ask God to protect her".

Time went by and one cold morning in December, they received the news that she had perpetrated a bank robbery in the company of other criminals, they were chased by the security forces, and they fought with them, Matilde died in that incident.

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Source from pixabay


Quien no escucha, siente

En la avenida Carúpano del sector Caigüire, en Cumaná-Estado Sucre, está ubicada la escuela La Inmaculada, colindante al fondo con la playa, donde revolotean los alcatraces, picoteando con sus largos picos estas aguas del mar con su color característico, al azul infinito, cuando llegan los pescadores en sus lanchas, con su pesca artesanal. Los alcatraces suben a las embarcaciones, posados sobre ellas, como expresándoles con sus gestos que les den su bendición de pescado. Esta costumbre se ha convertido en una tradición entre los pescadores, el día que no lo hagan, la próxima captura será mala.

Frente a la escuela, la Inmaculada, vive en una casa muy modesta Brígida, con su marido Ángel y sus cuatro hijos, un niño y tres niñas. Una de ellas se llama Matilde, es la mayor, de todos sus hermanos y desde muy pequeña es muy tremenda. Sus padres no la soportan.

Al lado de la casa de Brígida vive su vecina, Ismenia, que la quiere como a una hermana. Fue a consultarla y le dijo que no aguanta más a su hija, que la va a matricular en un colegio de monjas, que es un internado. Su amiga le aconsejó: "No cometas ese error, saldrá peor".

Brígida no quiso escuchar los consejos de su vecina. La matriculó en esa escuela. Había reglas estrictas, sólo le permitían que sus familiares la visitaran un día al mes.

Cuando fueron a visitarla, lloraba desconsolada, sus lágrimas fluían como el río crecido, exclamando, dijo: "¡No quiero seguir en este encierro!" Las otras chicas me maltratan". Su padre le dijo: "¡Eso es mentira, seguirás aquí, por desobediente!".

Dos años después, Matilde dejó esa escuela, tenía trece años. Salió peor, aprendió a robar. Una vecina contó que le robó un anillo a su hija y al día siguiente se lo vio puesto a otra chica. Esta señora le preguntó a la niña: "¿Quién te ha dado ese anillo?". Ella respondió: "¡Matilde!". La vecina, enfadada, le dijo: "¡Hazme el favor de dármelo!". La chica, muy disgustada, se lo devolvió.

La vecina fue a casa de Brígida a quejarse. Ella, muy apenada, con lágrimas en los ojos, le dijo: "Amiga, lo siento, tenías razón, Matilde, salió peor de ese internado".

Todos los días recibía quejas de los vecinos. Todo el tiempo Matilde se portaba mal. Su madre la llevó al psiquiatra por tantas quejas, él la diagnosticó:

"Señora, su hija es cleptómana" Le preguntó al doctor: "¿Me lo puede explicar?"

Él se lo explicó: " Ella, roba algo a una persona y se lo da a otra. En otras palabras, no lo necesita. Brígida se echó a llorar y se fueron a casa.

Cuando llegaron, a casa, su padre las estaba esperando, Comenzó a darle unos consejos a su hija, ella se retiró a su recámara, sin prestarle atención.

Pasaron los años y Matilde no continuó estudiando, apenas cumplió la mayoría de edad, se fue de la casa. Dedicándose a estafar a la gente con el paquete chileno, este es un procedimiento que es utilizado en Venezuela, por los estafadores, para robar a las personas, más incauta.

Matilde se para en la puerta del Banco Financiero, a esperar una presa fácil que engañar, sobre todo a los hombres adultos mayores, en cuanto este sale de la entidad financiera con su dinero, y va caminando por la calle. Esta joven se le ubica a su lado, lo detiene con mucha audacia y coquetería, luego lo invita:

"¡Vamos a la orilla del río!", al llegar al sitio indicado, muy emocionada y con mucha coquetería, le dice:

"¿Ves ese fajo de Billete en dólares, ahí tirado?¡"", la persona responde:

"¡Sí!" Ella añade:

"Me das el dinero que llevas y te quedas con esa gran cantidad. En cuanto consigue su objetivo, echa a correr rápidamente.

Cuando la persona termina de destapar el paquete, en la parte superior del fajo de billetes hay una cierta cantidad de ellos, cuando mira más abajo en el paquete, lo que encuentra son trozos de papel de periódicos. La cantidad de dólares que había era menor que la que Matilde, se llevó.
Ella estaba tan acostumbrada a cometer tales fechorías y siempre salía impune.

Poco después, sus familiares no volvieron a saber nada de ella. Su padre murió de depresión. Él se encerró en casa. Ya no quería salir, ni visitar al médico. Sus hermanos, que ahora son adultos, se avergüenzan de la actitud de aquella hermana. Su madre dice:

“Ya mis ojos están secos, de tantas lágrimas que he derramado por mi hija, pido a Dios que la proteja”.

Transcurrió el tiempo y una fría mañana del mes de diciembre, recibieron la noticia, que había perpetrado un robo a un banco en compañía de otros delincuentes, fueron perseguidos por los cuerpos de seguridad, y se batieron a tiro con estos, falleciendo Matilde en ese incidente.


A sad story, the poor girl had a tragic end for the life she chose. I really liked reading your story with realistic overtones that can easily be adapted to daily life situations.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

That's a very sad story, @rammargarita. It seems from the beginning Matilde was doomed. One would like to think that is not true. A psychiatrist diagnosed her, but did he help her? Did he give her medication that might have helped control her impulsive behavior?

You write well here. Unfortunately, this may be the path traveled by many. We'd like to turn our faces away from such reality, but that doesn't make it go away.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @rammargarita.

Thank you for your comment, God bless you and your family and have a happy evening.