Creativenonfiction#94 || Striking A Balance

in #hive-1707982 months ago


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I used to be someone who likes work, or should I say I don't like being tagged lazy or seen being idle. While that might feel good sometimes, what I fail to know is that one needs to have a balance between work and rest.

Another thing I don't usually do is to take supplements, neither do I like to admit I am not feeling good or falling ill. I believe whenever it gets to the point where I am really ill, I would just go to the hospital and take injections as I am not really a big fan of throwing medicines into my mouth all the time.

"What's wrong, rukkie" my mum will ask whenever she notices I am not feeling good.

”Nothing much, it's just a headache”, I would reply trying to force out a smile.

”Would you take some paracetamol?”, she would ask, directing me to where I can find some in the house.

”No, there's no need, I would just take a shower and lie down “, I would reply, shrugging off the need to take medications.

To make matters worse, even when I am really ill and have taken medications, whenever I notice the medications have taken effect that day, I would be going to work the next day instead of resting and allow the medications to take full effect.

I do this because I used to dislike it when people come around to check on me at home when I am ill and then everyone will know I am not feeling well, so if I take a sick leave for one day, the next day I am back to work.

I could recall one time that I was ill, I had fever accompanied with headache and a runny nose. It happened at work and I managed to wait till the close of work that day. After getting home, my mom called a nurse who came to my house and after running some tests, prescribed some drugs which my mom went to get at the pharmacy close to us. I ate, took the medications and slept.

The next morning, I noticed I was feeling better and proceeded to prepare for work to my mom's dismay. She told me to stay home and rest fully before going back to work but I told her there's no point in me staying at home and just sleeping all day since I am better.

On my way to work, I saw my boss on the way and on seeing me, she stopped me, I could see the look of surprise on her face.

”I thought you will be at home, I was told by your colleagues who I met at work yesterday that you were not feeling well”, she said, still looking shocked to see me on my way to work.

”Good Morning ma, Yes, I was ill, but I have taken some medications and already feeling better. Infact, I have the rest of the medications with me, I will take them when I get to work” I said, trying to convince her I am better.

”Okay o, have a nice day and please take things easy “, she said and went on her way.

I got to work and I could see the look of shock on everyone's faces. Some people might think I was trying to look for ways to be favored by my employers but it's just that I really don't like it staying at home when I know I should be at work.

Then, after some time we had a staff meeting. After the agenda of the meeting,my boss moved to talk about healthcare and she laid emphasis on taking good care of our health. She talked about how the whole world would move on should anything bad happen to us due to negligence on our part.

Her words were like a wake-up call to me. I knew she wasn't trying to come outright and say ”take as many days as you want when you are ill” because she knew some teachers might misuse it but I understood her words very well. When I got home that day, I thought about all my boss said at the meeting and promised myself to always take my health seriously.


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Now, I know better. I know that I don't have to wait till I am ill before going for a medical checkup. I always ensure that I eat well and take enough rest. Though I still like working but I have learned to find a balance between work and rest.

I have come to realize that in all we do, our health is paramount, although we are working to earn a living but what's the use of all the money we earn if we aren't healthy enough to enjoy it?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Striking balance is important my dear. As much as staying at home isn't easy most times, nothing beats paying a close attention to our health...

I agree with you my queen.

Thank you for coming around.

It's the best if you take good care of your health as health is wealth. So many people behave this same way and this would make their sickness aggravated to the highest level. Resting without pretending id the best so far.

That's it o. Now I don't joke with my rest. Thank you for your time here.

Yes o, someone need to balance things up, it is very necessary even though the person seems to have a workaholic nature, it's will tell on that person health, which might not be a good result.

Exactly. People needs to balance things.

Thank you for stopping by.

Your last sentence says it all. In as much as we need to work and make money, our health should not be disregarded in the process.

Health is is a true statement o

I agree. Thank for coming around.

You are welcome

I liked that final sentence. We can have all the money in the world, but health is not bought by money. Cemeteries are full of people who worked and had money, but still died. Your boss was right when she said that jobs pass, but life has to be taken care of. Greetings

I agree with you, there are lots of people with this money but they are not alive to spend it.

Greetings to you.

what's the use of all the money we earn if we aren't healthy enough to enjoy it?

Indeed, I really relate to your previous self, who really liked to work a lot, but I wasn't that lucky when I realized the real importance of health. I somehow recovered, but I still need to take medications tho. It's fortunate, tho, that my mother took me to the hospital before it got worse, because if she hadn't, maybe I'd end up like my late cousin. I'm thankful @rukkie that you shared this wake-up call of yours because it somehow became a reminder for me to really prioritize my wellbeing ('cause lately I've been slipping back into my old habits).

Good day!

I am so sorry about your cousin. Please ensure you prioritize your health.

Greetings to you.

Thanks @rukkie. I really appreciate the concern and greetings to you also!

I learnt the hard way ooo! Now I don't joke with my health anymore. Truly the world will continue to move with or without anybody as life goes on.

Thank you for coming around.


Thank you for having me