The Subway Man (short horror story)

in #hive-170798last year

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The Subway Man

A man was traveling by subway to get home. He had finished his night shift and was very tired. While he was checking his phone he felt a strong tremor, the subway had mysteriously stopped. Worried, he tried to call someone, but apparently he was alone, or so he thought...

He tried to call someone with his phone, but he had no signal. Suddenly the lights began to turn on and off violently and quickly, so much so that she covered her eyes. The lights continued like this for a few more seconds, when they stopped, the man got up to see if he could open one of the windows to escape,
but they could not be opened and there was no way to break them.

The only thing he could get was to observe something that left him immobile, at the stop there was what looked like a man, but he knew it was not. Although from the distance he couldn't make it out much, he could see certain features that every time he looked at them made him feel like he was in a nightmare.
The creature measured approximately three meters,
he was dressed entirely in black and had what looked like imposing wings, like those of a raven.

Shocked and frightened, the man tried to take out his phone to take a photo as if it were a weapon, but at the moment he even moved his arm to take it out of his pocket, he felt as if his whole body seemed to cool down, the creature stared at him while a smile slowly spread across his face,
a smile in which dozens of very bad-looking, pointy teeth were hidden, but the demonic smile did not seem to stop.

The man was completely still, and the creature came closer and closer, walking slowly through the darkness, closer and closer to the man.
Almost reaching the window where the man remained motionless, the creature stretched out its hand and passed through the window without any problem, firmly holding the man's shoulders,
then I pronounce a few words: “We have chosen you”.

After pronouncing the words, the creature began to laugh out loud in a way that only a psychopath knows, suddenly a strong tremor struck under the man, the floor opened giving way to some stairs that went down, so low that the view could not reach.

The creature grabbed the man tightly and forced him down. The man who had fainted suddenly woke up in a place surrounded by demons, some with a way impossible for the human brain to understand, the demons had chosen the man for a mission, a terrible and frightening mission.

The leader, who had a shape that just seeing him made the man start crying, told him in a voice so scary that it made the man want to rip out his ears —“You have to do a mission for us, you have to find a very ancient relic, older than humanity itself.

With her our powers will return as before and your world will be ruled by us. None of us can go looking for her, because her relic was left by the one who was the former leader. He believed that our world was here in darkness, and to protect your inferior species he stripped himself of the object, in which all our powers lay there.
If you don't, we will punish you in the worst way you can imagine, we will leave you in this place for all eternity”— The frightened man did not know what to say, but he could think.

He supposed that he only had to look for an object, but doing so would imply that his world would be ruled by demons, he had to choose between the worst of all deaths or the fate of his family, friends and that of all humanity,
The man could only say —"I will..."— The demons withdrew from there and the one who had brought him brought him back to start his mission.

The man woke up again on the subway (which was already running) and feeling as if he had been run over, he got out of there, headed home and went directly to his bed. He slept 11 hours straight.

Months passed and the man believed that he had deceived the demons until one day, while he was going home by the same subway, he suddenly stopped moving. — "Did you think you could deceive us?" — The man crying with all his strength said: — "Please, leave me now!" .— "HAHAHAHA you have condemned yourself" —.
The demon that had appeared to him in the subway took him back and to fulfill his punishment, then he went up again to find someone else to do the job.


Thanks for reading, dear HIVER.

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