King Errodu's Pain - The Inkwell Prompt #88

in #hive-1707982 years ago

The pandemonium surfaced and everyone was worried about what is going to happen again in the town because the dreaded powerful King Errodu of Egypt town visited our home. That was a day many people in my town will never forget forever.

King Errode was powerful and greatly feared by all other kings including the king of our town. He could do anything unthinkable without questioning his authority. No one could dear him because he can enthrone and dethrone any king. These made all other kings worship and do everything to appease him so that they wouldn't fall victim to his anger, therefore, they were paying royalty to him regularly.

Meanwhile, no one attained that position and lived more than three years on the throne; only King Errodu spent several years on the throne. This made many that aimed to succeed him on the throne worried. What is going on? King Errodu wasn't supposed to live up to this moment. When is it going to be their turn?

This conspiracy among the chief made the king seek knowledge and counter plans to eliminate the king's chief adviser.

"Ah, my Lord, why am I owning this visit? The great king of our land. You shall live long. The staff that you are using to stir the ship of the land shall stay long in your hands. You were supposed to summon me to the palace instead of coming to my house." My father reacted.

King Errodu said that the matter that brought me here does not warrant me to summon you because it can not wait till tomorrow. "It is a crucial matter that is why I am seeking your guidance about it."

"Hmmm, if I may ask, what is the matter?" My father asked.

"There is fire on the mountain. There is an allegation against my chief adviser that he had carnal knowledge of one of my chief daughters and the girl in question testified in the presence of everyone. According to the laid down rule, the penalty is crucified, and I don't want anything to happen to him. Look here, he is my heart and soul. "I know that he can never do it, it was a conspiracy against chief Edward because he has more wealth than every one of my chiefs." King Errodu lamented.

My father asked, "are you sure that he knew nothing about it?"

"Yes, of course, I am very sure. They envy him because of his affluence in the town. In the next five days, I have to pass judgment on him." Said the king.

My father sobered. "Hmm, to save him from this mess he found himself you have to give him a test in the presence of every entire member of your town and if he can give the correct answer, he will be free but if he can't provide the accurate answer he will be crucified."

"But, how am I going to know whether he will pass or not?" King Errodu asked.

"Nature will guide him to the correct answer so far that he is innocent of the allegation against him." My father responded.

King Errodu was reluctant and responded in a silent tone. Okay if you say so. I just feel concerned about him.

On the day of judgement. Everyone gathered at the town hall where the king used to pass judgment on anyone guilty of a criminal offence and waited for the king's judgement. There was chanting by the crowd for immediate judgement. Crucify him! Crucify him!!

King Errodu sighed. The people of Egypt town! I am greeting you. Today is the day to give the judgement, but I have a request from you. There is a test for Chief Edward, if he fails the test, we will crucify him immediately but if he passes it, he will become a free man.

One of the chiefs cut in and stood up. My Lord, only one condition.

"Which is?" King Errodu asked.

I, chief Smith, will ask him that question. "If he passes it, he will be free but if otherwise happens, he will face consequences."

The crowd was cheering Yes! Yes! Their noises heated the ground. This indicates that many people were in support of Chief Smith.

King Errodu was devastated and reluctantly said okay. The great people of Egypt town. I agree that Chief Smith should direct the question to Chief Edward. However, I would like to take a short break from this meeting. When I return, Chief Smith will ask the question and I will give the judgement accordingly.

He went inside his private room and soliloquy. If I allowed him to ask questions, I don't know what he would ask. Fear and fury were boldly written on his face.

Then, he called the guard to summon my father to ask for his guidance on the way forward.

When my father got there, the king said "oh, you are welcome. You came on time." "Things have changed to another dimension. Chief Smith, the number-one enemy of Chief Edward, demanded to ask a question and no one knew what is going to ask. I don't want him to die, Please help me! What should I do?" King Errodu asked.

My father said hmm, as I said, don't worry about it. The gods of our land will guide him to give the correct answer if he is innocent of the allegations against him. Deities are not behind the conspiracy.

But the crowd remained where they were. They preferred to stay rather than leave so that when the king returned to enable them to stay where they would witness how Chief Edward would be judged.

King Errodu and my father returned to the town hall, and the king asked Chief Smith to direct his question to Chief Edward.

This time, silence reigned. No one moved or talked.

The test for chief Edward
Chief Smith said, "Chief Edward, can you tell the whole crowd how king Errodu will join his ancestors and when is it going to be?"

The crowd was shocked. "How could anyone know how our king will join his ancestors? This is a difficult task for Chief Edward."

King Errodu nodded. "This is the end of the road for chief Edward. Ah! They have perfected their plan to eliminate him. Who can tell this whole crowd the answer? Even though gods can not know how and when I will join my forefather."

Chief Edward exclaimed. "Ah! How can I say how my king will die? If I say it, King Errodu will ask for my head, and it is better to die like a hero than to die like a coward."

During this period, all his systems changed. When my father noticed it, he moved closer to where he was and whispered the response to Chief Edward. In a jiffy, a chuckle of joy was shown on his face. Chief Edward knows that my father can not lie, it is an escape route.

The drop of tears started flowing down the face of the well-wishers of chief Edward. Some of them left there immediately so that they would not witness how he would be crucified.

Chief Edward moved with confidence to the front and bowed before king Errodu and said, the great powerful king of the entire town, you shall live long! I know that my enemy wants me dead by all means but God can not kill those he has never signed their death warrant. Everything in life has been written.

Then, chief Edward turned to the crowd. "This is the answer to the question. As we all know that no king is as powerful as our king throughout this country, and no king lives more than three years on the throne." Everyone knows that I am loyal to the king with the way I used to advise him. That is why they want to cut me off so that they will get a chance to eliminate the king. "That is to say, on the third day they cut me off on the surface of the earth. The king will be poisoned by someone and another town that is under our king's authority will enslave everyone in this town." Chief Edward disclosed.

Chief Edward's answer came out like a bump. Initially, everyone remained motionless as they could not understand the meaning immediately. Later, they began to pick the response one by one.

Different thoughts started running through their minds. Could this be true? Chief Edward had never given false advice! So all chiefs were planning to eliminate our beloved king.

As the youths understood the meaning, the forces of the angered youths overpowered chief Smith and his supporters and they were apprehended. All the youths lifted Chief Edward and they were chanting long live Chief Edward king's adviser! Thereafter, Chief Edward and King Errodu were given the same treatment so that if nothing happened to Chief Edward, they would be enjoying the longest-reigning King on the throne.

         The End

At least the king had good instincts and it pays off in the end. The king manages to break the three-year curse. Thank you for writing your story in The Ink Well.

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