The Artist (The Inkwell Prompt #52)

in #hive-1707983 years ago

Untitled design (93).jpg

Papa, I've been looking for you everywhere!

He turned just in time to see his young son burst into the room and tackle him with his full might around the midriff. Chuckling, he steadied himself on his stool and gazed down into the angelic face of his beloved boy. Such youthful energy, such exuberance, such unconditional love from a son towards a father, he mused. He felt the warmth of love overcome him and seep into the smallest particles of his being. The feeling was indeed mutual.

Hey, do you want to see what I've been up to?

Ruffling his hands through his son's curls, he beamed as he lifted him up in a single gentle motion onto his knee, and swiveled around in his seat.

Look Chris...

his voice broke off as he motioned across the broad open canvas, paintbrush in hand...

Wow, Papa, I didn't know that you could paint so well! I like to paint pictures too. Can we paint together? Maybe we can even have a competition?

His son's words tumbled over themselves in excitement.

Yes, of course, we can, but I have a slight head start on you as I started my painting yesterday.

The boy giggled and chided playfully.

You are a very slow painter then, father! I could do lots more than this in one day!

Aah, but you see my boy, an artist does not rush his craft. He takes his time, he exercises patience, layering the scene expertly, creating beauty one step at a time, seeking perfection with every stroke. By the end, we hope to have a masterpiece that we are proud to call our own, and something which, were it in itself animate and conscious, would, in turn, be proud to have been inked by our hand. Yesterday, this was a bright white canvas, today it has the markings of the heavens colouring the skies. But enough about my painting, how did you know where to find me this evening?

Oh, Gabe told me...

the boy replied nonchalantly.

Aah, I should have known. How is she then? I haven't seen her around these past few days?

Oh she's fine father, you know her. She has been helping out downstairs as things have been quiet, and she didn't want to disturb you needlessly.

Ok then, I understand. Has Ariel not called you for supper yet?

No, father, not yet.

Then we shall eat together and I shall tell you all about my special painting and the joy that it is bringing me, and you can start tomorrow on your own canvas. I will ask Michael to set up a spare Easel for you in the morning. He will be happy to see that you are following closely in my footsteps.

Of course Papa! Thank you!

he replied, clapping his hands together in glee.

Overjoyed the father-son pair walked off arm in arm, as one, towards the grand dining hall.

The light shone iridescent in his young eyes as he awoke from his night-time rest and rolled over in the blissful goodness of his little feather bed. Mornings always felt so extra heavenly when he was spending them with Papa. He bounced out of his room and made his way up to the loft studio, where he had sought out his father the evening before.

Father was already busy at work and so he took up his position beside him, ready to learn all that there was to know about his father's craft, his wonderful new creative piece and how he might learn from his instruction.

Today's lesson it seemed was about adding in dense forests on the one side and open savannah on the other, both overlooking the shoreline that met the sea in the foamy tumult of its rollicking waves. He gazed up into his father's face, the wisdom of his seemingly infinite years engrained in the many small creases accentuating his twinkling eyes and gentle mouth that curved upwards at the edges in a state of seemingly perpetual happiness. This was truly how he experienced his father, and he loved him with all of his heart.

How much longer do you think it is going to take you, Papa?

he ventured, his curiosity getting the better of him.

I would say I'm about halfway done, my boy.

came the tentative reply,

what do you think so far of my efforts?

Well, I would say that your painting is pretty good,

he responded with boyish charm and a cheeky disposition.

Why, thank you! I think so too. Definitely good!

his father chuckled with a knowing smile and a little wink.

Tomorrow I will show you how we will illuminate our canvases with the natural light of the sun, the moon, and the stars and how we will be introducing the ethereal into our works of art.

I can hardly wait Papa, painting sunrises is one of my most favourite things to do in the world.

And so the following day they added a bold sun, a demure moon, and a myriad of twinkling stars to grace the midnight skies.

As his father put him to bed and turned out the light, he whispered,

Sleep tight my sweet, sweet prince, for tomorrow we tackle something a little more challenging. We will add some swimming fish to the oceans, and many flying birds to the skies. Tomorrow morning the chorus of the songbird will be heard and life will breathe through the canvasses beneath our fingertips.

His last words had barely left his lips, when the audible sigh escaping his young child marked the moment that he drifted off into a peaceful rhythmic slumber.

Another day in the loft studio passed. Father painting, son admiring, learning his craft, paying attention to each and every loving brushstroke, every detail articulated by each individual bristle.

I think it is all coming together rather nicely, don't you think?

Oh yes, Papa, very much so indeed. It is so beautiful. Are we finished now?

No...I think maybe one more day, and we'll be done. I still need to add a few land animals and maybe a human being or two. And tomorrow is the start of the weekend too, so when we are finished we shall celebrate and I will take you outside and we will go exploring for a bit.

The next day, as he watched his father putting the finishing touches to his masterpiece, he whispered with an untold reverence,

Papa, what shall you call this beautiful painting of yours?

My child, I shall call it Creation. Would you like to accompany me to the Gallery on Main in the morning to drop it off? They are expecting me. We can stop in, rest awhile, and watch the world go by. But first, we shall hang your painting up here in my studio where we can be proud of it each and every day.

Yes Papa, thank you! I would enjoy that very much. Your painting looks so real. I very much wish that I could live in that wonderful world that you have created Papa.

My boy, one day you just may do that, but for now we will have to wait and see how long the beauty that the Artist has created, can be sustained.

I don't think I've come across this artist's handiwork before. It is quite out of this world. I feel like I could just disappear into insignificance beneath the exquisite pallette that graces the canvas. I see the artist's initials peeping out from behind the price sticker:
G...rady Denham, perhaps?

He inquired as he turned to face The Gallery's Collections Curator, who was already running his card.

Indeed sir, it is a remarkable piece and an excellent choice. In fact, it only came in this morning. We have not been graced with this artist's works before. You are very fortunate to have decided to visit The Gallery today as you are also the first customers to view it. As for the artist...

So, you do you like, then? I think it's fabulous!

The breezy lilt in her voice interrupted the conversation flow and drew his attention away from the Collections Curator. She locked in with her bewitching smile, prodded him gently in the chest with her forefinger and stepped towards him, before falling against him gently but deliberately. Staring him down, one eyebrow raised at the outer edge she ran her finger seductively across her lips, then breaking into giggles, she pushed him away again, just as he leant in to kiss her.

He smiled wryly; she was such a flirt, but she was his flirt!

I'm hungry, let's get outta here!

He took her hand in both of his and tugged her playfully in the direction of the door.

You're always hungry, Adam!

She retorted, twisting herself from his grasp and pulling away again. She laughed at the mock horror adorning his face, then flashing him a perfect set of pearly whites, tossed him an apple that she had retrieved from her purse.

Left over from lunch! Eat that! And stop being insufferable...

He shook his head playfully and bit into the apple, the succulent fruit opened up between his teeth and the flavour ripped through his mouth in miniature explosions. God, that is a good apple, he thought as the juice oozed out of the corners of his mouth, and sweet nectar dribbled down his chin. He wiped his face with the back of his sleeve and grinned back at her.

Alright then! Be that way,

She mock-pouted and shook her head,

But don't let it be said that I'm leading you astray.

He grinned back at her. She was feisty, with her hair pulled back in a messy bun, giving it that girl next door look, all innocent, positively beautiful. She glowed and made him feel more alive than he had ever felt in his life.

Too late, anyway!

he exclaimed, taking her by the hand and twirling her around spontaneously.

It's SOLD, I already bought it, Creation by G.D now belongs to us.

But I thought you said the price was too high?

She protested mockingly as she circled around him and kissed the back of his neck.

It was! It is!

He grasped for her, missing...

Our childrens' childrens' children will still be carrying this debt long after we have ceased to exist.

His laugh carried on the wind with hers as the gallery doors swung closed behind them.

He was joking of course, but Eve had a way of lowering his guard, and when he was around her, nothing in the whole world felt off-limits anymore. Her beguiling ways were quite simply intoxicating.

Raphael, could you package that painting up for its new owners please. The gentleman has assured me they will be back this afternoon to collect it.

Raphael gently picked up the masterpiece and laid it down for wrapping. First, he must polish up the framework. He carefully peeled back the edges of the price sticker and shone up the glass underneath. The artist's full initials revealed themselves in all their glory:



image 1 canva pro library

The Archangels

What are the 7 days of Creation?

Dreemport banner used with permission by @dreemport and @dreemsteem


Even very good was one of my favorite reads today.

ah, thank you @ricestrela, what a lovely thing to say. That made me smile 🤗 !PIZZA

This is an amazing story.

Thank you for your kind words. It makes me happy that you enjoyed it.

You are welcome.

A beautiful recreation written with the biblical elements of Genesis.
The seven-day work is completed on the day of rest with the beautiful Eve offering an apple. Beautiful metaphor that is repeated in the act of creation by all artists. Congratulations on this text, @samsmith1971.

Thank you @gracielaacevedo. Apologies for the slightly longer length. It makes me happy that you enjoyed it 🤗 !ALIVE

@silentbot star 3

Thank you @pibara !ALIVE

Genesis unfolds in images as we read your text, @samsmith1971. You have written a beautiful piece, very enjoyable. We like to see your acertive comments on fellow writers' posts.

Thank you @theinkwell 💗🙏 I have commented on two so far and will be reading more in the next couple of days and commenting. !PIZZA !ALIVE


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Thank you, I love pizza!

I love the creationist theme behind your story. your mention of the archangels also aroused my interest, I have always had a strong spiritual sense towards them.

I'm glad you enjoyed their presence too❣️I didn't think the story would be complete without them🙏 My Mom always used to tell me that she would call on various archangels in prayer for healing, protection, advice, or guidance. My heart is open.

My Mom always used to tell me that she would call on various archangels in prayer for healing, protection, advice, or guidance

I do this most days of the week, their energies are undeniable 🙏😊


Some artists can really brilliant jobs. It's so nice reading through this Piece. Well done man....

aw thank you so much @cool08 I appreciate you 😍

That was the story of Genesis?! Sam! Save us some space would you... That was out of this world. The everything... I'm short of words on how to describe how beautiful this was... I feel so emotional rn(damn that time of the month)... Beautiful piece. I would do more than a comment, upvote and reblog if I could! ❤️

aw, thank you, sweetie! That is such a lovely thing to say. What an awesome comment... you make me want to tear up a little ...happy tears... love you x !LUV !ALIVE

I loved your story and the way you formatted it is worth following. Yes perhaps "creation" would be the most appropriate name for such an artwork!

Thank you @rayt2. I appreciate your kind comments🤗!PIZZA

You're welcome!

Lovely story, @samsmith1971. So that's how it all went at the beginning of creation! I love the relationship of the Father and son. Well done!

hehe, I don't profess to know anything !LOLZ But I did love writing it. Thank you for your kind comments @jayna ❣️ !ALIVE

You are out of jokes for the day!

@samsmith1971 you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 4 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

@jayna! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (9/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Congratulations, @samsmith1971. This story was selected for The Ink Well's weekly highlights: Thanks for posting in The Ink Well!

thank you @jayna, it is a privilege to do so. thank you for appreciating my short story 🙏❣️

This story has left me totally speechless. In a masterful way it tells how God gave color to this world in the company of his son, and how the first man and the first woman with their actions passed on a debt to all mankind. Congratulations it was beautiful!

Thank you @marbrym, I am happy you enjoyed it !ALIVE

@marbrym! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thnak you veru much!! ❤️

Oh, that’s beautifully done. Of course God painted the most beautiful picture of all, and we have not done justice to his creation. Kudos, Sam, it’s lovely❤️💕❤️❤️💕❤️

aw, thank you, my friend. I enjoyed writing it🙏💗 So happy you enjoyed it❣️

Oh wow, love this, so beautifully written! Funny, I had toyed with writing the same idea this week - God as 'the artist', but I'm glad I didn't now, my version would have paled in comparison to yours. 🙂

Well done!

You should have! You would have had such fun writing it. I know I did... it was a mix of creative joy, and thoughtfulness for me - I loved pulling it together. I'm so happy you appreciated it💗🙏I will come over to your blog and read your They're here story as I see you haven't written for this week as yet... still time though hehe... !PIZZA !ALIVE

I could tell, there was such fun in the writing! 😁

And thank you, I've gone a bit long this week with mine, AND I went off on a tangent with the story like I usually do! 🙂 I'll try edit it down a bit, hopefully will get it posted tomorrow. Can I still post if it's over 1500 words do you know?

hey, I did!!! The Artist was circa 1800 words... I reread it a number of times but just couldn't chop it to something that I still loved, so I left it like that... I have written about 4-5 times now recently in The Inkwell and I would say half of them were within the limit, half exceeded. I am writing for me first and foremost... I do try to tighten... but sometimes, especially with dialogue involved, I just can't, as the dialogue is trying to reveal the relationship too. I'm sure with more experience, I will improve too and be able to meet the word limit a lot more frequently, but I am not going to stress if I go over... but I won't start posting 2000 + stories !LOLZ

Why do ghosts like to hang out in bars?
They enjoy the boos.

Credit: reddit
@strangegravy, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Congratulations! You've been awarded an upvote from The Creative Coin Fund.

Copy of Copy of Freewrite 40Day 1100 (1).png

Manual selection by @cliffagreen.

Thank you so much for curating my short story @cliffagreen, very much appreciated💗

Finally I get to finish one of your stories... I was halfway into the leprechaun one then the black belt but was too sleepy to finish 😭.

VYB Curation Project (VCP)

"Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself." - Samuel Butler

hehe ...note to self... I must write better... and more succinctly... so that @khoola may not continue to fall asleep reading my short stories 😂 ... or maybe I read that wrong?... maybe bedtime stories are meant to lull sleepyheads into slumber? !ALIVE

Hahahahaha 🤣


My friend Phillip had his lip removed last week
now we just call him Phil.

Credit: reddit
@khoola, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

@khoola! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

aghhhhhhhhhhh i can't believe it... i had an entire comment written - huge - and its all gone!!! LOL


well first off - let me show you this hehe



and i was saying that i think that the image made me guess right away what was happening but that didn't lessen the joy of the revelations made throughout the post! hehehe it was just so fun reading it - like I was sharing a secret with you from beginning to end!

I love the modern version of Adam and Eve - and the twist... how their children and children's children would be paying for generations to come lol

such a fabulous writer, you are, my Sam! hehehehe loved this!

and I loved that you shared this with dreemers! It definitely is a post that needed to be seen and enjoyed by a new audience! Hoping that DreemPort gives it just another day of life tomorrow!!!


Now, how did I not notice this before !lol ? Well, now I am made up - perfect❣️

You had a lot going on when I wrote this in Feb but it makes me so so very happy that you have read it. I would say it was a labour of love but that would be untrue... it was just love. I loved writing this piece so much. It took me creatively and spiritually to another place; and I was just smiling the whole time I was tapping away.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our hearts and minds in Dreemport 🤗
Love you, my friend 💗

Job interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.

Credit: reddit
@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Well @samsmith1971, I would say that your story is pretty good. 😛

Yesterday, this was a bright white canvas, today it has the markings of the heavens colouring the skies.

Yup, definitely good. 😉

hehe, thank you @yaziris... I tried❣️ !ALIVE

You call that tried?

Well, keep trying then! 😁


hehe sorry, I didn't mean to come across like that !LOLZ. I did put in a huge effort, not just tried but I always do with my creative pieces. Because of the subject matter I wanted to get across a message in a way that people enjoyed it and did not find offensive in any way. This is the part that I refer to when I say tried it is a fine balance... It was written with a lot of heart and love over a couple of days💗

You are out of jokes for the day!

@samsmith1971 you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 4 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

In the beginning what was the light or the canvas? HaHa! :)

It took a little while to figure out where the story was going, the surprise at the end, the resolution that God's children's works are also his. Well done, this riddle!

I have to admit that I was waiting for some kind of discord to arise between the protagonists, some scratch of their characters to become visible, or some contact with the environment, which is sometimes antagonistic. A dissonance in the midst of the mood, since, as it looks to me, creation itself sometimes eats its own children too. LOL

Young children are truly a blessing to their parents, I felt that too while reading, the admiration and interest they show their parents a precious phase you don't know if they will stay or pass. Happy the parent whose son follows in their footsteps and also finds fulfilment in it.

Thank you for your diligent, interesting, always kind, value-adding comments, @erh.germany 💗 Yes, the bright white canvas hehe... LIGHT ... and the discord is there... just more subtle and comes in the form of temptation 😜 !ALIVE !LUV

@erh.germany! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I take it on my part to have missed that and that I probably was too impatient.

Do you know Mark Twains take on Adam and Eve? The "Diary"?

I hadn't come across it before but I just found it here and read it. Quite spectacular. A little bit of knowledge and a lack of understanding, are dangerous at the best of times. I found it interesting the way in which Twain juxtaposes the different experiential perspectives and insights of both Adam and Eve ...of Creation and of each other. A truly enjoyable read, thank you for bringing it to my attention. How inconclusive everything is... and what is everything predicated on in the end? ... this sentence, a delicious double entendre in its formation:

it is in the heart that the values lie.

@samsmith1971, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Happy Valentine's day and asked us to give you a new badge!

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Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!
Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 8

Wow! Kudos on a excellently written story! You give your readers a fictional, captivating view of the creation and I enjoyed reading it.

This goes to show you are feeling much better! Have a slice of !PIZZA. ☺️

Thank you Kemmy❣️and I am...a little tired during the day but mostly feels like a bad head cold now. !PIZZA